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Reviews for What Once Was

By : mmm
  • From hsosborne on December 13, 2007
    and the plot thickens... ^_^
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  • From ChibiBerry on November 01, 2007
    i sorta feel sorry for yami, its was kind of seto's fault..i wonder if seto is ever going to satrt caring about him more?
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  • From ChibiBerry on November 01, 2007
    poor seto, he has to endure 21 day..anyway keep up the good work, ur doing great!
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  • From ChibiBerry on November 01, 2007
    Hmm....very intersting! Me like!
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  • From ANON - Serrandipity on August 09, 2007
    Oh.. I likes. X3 Yay for Kaiba and Ryou! XD Update soon and keep up the good work~!
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  • From Katsuya on June 28, 2007
    i like the story. seeing seto puzzled just gives me joy. Also my sister says you seem to have the worst luck in history.
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  • From setoaddict on June 27, 2007
    Oh I love how this is going! I wonder who he is going to end up with. I vote for a threesome with Ryou and Bakura! Great work, please update soon!
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  • From DragonSpeaker on June 26, 2007
    Wow that was awsome! This is a great fic!
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  • From ANON - Akio Amadeo on May 04, 2007
    YAY! I love Seto/Ryou pairings! You don't see to many of them so huza! And i'm looking forward to more Seto/Ryou goodness as you said would be in the next chapter, i just hope Seto doesn't end up hurting Ryou he's so innocent in this fic and adorable. BTW i'm glad you are feeling better and lucky you with the pile-up car accident, kudos to you, please update soon!

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  • From sweetciel on May 02, 2007
    Oh dear me! That was a yummy lemon! *fans self*...yeah...HOT! More plzzzzzzzzzz ^_^
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  • From setoaddict on May 02, 2007
    Great chapter, I loved the Seto/Ryou lemon, and can't wait for the next one! Update soon, I'll be waiting!
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  • From ANON - Akio Amadeo on May 01, 2007
    great chapter! And i'm sorry about your jaw and the pills, medication is evil. I hope you feel better soon, i find writing good therapy and i hope to see the next chapter soon!
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  • From setoaddict on April 23, 2007
    Very good! And very hott! I loved the Seto/Ryou action! I'm hoping this will turn into a threesome fic with Seto and both Ryou and Bakura, but I guess I'll just have to wait and see! Please update as soon as you can, I can't wait to read more.

    Man, you seem to be having really bad luck lately. I know what you mean about the pain when you sleep and the pills. I was the same way when I had three wisdom teeth cut out. I hope it gets better for you soon.
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  • From sweetciel on April 23, 2007
    Delicious! Can't wait for the rest ^_^ I'm dying to know what jounouchi's reaction to kaiba will be. LOVE IT!!!!!!!!
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  • From setoaddict on April 16, 2007
    Oh, wow. That was soo hott! You're awsome! I can't wait for the next update! I just loved the Bakura/Seto action, and I'm dying to see what you do next! I hope everything works out for you with your jaw and everything. I don't blame you, I'd want the surgery over taking pills that keep me knocked out too.
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