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Reviews for Kitty Ukes

  • From Alryetagory on July 25, 2011
    Hi. I saw you AN and wanted to tell you this: The reason why they call Joey Jou instead of Kat is because Joey prefers that and besides think he said that only his sister was allowed to call him Katsuya... As for Honda, he's not a fan of his first name so Honda it is. It's not so much that they are isolating each other, it's what they prefer to be called and how they know when friend or foe is talking to them. Another example I could use is myself and my friends. My birthname's Gabrielena, but my folks call me Gabi. My friends call me Rye because I hate my name one, and two there's five Gabis in our group. Hope this helps.

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  • From Luluissane on July 22, 2010
    *face-palms at Yami*
    The Pegasus voice is amaaazing~ and all the little analogies. XD
    I love this!!! Please update soon...

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  • From HavocTellenoi on May 06, 2009
    Super Sexy Semes. I can totally see Kaiba saying that and I'm still laughing about the name of the cafe. And of course the totally easily confused Atemu that has like a Pegasus voice in the back of his head is amusing too. Can't wait to see what happens in the next chapters. Keep up the excellent work!
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  • From Yaminisu on November 23, 2008
    highly amusing...loved Yami in the beginning. Then again Bakura banishing all of Burgerworld to the Shadow Realm cause they put pickles on his burger was priceless. Update soon.
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  • From ANON - DarthAnimus on November 16, 2008
    I definitely smell humour coming out of this setting. I suggest more mind-time to Bakura, since his mental raving earned the most chuckles from me. Bakura tends to send me into giggles whenever he's battling against 'the fluff' in fanfiction. Your writing is very even, meaning that the level of desriptive writing stays pretty much the same during the chapter. The parts in which there is a longer dialogue (note: argument) between two characters, you seem to drop the descriptive part entirely but I don't see it as a weakness here. Since you stated that you are aiming for a humorous story, the impact the lines have on the reader is more enforced when there is only the line without any additional baggage. Also, the side notes aren't annoying like they sometimes are in these kinds of fics.

    And, on that rant about their names. In Japan, people are overly polite and slightly distant. Neither girls nor other boys call their male classmates by first name, unless they're really close. Or they're Yugi. Because of this social rule, everyone in the gang calls Jounouchi 'Jounouchi' and Honda 'Honda' despite the fact that this is their last name. Actually, in the original dub and manga, even Ryou is called 'Bakura' by the gang while the Bakura we know is referred to as the 'spirit of the Millenium Ring'. This notion is further proven by the fact that Shizuka (Serenity) calls Jou 'Katsuya'. Also, the manga volumes have character introductions that introduce the characters with their full names and 'Katsuya' and 'Hiroto' are the same as 'Yugi'.

    Sorry if my explanation was boring, but the thing seemed to really bother you.
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  • From ANON - Jou-pup on November 15, 2008
    To answer to your "HUGE ASS AUTHOR NOTE" Katsuya is indeed Jounouchi's first name. It happens a lot in school based shoujo or not anime. Usually a character is called by his or hers given name if they are either: Younger, a girl, smaller or lovers. Friends even if they are close sometimes call eachother by family names.
    But yea, he's usually refeered as Jounouchi by the other characters so it doesn't matter if you use Jounouchi. However if his family are talking to him they'll call him Katsuya. (And really, Jounouchi definatly sounds like a family name as opposed to Katsuya)

    As for the story itself. It's an interesting start. I do hope you update soon, I wonder what's going to happen.
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