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Reviews for Millenium Gold: The seX Philes

By : KamuiShirou
  • From ANON - lupusdragon on June 19, 2003
    Karen: How could we forget to review a Bakura/Ryou phile? *smacks LD with the All-Powerful Laptop* I am sure this is all your faut!
    LD: Sorry, geeze. What would you have said about it anyway?
    Karen: *rereads phile and passes out * x_x
    LD: See, that is my point. She is a sucker for the sugared lemons. I feel a little bad for Isis (ok, really bad) And I love the g abg about Marik and Bakura being brothers. That is too great. As Karen would say, it is sweet, but funny as hell as well. But Ryou is such a cutie and so romantic... despite being a whore at heart ^_^ We definitely need more of them. And Malik. More Malik ^_^ We love you!
    Karen: I am so sorry we didn't review before, than you would have had 330 reviews for your author's notes. Waaaaaahh! ;_; We are such bad fans.
    LD: Um...
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  • From ANON - DracOnyx on June 19, 2003
    *melts with a sigh* awww . . . that was so sweet! So, is Ryou going to become Bakura's personal love like Yugi and Jou are Yami and Seto's? just curious. Another good chap, as always.
    Was surprised to hear you were in the Air Force. That's cool . . . so was I : )
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  • From Karanda on June 19, 2003
    You just keep getting better and better. o_o Can I worship you? XD
    But seriously, very nice. _Very_ nice. I do like this a lot (and of course, a lot of tasty Bakura/Ryou doesn't hurt either.)
    Keep up the good work. >3
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  • From ANON - Neko Jounouchi aka Jams on June 18, 2003
    Jams: Aww how sweet! ^.^
    Neko Jounouchi: Even though we've seen enough Ryou/Bakura stories to make our heads spin! @.@
    Jams: Well it was still sweet! ^.^ Keysha proves once again she is da bomb-i-est!!
    Seto Plushie: Bomb-i-est? O.o Jams you need to work on your grammar.
    Neko Jounouchi: ::thwacks Seto Plushie with frying pan:: Jams' grammar is just fine!!
    Jams: Yeah :P
    Neko Jounouchi: ::glomps Keysha:: ^.^
    Jams: ::glomps Keysha as well:: More soon! ^.^
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  • From ANON - Chel on June 18, 2003
    **wipes her eyes**
    This has to be the most incredibly romantic phile I've read.

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  • From ANON - Shadow blade on June 18, 2003
    Oooh Fluffy smut! Nice one again, although an Albino dressed in all black seems kinda odd. Also glad to see Marik has a good taste in video games( Niobe or Ghost?)
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  • From ANON - Maddy on June 18, 2003
    awww, so sweet - very refreshing to see Bakura a little vulnerable, a little needy. Heck, everyone gets like that sometimes....
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  • From ANON - Heather Akutenshi on June 18, 2003
    Heather: AWW!! That was great! I loved your story so far! Been reading it since this morning, kept getting inturupted by a certain sister of mine who wanted to go to the pool and couldn't go alone! But great chapter for this one also! I love the Ryou x Bakura part! Twas great!! Aww! Bakura is so sexy and kawaii and misunderstood. Ryou can always understand him, he is the one of the few that can see Bakura's true feelings, and not the rough tomb robber outside! ^__^ Oh!! I can't wait to read the hole foursome thing! ::snickers:: My friend Takira is reading this, don't know if she'll review...some times she is like me and forgets to or is to lazy! hehe but we always love the stories we read, well most of the time! Seto/Jou! Bakura/Ryou!! w00t!! Those are my favorite to Bakura/Ryou/Marik/Malik!! That ones is great also! I love to read the lemons in Bakurasgirl's fanfiction! Hehe! Keep it up! This is a really good fanfiction so I'm deffently hope you never end this, or if you do, write a sequal!! ^________________^ Well Ja ne for now! ::disappears::

    Duo-neko-chan: I give this story my 'Shinigami's Yaoi Award' for outstanding lemons!! Well ja ne!! ::disappears with Heather::
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  • From ANON - bakurasgirl on June 18, 2003
    Thank you for the support, Keysha. I really appreciate it. I like you too. You are also a great authoress. We have to stick together, you know. Great minds think alike.
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  • From ANON - Exotica on June 18, 2003
    I need to review more great stories like this often... Great job! This is not only a PWP-ish story, but a very well writPWP-PWP-ish story! You probably keep your husband up all night, huh? *hentai grin* but seriously great job, and could you possibly please make a very kinky Yami/Yuugi phile? With feathers and stuff of that natural? Thanks!!
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  • From ANON - JJVO on June 18, 2003
    Sweet and gently that Ryou and Bakura for ya ;)
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  • From ANON - HellChild on June 18, 2003
    *crying my eyes out* that was soooo sweet! omg u deserve a medal or somthing for that! aijin no kokoro, ousama no tamashii
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  • From ANON - Iluvkenshin on June 18, 2003
    Key...u done it again...mmm, this one very erotic...romantic...

    Can't wait 4 the banging 2 begin with Seto/'s getting hot in here!!!

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  • From ANON - kawaii kitsune Mirakai-chan on June 18, 2003
    Awwwwwwww... Ryou and Bakura make such a kawaii pair!!! You should write them more often!!! Damn... I wish I could write lemons...

    YAMI KAI: Yeah... I Yuugi/Yami lemon would work well in your story hikari dearest...

    Yeah it would. Oh well... Yami can't do that rinow now anyway... ^^;;; Mira-chan no baka for sending him to the hospital...

    YAMI MIRA: I didn't now you were into writing shameless plugs in your reviews hikari! ^^;;;

    SERI: *snickers*

    KIRIKO: If ya wanna read her story (Pairings: YY/Y B/R A/M YM/M S/J) it's on fanfiction.neter ter the pen name Mira-chan. The storys title is Tenshi. ^^;;;

    Now _THAT_ is a shameless plug! ^^;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

    *everyone laughs*

    Anyway... AWESOME FICCIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't _WAIT_ for the next chap!!! ^___________^
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  • From ANON - Dragondreamer Yami Dragon on June 18, 2003
    YD: *glomps Keysha* That was great!!
    DD: It's so good to see you back!
    YD: So, when are ya gonna finish TST?
    DD: *smacks YD*
    YD: Well, we've been waiting FOREVER!!
    DD: Can't wait for the next one!
    YD: Mmmm...Joey!
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