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Reviews for It Started With Snow

By : Brieann
  • From ANON - Sushi on September 23, 2004
    I'm so enjoying this fiction. I think you've done such a great job. I can't wait until the next chapter
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  • From KatsuuKiagri on September 23, 2004
    Love it! I love this story. You have to keep writing, I wanna know what's gonna happen with Yugi and Yami and Joey's babies. I think the story is great and I always look forward to updates. I love your story. *__*
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  • From ANON - Gryph on September 23, 2004
    Heehee, I am LOVING this fic! Poor Yami... I think he was hoping it wouldn't work o.o Man, 9 months without using his Shadow powers....
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  • From ANON - Patrick on September 21, 2004
    I've been reading your story for quite awhile now and decided now was as good a time as any to review. I truly love the story, I'm a massive fan of Seto/Jou fics, and you do it so well its almost breathtaking. You write with such finesse its hard to believe you aren't a professional writer, unless you are of couse, and then the folly would be on me :P. I love how you never let your reader get complacent at the end of a chapter, you always have some way of catching the readers attention and keeping coming back for more, this is the sign of a true literary genius. I hope you keep up the good work, I'm eagerly awaiting the next chapter
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  • From ANON - Raven Rae on September 14, 2004
    Yami pregnant....8-| that does not govery well with my yami who has a thing for the pharoh unlike me who has a thing for the tomb robber. but hey it keeps the boat afloat and the story going, specially since most fics have yugi is always on bottom. yeah yugi he gets to top off yami...(runs off and laughs at her yami sulking in corner) yugi diserves it having to deal with a pharoh as a yami. snicker snicker (gets bonked upside the head by her yami)
    okay okay just reviewing to tell you how great the story is and that i cant wait to finish reading it and see whats happens to yami!!! >:) (runs away waving bye as her yami comes at her with a giant hammer) Bye bye
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  • From ANON - day dreamer on September 14, 2004
    It was really good up untill the mpreg started happening, i gotta say im not a fan....apart from that exellent though.
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  • From ANON - FuKouHei (2 lazy 2 log in) on September 13, 2004
    I'm so happy! I love this story to pieces! Yea! Continue soon.
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  • From ANON - Dutchess Murasaki on September 13, 2004
    This story rocks! *wonders* Why do a lot of the great Seto x Jou stories out there have to do with SNOW?! I mean, I'm talking about the story Snowed In on by insight-to-insanity. It's a great story. I suggest it to all.

    Anywho, this is the first Mpreg story I've ever read, and you make it hilarious. In seminary today I was reading the part where Yami was screwing Yugi on Seto's kitchen table and I was horny >_> that was so mean of you.

    Please update soon, this story rocks!

    p.s.- do you have an account on
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  • From ANON - Katrina VenTassel on September 12, 2004
    Sup? I love the fact that Yami might have to carry the baby. That would be so cute! ^_^ I love the story so far and hope that you don't do anything to Jou or the twins. Love ya lots. (not that way hentai) How will Yugi take to not being able to carry the baby? And will yami do it for Yugi? This will be to cute for words. Also, I have a friend and if I can I will get her to do a pic for this story. It will either be of Seto and Joey or Yami and Yugi. Either way one of them will be pregnant. Like I said before, Updat soon and I love the cute ass story!!!!! ^_^
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  • From ANON - Sushi on September 11, 2004
    I've been reading this story for some time an's g's great. I can't wait to read more. LOL. it's rich that Yami can carry the babies. Keep up the good work
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  • From ANON - DrkMnComikker on September 11, 2004
    this is an awesome fic.

    i am just dying to know if it's Yugi or Yami to get it?

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  • From ANON - Yami's_Princess on September 08, 2004
    Absolutely great! Very well written and fantastic, keep it up!!
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  • From ANON - Kalie Mitsuke on September 06, 2004
    Please update asap! I want to know what the birth will be like and are these dreams like a warning to Joey that his dad will be back. And why does everyone in storys always have Joey's dad as a cold heartless bastard that likes to pound Joey to pieces? Anyways please Update Soon!
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  • From ANON - Kat on September 06, 2004
    What a lovely, sweet chapter! Although, I did just about gag over that sandwich and I did laugh hysterically with the bathroom question. I can definitely see Yugi asking about that. I've got a friend who's just started her 7th month and I'm so going to ask if it felt like fish swimming when her daughter started moving. She'll laugh herself silly, that's for sure!

    Oh Gods, I never thought about the initials! I just about fell over howling when I read that part!

    Can't wait to see what Yugi does.

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  • From ANON - FuKouHei (2 lazy 2 log in) on August 28, 2004
    I finally decided to review. I love this story 2 pieces. I hope u update soon.
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