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Reviews for It's always been you.

By : Insaniity
  • From SisterWicked on March 24, 2010
    Great work on this, really.. And don't worry about the slowness of updates, real life will always take precedence over online :)
    Besides that, I hate to spam the review, but there's no replying feature here, so..

    Thank you very much for your review of my little bit of fandom, and I hope to have more of that posted somewhat soon.. Actually, if you like Lucky, try visiting my group's new archive and websites, we have a lot of things there that aren't posted anywhere else.. Myself, there are 17 things listed here vs. 34 on the archive :P
    Registration to view the fics is free and instant, and we also have a large image gallery, over 400 icons, and more than 100 online puzzles, plus a live author/reader chat. Hope to see you there soon!

    http:// asshat .0fees. net :)
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  • From MissHestermann on February 14, 2010
    That was really good! I can't wait to read the rest!
    Please update it soon! :D
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  • From LinaHino on January 28, 2010
    Wow, I've to say bravo. This story is such an emotionally pulling piece of work. I am really enjoying it. And even without a beta I have to say that you are doing pretty good in your editing and grammar. I hope to see an update to this story soon.
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  • From firelilly on January 19, 2010
    another cute chapter. This is a really good fic. I just think you need to work on the flow of things a little. Your time transitions are really fast and kind of hard to pick up on. You should find a way to point them out. Other than that I must say you are doing a great job. Keep up the good work and happy writing!
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  • From redconvoy on January 18, 2010

    Bakura: But Bunny, it looked so good by itself!

    Ryou: Oh, so you couldn't share one with me?? YOU DON'T LOVE ME ANYMOOOOOOOOORE!!!!

    Bakura: Please don't's half!

    Ryou: (with big beaming eyes and the fake tears dried) Thank you!

    I cannot wait for the next part. What is Jason's problem and what is Seto's problem ;D
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  • From redconvoy on January 18, 2010
    Can Ryou smack Bakura around a little more? I don't think he's had enough. ;D I like this story. The only problem is, how could Seto risk his job when he owns the company?? He wouldn't really care what anyone thought.
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  • From firelilly on January 18, 2010
    wow what a great start. However I will say that Kaiba was WAY ooc. Then again I tend to get the same comment so it is not a bad thing. I think your story is off to a really great start and I'm excited to read more. Keep up the good work and happy writing!
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