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Reviews for Angel of Mine

By : tavia454
  • From Sacuna on March 22, 2008
    Ahh! Poor Yugi! T_T
    Atemu's gonna kill somebody ^_^;

    Love the story and can't wait for more ^_^
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  • From LeilaLogan on March 22, 2008
    YES! YES YOU WOULD MAKE ME CRY INTENTIONALY! *sulks* And see? I'm reviewing! And even before you manage to update again today! GO ME! Well, I have yet to cry thank god and i've gotten through the first three chapters so I guess I'm safe now? *shifty look* Right? RIGHT *no response* A LITTLE CONFIRMATION PEOPLE!

    And where were you last week? You weren't on... I do hope nothing bad happened *frowns* well, I suppose I'll get to hear about that tomorrow if you come online then.

    Anyway, like i said I havnét cried... but damnit, you put Atemu through Hell in this one. Poor guy. First Yuugi, now Gramps. Are you actually gonna kill the old guy off? Cuz that's just sad... really, really sad...

    Well next chap should be updated today so it's really pointless to say 'update soon' ne? ^^; Yeah, I thought so too. Let's see how long I keep you waiting for the next review ne? XD Cya tomorrow!

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  • From Calcifer on March 21, 2008
    O_O Wow. This is angst the way it's meant to be written. I like the way things are moving: not too fast and not too slow. I'm looking forward to the next chapter.

    Keep up the good work!

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  • From LeilaLogan on March 21, 2008
    OMG, Bakura and mariku got brains! MIRACLES DO HAPPEN! Man, who would've ever thought they'd get this straight through their heads? Yes guys, Atemu is human is not responsible for what heppened at Kul Elna. Shocking isn't it? Now if you would've just gotten those brains a bit back or would've opened your damned eyes you might've seen this a bit earlier and it would've saved everyone heaps of trouble. Idiots.

    Well, i still got another chap to go, but at least I'm TRYING to catch up even though I feel too damned lazy to actually read these long-ass chapters. Probably won't get the last one done tonight cuz it's already too late, but meh.

    Anyway, great chap!

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  • From siana on March 19, 2008
    You know I quite like the idea of not being told what's happening to Yugi, I think that when the time comes for him to try to Tell Yami what happened it will draw us in making it seem we are listening first's a great Idea.

    It's a shame about grandpa but I hope he survives so he can help with the healing process because I have a feeling Yugi's going to need it.

    Keep up the good work...maybe one day I'll have a go...nah I'll stick to yours...
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  • From ANON - Hello on March 18, 2008
    Wow, how come I haven't seen this earlier? It's amazing! ^_^ But I want to know what's happening to Yugi. 0__0
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  • From dragonlady222 on March 17, 2008
    Wonderful chapter. Poor grandpa and Atem. I hope he will live and get better but probably not. It's just so sad. Atem is under so much tension and stress, I don't know what he will do. They need to find Yuugi. They are all falling apart without him.
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  • From RayeMoon on March 17, 2008
    Yay, I got time to read Chapter Two and Three! -Reads your comment- Aw, I made you cry. I'm sorry! And you about made me cry! Poor Atemu, so much pain and loss. Great angst, great tension. They world can't be all butterflies and rainbows. 250...some days (sorry, forgot the actual number), gods that's rough! Poor Yugi, Poor Yugi, Poor Yugi! As much as I hate religious bashing, I really liked the scene of Atemu cursing the (G)gods. It just fits so well, so flawlessly. After all that's happened to him, even vicariously, it makes sense for him to lose his faith. I hope he gets it back. That hit close to home, no details given. Atemu wondering if the gods are cursing his choice to remain among the living by taking life for life, wow! Oddly enough, I had that same idea for a fic, but I don't know if I'll write it. I've got so many idea percolating I think I'm going to explode.
    I forsee Grandpa dying, but who knows. You left it up to Fate and there's no guessing. A question, though. What the hell does 'locked in place' mean? I hope you persue that line, it's driving me up the wall! Thanks for saying 'an author of my caliber' that means a lot to me. Keep up the good work!
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  • From AxiaDrake on March 16, 2008
    Very good story so far, an interesting take on things and as usual, you don't disappoint.
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  • From YamiKitsune on March 16, 2008
    I could kick scream and throw a hissy fit saying you are far to evil for leaving the chapter the way you did. But I haven't updated it I have no room to talk. I am far to lazy for my own good right now. Anyway! Awesome chapter~ keep them coming.
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  • From ANON - Rae on March 15, 2008
    WHOO!! UPDATES!!! and yet again you leave me in this pit of despair with Atemu!!
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  • From RayeMoon on March 10, 2008
    Hi! I only got through one chapter--my, was it long, it took me twenty minutes to read!--and I dont' have time to read the second right now, but I will stick on this story, I promise. I don't know who wrote what, which is good, because I can say with complete honesty that you both wrote this story fantastically well. Great dialogue, great settings, and the conflicts! Poor Atemu, sick like a dog and having to go out into the rain, thinking of nothing but finding Yugi, and poor Yugi times a hundred, since you can guess what's going to happen to the guy. Ooh, cruelty! I'm sorry to hear that you're not reading much anymore, tavi, though I understand. So few authors of talent anymore. I really like this and please continue it, both of you. I'm sorry I haven't read Fleeing the Shadows all of the way. I've read most chapters and skimmed the rest, so I know what's happening, I just need to find the time to sit down and read the whole thing line by line. It's so fast-paced and filled with tension. Gah, I'm reviewing both stories. I'll make sure I put a review on the other where it belongs. Please, continue this story whenever you get the chance, it's lovely. I credit both of you. (I'll check Catti's page to see if she has any stories. At the moment I can't think if I've looked before.)Beautiful!
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  • From on March 09, 2008
    awesome cant wait till next chappie
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  • From dragonlady222 on March 09, 2008
    This is just so sad. I hope Atem will be okay. Bakura and Marik are starting to understand him a little better now. I hope that will change how they feel. Seto is learning an important lesson. Friends and family are always more important than money and power. It was so nice of them to come over to help them with Christmas even though Yugi is not there.
    Good chapter.
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  • From YamiKitsune on March 08, 2008
    hehe. ^-^ if I had had a way to contact YamiYugi I would have given that person a peace of my own mind. People like that are just far to annoying. They just live to complain. And if they don't like the angst and abuse and all that other fun stuff. Then they should move their ass back over to

    Anyway! Time to review the chapter! ^-^ awesome chapter. now that I'm not working 9 days strait again, and I have a few days off perhapses I can get some more of my own writing done. Poor Atemu! I just want to huggle him. Hope Yugi comes home soon! ^-^ Ja ne for now~
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