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Reviews for Missing

By : KikiItemri
  • From CrazySixki on October 01, 2010
    is this finished *pouts* this has real potential for a good story :)
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  • From YamiKuro on March 20, 2009
    I like it so far. Looking forward to more! ^_^

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  • From SapphireFenix on March 01, 2008
    u SHOULD REALLY UPDATE THIS. it's a very good story and i really want to see what happens
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  • From ANON - Lep on August 31, 2005
    WOO! This is great ^^
    I dont know how long ago you wrote this but.. i want an update anyways! *begs* Pleease?!

    now... wheres that Ryou plushie *looks around*
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  • From ANON - MarikIshtar77 on February 14, 2005
    Awww...poor Ryou! I'm curious to see Bakura's reaction when he tell him how he feels. (Is Bakura gonna laugh at him?!?)
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  • From ANON - Karina on February 14, 2005
    I canīt wait to see where this is going! ^_^ (well, we can sort of figure it out, but itīll be great to actually read it) When I saw the summary description, I got all bouncy and excited. Iīll be waiting patiently for a glorious update. Extra good luck with your first yaoi lemon! ~_~ *thumbs up*...*crosses fingers*
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