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Reviews for Fleeing the Shadows

By : tavia454
  • From dragonlady222 on September 24, 2007
    Poor Yugi. He obviously found out about his friends. I hope Atemu will let him speak to Jou. That would help Yugi a lot. I can just see Jou and Seto fighting and terrorizing poor Ryou. Jou would not be an easy one to settle down. I hope Yugi and Atemu can strengthen their bond.
    Good chapter.
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  • From ANON - lo on September 23, 2007
    Nicely done, you are tieing the chararcters into this story wonderfully. this is very good.
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  • From catti on September 23, 2007
    thought you had forgotten about spend all that time rereading stories...committin them to memory and you take fooooorever to update..laughs...its an awesome story and once I reread it I actually remembered it...Im getting better I know I you to your stories...still waiting for that promised story of J/K...catti
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  • From DragonSpeaker on September 16, 2007
    Well i think that this was a great chapter, no criticisim needed!
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  • From ShadowGM on September 15, 2007
    You're doing really fine! honestly! I feel this is the better chapter you wrote for this story so far, things are getting clearer little by little. I also feel like you've improved a little your writing style. You give just enough information for us to keep wondering. All in all, a very good chapter! ^_^ keep it up!
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  • From dragonlady222 on September 15, 2007
    Great chapter. I hope Atemu can keep his hormones in check for a little while. I'm glad he got Yugi to wake up and trust him a little. I hope Seto can keep Jou safe.
    I wonder if the others are okay, I hope so but I don't really have much hope that they are.
    Wonderful story.
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  • From Sacuna on September 15, 2007
    Another great chapter! I like the way the story is forming, pieces of information here and there. It's kind of slow, but that's just because I'm being impatient >_< I'm always like that. So much fun! I'm waiting for the next chapter.
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  • From catti on September 15, 2007
    Awww man that was the shadow magic...yes it can do good, people!!..Figured you would throw Seto and Jou together...(dont you owe me a S/J story?)...I have some return of the 2006 corvettes but my love is still and always a 1965 Mustang Convertable...OH YEAH!!!!.....I love this story....just need to update more quickly...laughs...just a little push...thats all...catti
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  • From ANON - lo on September 15, 2007
    Nice chapter, I like the fact that you are able to move the story along.
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  • From ANON - Moondalian on September 13, 2007
    Okay, so I finally made some time to read this *sweatdrop* and no... I still haven't finished my own chapter... which i really need to do today so you can actually edit before Saturday. Remind me to slap myself the next I procrastinate like this.

    Anyway, since I'm reviewing, back to your story. Damn Atemu needs to get his hormones ibn check XD Would've actually been funny if he'd just gone ahead and kissed Yuugi when they were still in the bushes. I think that would've shocked Yuugi into submission y'know. Okay, it probably would've shocked him to a point where he'd end up in a coma with all the confusion but that's sooooo beside the point here. I do feel sory for Yuugi though. Poor kid went through more than most people do in their lives put together. Hope he recovers okay soon.

    Oh, and that plotbunny that wouldn't give you the full plot to this thing is doing fine. It says since you wanted to kill it, it now refuses to help you. It's actually dicussing revenge plans with Hentai... yeah, I think we both know what that will mean *grins evilly* I've named the bunny Mike... and don't ask me why cuz I have no idea. I just named it that. Anyway, expect his revenge action soon.

    Now I'm off to go take a shower and then write... since I desperately need to finish that chapter. Great chapter and update soon!

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  • From ShadowGM on September 09, 2007
    It's ok if they don't bed each other right away. It makes a lot more sense, I prefer waiting than just having them say "I'm bored... oh well, let's have sex to entretain ourselves! ^_^" now that would be weird...
    Writing this kind of fiction is hard, but your doing just well. The hard part is when you have to decide if you're either saying too much or not enough. But this is just the third chapter, so things still need to be a little foggy. You just specially caught my attention with the "protective big brother" character. Now I want to know who it is.. hmm..
    The plot thickens...
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  • From Sacuna on September 09, 2007
    Yay!! Update!! Two actually cuz I missed the first one. Anyway, this story is really good. Not much of on the edge of your seat kinda stuff, but it's fun to read.
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  • From dragonlady222 on September 09, 2007
    I hope Yuugi learns to trust Atemu, they kind of got off on the wrong foot.
    I hope whoever that is doesn't hurt Honda or Anzu. I hope theat detective gets there for Jou soon. Awesome story.
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  • From ANON - lokivsanubis on September 09, 2007
    Yo! Another interesting story with even more characters then the last. Yeah! I can't wait read more about scary cults killing off the cast and what they want to do with Yugi exactly. Hm... Anyway Can't wait!
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  • From ANON - lo on September 08, 2007
    This is getting interesting.
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