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Reviews for It Started With Snow

By : Brieann
  • From ANON - Mrpointyhorns on October 25, 2004
    Hey this is such a good fic please can you email me when you update or something I don't know anything keep writing post soon!
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  • From ANON - Kat1132 on October 21, 2004
    That was a really nice twist you added with the triplets. I really liked the binge scene. I was laughing so hard my friend asked me if I wasn't dying then why was I making such a horribly loud noise at such an ungodly hour. I had to read this in two parts. I have a suggestion for a name for the little dragons. It's dragonlet's. You can choose if you want to use it or not, but I just wanted to throw that tht there. I liked the chapter. I can't wait until they arive. Good luck with this!
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  • From ANON - Patrick on October 21, 2004
    You don't stop, its just greatness followed by awe shattering greatness. Yugi's ooc assertiveness was a stroke of genius, you couldn't have made it hotter if you'd tried. I'm at a lack for words, this story is just beautiful. I'd love to see possibly a sequal or two, that would be awesome.
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  • From on October 21, 2004
    *squeals* OMG!! That was so funny and then I wanted to cry. Great job!! I can't wait for more!! *glomps*
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  • From ANON - 26-no on October 20, 2004
    ^_______^ yay u updated! wouldn't be too much to ask if you'd do it again? please! ^_______________________^ i really love this fic!
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  • From ANON - Patrick on October 18, 2004
    Once again you've astounded me, you just don't stop do you? Everything you write is just so beautiful and exquisite, you've now secured a place above the best of the best in my opinion. Yes, that does mean I know love this story more then anything JK Rowling or Stephan King could ever write, that is a hard place for anyone to earn when it comes to me. You are my idol, I've thought up a few sotries and I can honestly say you were what caused the creative spark to com up with the sotries. Your added to my Yahoo and AIM, I hope to get the oppertunity to talk to you soon, it will be an honor to talk to a literary genius of your caliber.
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  • From ANON - 26-no on October 18, 2004
    ^________^ yay 3! ooo....hope seto takes it well, deep down he's really a nice guy! ^^ um...anyways hope they all make it and update soon! i know i'm like 3 day's late an all but heh oh well. please don't hurt the baby's or jou, PLEASE?! (try's to use puppy dog eyes fails miserably) ^^;
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  • From ANON - Melanie on October 16, 2004
    hey! you are an awesome writer keep up the good work! :) -mel *

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  • From ANON - Melanie on October 16, 2004
    hey! you are an awesome writer keep up the good work! :) -mel *

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  • From ANON - FuKouHei (you should know by now) on October 15, 2004
    I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT! Well good things come in threes. Great chappie. I can't wait for the next one. ^_^
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  • From ANON - Sushi on October 14, 2004
    I always enjoy your updates. I can't wait to read more. This was a great chapter. Poor Jou, so full of babies. =D
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  • From ANON - Patrick on October 11, 2004
    Sorry I didn't review the last chapter, chalk it up to a very stressing and busy schedule. Once again you've completely astounded me, the story just is one of the best I've ever read. Its so beautifully worded, you work up the story plot so well, and you always keep the reader coming back again and again. For this I congratulate you, only a true author can pull all of those together and then arrange them so that the story is just beautiful and irresistible. You truly are a great author, I wish I had your creative abilities. Can't wait for the next chapter
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  • From ANON - Sisco on September 27, 2004
    Sisco: *squeals like an evil fangirl* OMG!! Such a great story! =D

    Jou: Chill out!

    Seto: ...

    Sisco: I can't! This story is so cool! It has comedy, action, and drama!! :hugs the author: You're very cool! You inspire me to draw and write more.

    Seto: Oh, God no!

    Jou: Hey, she may actually come up with something decent this time. ^^;

    Sisco: >=P Hmph!
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  • From ANON - FuKouKei (2 lazt 2 log in) on September 24, 2004
    Great job! I loved this chappie very much! Update soon! ^_^
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  • From ANON - Patrick on September 23, 2004
    Once again a truly superb showing of literary genius, and just plain old awesome creativity. I loved getting to see Yugi on top for once, to often that situation is neglected in alot of Yami/Yugi fics. You are the Queen of awesome sex scenes, they are superb and just so vivid, makes you feel you were there really. All I can say is that I'm waiting with baited breath for the new chappie and that if ever there was a truly wonderful author out there, it would be you. Keep up the good work
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