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Reviews for Depression

By : Suta
  • From ANON - jousetoyaoifan on July 14, 2005
    for some odd reason... i've been reading more of depressed stories then ever. Anyway, enough of what I said. The story was really really good, and I *shakes head up and down* definetly want you to continue with the story:)
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  • From ANON - ShadowYami on August 23, 2003
    -SY- SQUEEEEE! This is really, really good! Oh, please say you're gonna update soon? *puppy-eyes*
    -Malik- Says you! You haven't updated your own stuff for months!
    -SY- I know, Im a very bad fangirl. *giggles* Thats why I have you and Dilandau to inspire me!
    -Malik-....I'm not paid enough for this.
    -SY- Whaddya mean? I don't pay you!
    -Malik- My point precisely. -_-;
    -SY- *pouts* Oh, do shut up.
    -SY- Brat.
    -Malik- HEY!
    -SY- Nyaaah! Anyway, this is a very good piece of work, I really am hooked on this, please update soon! *hands you a Ryou cookie*
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  • From ANON - Dragondreamer Yami Dragon on August 23, 2003
    DD: This is getting interesting!
    YD: Poor Joey...I can so see why he needs the fights with Seto.
    DD: Please update again soon...I wanna see what happens!
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  • From ANON - Kitsune Hashiba on July 24, 2003
    Hrm.... what to say.... Well, you look like you've got the start to a really great fic here... although... I have to say... that before you write the rest of this you may reconsider the whole "don't care" thing unless you have the facts straight. First off, people cut because they're depressed, yes. But that doesn't mean that they don't care anymore. If anything it means that do care, enough to hurt themselves at least. People end up cutting because they either want to be special, they're copytheitheir friends, they use it as sort of a personal punishment or they need to feel alive more than anything else. It's basic knowledge needed for this type of fic... If you want to follow the "don't care" plot, you have to draw more on obedience than anything else. People that don't care usually do anything anyone else wants them to. They don't think about it, they just do. Not because they want to or not, it's just somethihat hat ends up happening. I don't know how to explain it unless you've actually been there yourself... They don't want to die, or to hurt themselves particularly. They don't necessarily want to live either, the only reason that you wouldn't kill yourself is because you couldn't care enough to. Imagine you're lying on the floor and you suddenly cease to care about anything. Your mind goes into a blank void and you don't register anything. If you're lucky, someone will come along and tell you to get your ass off the floor and eat or sleep or something... if you're not... well... It's even possible for someone to die like that. I understand if you're writing from Jounouchi(Joey)'s point of view, that he could be exaggerating or he truly believes that that's what is happening. But if you decide to write from someone else's POV, you might want to consider how he or she might look at it if they know how it is. All in all, I'm lng fng forward to seeing more of this. Looks real interesting! =^_~= Ja!
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