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Reviews for The Power of Love

By : Brieann
  • From ANON - Sarah Costa on February 09, 2005
    Thanks for the fan art! I like it! Now here goes the review...I like iit! What happen next? Is Yami ok? And Joey wil be alright? PLEASE UPDATE! Ja ne.
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  • From ANON - anubiset on February 08, 2005
    I read this one on the other site. I have to say you are a great writer. I can`t wait to see how Yami deals with the huge belly. That is going to be fun. I hope everything works out for Jou. I can understand how he would a girl after what happened. I hope he gets his wish and I hope he`ll be okay in doing it.
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  • From ANON - buggycas on February 08, 2005
    just read chap 8 really good so far, I wonder what Jou's going to say to Seto if one or more of the eggs take..... well I can't wait I'm watching for more.
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  • From wherdatcomfrom on February 08, 2005
    I don't normally review Yu gi oh! fics, but I have read this one since the first and I wanted you to know, I find it: compelling, well thought out and imaginative. Don't take flames to heart. Small minds have little patience and if they don't like it, they can always stop reading the updates. Speaking of which, I hope there are more to come. Keep it up, and don't let the sand man slow you down, you can always sleep next year.
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  • From ANON - cujo1991 on February 08, 2005
    i really really love this story please write more
    thank u
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  • From ANON - sushi on February 07, 2005
    This was a good chapter. Evil Jou. LOL. Now I can't wait to read how Seto finds out. As for people who like to knock down others work. Don't worry about it, though I'm sure you would anyway. There's always someone out there you can't please. I do hope you continue. I love this series. =D
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  • From buggycas on February 05, 2005
    very very good I just read the first one and this one and I can't wait for more also a comment for the person who made a comment about jou's name in Japan the last name is always first his name is listed as kausta jounichi (no I can't spell) true but that is because his given name is jou
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  • From ANON - FuKouHei (logged off) on January 29, 2005
    I loved this chappie and I'm sorry I haven't review for a long time. Family troubles, ya know? The end was very good and I can't believe someone would complain so much about a wonderful story. When the hell DID you use 'Jo-Kun?' I don't remember it. Update soon! ^_~
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  • From ANON - Sarah Costa on January 28, 2005
    I like this story!!! Nice Surprise Joey!!! What happen next? However, I would love to see Yugi pregnant but I don't mind seeing Yami pregnant. Keep up the good work. Please update as soon as you can and send me the fan art please!!! Ja ne.
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  • From ANON - Sushi on January 28, 2005
    I can't believe I missed some chapters. I'm so happy to be caught up. I still love this story. I can't wait for the next part.
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  • From atemuxyuugi on January 09, 2005
    Uuuh, I just hope Yuugi's small jealousy won't get them into a fight or something. I like the fact that Yami and Yuugi are working so good together with all. I wouldn't like to see them suddenly starting to fight. ^^ The chapter was nice, I am really looking forward to read more of this story. ^^

    *UsagiLovesDuochan /`^_^´
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  • From ANON - shadowgirl on January 04, 2005
    Verry cute story can't wait tell capter 2 so plz update
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  • From ANON - Sarah Costa on December 19, 2004
    Wow...a beautiful wedding from my favorite yaoi couple...keep up the great work. Please update as soon as you can. Ja ne.
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  • From ANON - 26 no on December 08, 2004
    sry about that last email it was...rather written by my cuz before i got a chance to read it and the fact that i haven't been on lately, i know it was ify on that subject either way sry besides it would be perposterious if jou and seto gave away their babies! *hit's cousin on head w/ frying pan* ^^; on a better note yami showing a bit is good!
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  • From ANON - rachi on December 07, 2004
    Oh, WWOOOOWWW!!!!!! I love this story so far!!!! I can't wait for you to write more....... Please, soon soon soon soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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