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Reviews for Make up your mind

By : KimGuess
  • From ANON - Crimson2006 on December 24, 2006
    Nice story! ^^
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  • From ANON - yami nefertira on March 19, 2005
    yay a nice bakura and ryou fanfic, me likey
    i am fascinated with this couple idea, well writen
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  • From ANON - AlesserBeing on April 30, 2004
    wow, i loved it. It was absolutely perfect. *3 thumbs up!* lol

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  • From ANON - DarkQueen on February 23, 2004
    It was great. Keep up the good work, and bring on the fluff!
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  • From on February 22, 2004
    This was great, a one-shot? Very nice, I'll see if I have room in my favorites...excellent! I hope to see more of ya.

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