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Reviews for Azizi

By : NihilEtNemo
  • From sweetciel on March 08, 2007
    I was so terrified when it came to the conclusion. Thank Kami for the happy ending. Thank you.
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  • From ANON - Dark side of the mokie on July 31, 2006
    WILL YOU MARRY ME? You are like the only person I've met that understands that there is a dark, demented side of the Mokester. Look at his hair. Does any nice, sane, straight guy wear it that way? I would'nt be suprised if Mokuba raped Pegasus. That would explain Pegasus' "fruity" ;) behavior. Mokuba is the king of dark people. Bakura probably worships him. My muse, Alucard, and my slave, Lycos, say that you are the greatest author of all. Thank you for your wonderful story, I don't deserve to read, but I did anyway. Please let me know when you write another story. I worship the keyborad you type on. All will bow to the night. Why does it feel so good to be evil? Oh well, I guess it was meant to be. One day, the Physchotic, Demented, Disturbed, Sadistic, Masochistic, slightly homocidal people will rule the world, and I will be their King. And you will be either the queen or the offical writer of the Crazy Court. I LOVE YOU!!!! Write more stories like this or the little people will make me do scary things. They make me feel good... maybe too good? I should probably get some help for that huh? Oh well, the shrink said I was as sane as I would ever be. I think that's a good thing.
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