Love, Lies and Lipstick | By : lostintheheartland Category: Yu-Gi-Oh > Yaoi - Male/Male Views: 5907 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 2 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh or it's characters. I do not make any profit from this story. I do own my own characters and the work therein. |
Title: LOVE, LIPSTICK, and LIES Author: Maggiemay with tons of help Muse: Mofaf1 Betas: Mofaf1, Wicabeth, Lorrainellt, Puppys_Seahorse Pairing: Oh Kami don’t ask. Way too convoluted. Seto/Jou primarily. Rating: Definitely Mature. NC-17 Spoilers: End Of Series Disclaimer: I don’t own YGO or make any money from this fic. Warnings: CROSS DRESSING, HET (sort of), OC’s, INCEST (NOT OUR BISHIES), MINOR CHARACTER DEATH (Not OUR BISHIES). Extra special notice: This story is complete and posted in it's entirety on the yahoo group Little Dragon. I am re-posting this story here at the request of a friend. Summary: Seto needs a new Administrative Liason. As a publicity stunt Kaiba Corp holds a kind of The Apprentice meets Joe Millionaire contest. Jou wants that job. With the help of a fairy god ‘Auntie’ with a tarnished halo, he enters the contest. This is that tale. *** "Hey Yug! Turn up th' light in here will ya? I wanna read th' newspaper." Jounouchi Katsuya called out to his smaller friend. "Sure thing Jou. I'm on my way up to give grampa his breakfast anyway." Moutou Yugi, owner of the Kami Game shop and ex-game king chirped agreeably. "He leaves late tonight for his new home. It's just great that he and Professor Hawkins are retiring to Florida together." He agreeably flipped up the lights as he passed the switch. A low groan sounded from somewhere on the other side of the room. "Damn it Jou, turn the light off. It's fucking insane the way you can drink us under the table and wake up without a hangover." Honda moaned and grunted as he tried to sit up. "Not all of us get trashed when we're at a goin' away party ya know. 'Sides yer a wimp." Unperturbed the blond went back to hunting through the paper. Disgusted, Honda crawled to his feet and stood unsteadily. "What are ya looking for?" "I need a job ya know. Besides I wanna see if that red-haired movie star bagged Kaiba last night." Jou couldn't stop his sigh. "She was tellin' everyone an' his brother that she was gonna have a ring on her finger any day now. I just wanna see..." He trailed off and sighed again. Honda ignored the spinning room and queasiness to cross and lay a consoling hand on his best friend's shoulder. "Look man, you've known since high school it was impossible. Why don't ya quit torturing yourself and take what's offered? Otogi and I...we both love you and would be the happiest men on earth if you joined us. For the first time, Jou didn't give an immediate ‘no.’ Instead he grabbed Honda's hand in an almost painful grip. Hope rising he asked softly "Jou..." "Holy fuck Honda...listen to this." Jou didn't hear the question; he was focused on the article. "’Billionaire Kaiba says he'd rather kiss a mutt than kiss starlet.’ That’s the headline. Then it goes on to say he wouldn't marry a tramp like her if she was the last woman on earth and it meant fucking men for the rest of his life. It's in quotes apparently several people overheard him at the restaurant. Super model turned actress, Wendi, showed up, and interrupted a business meeting. She refused to leave when asked by Kaiba and the staff. She insisted on making an announcement to the restaurant. She announced they were engaged. Before she could say more than that he stepped up to her and let fly. Oh man, Honda, do ya know what that means?" Honda rolled his eyes. He knew it meant Kaiba had been royally pissed, but he felt sure Jou was going to read something else entirely into it. "Tell me..." Jou was all but dancing in his chair. "He said he'd rather kiss a mutt. That's what he used ta call me. So he'd rather kiss me than her. And he don't mind fucking men...likes it better than fucking women. Whoooo...Honda...that's...I gotta call him. I wanna ask him if he wants ta get together and maybe go out...fuck that...I been waitin' so long...I think I'll ask ta come over so we can get right to th' main event. Ah man Honda..." Jou drifted off in a Kaiba-haze drool-fest. "Jou..." Honda tried to warn. Across the room Otogi sighed and looked over at them. "Let it go Babe. Let him live in a fantasy for a few more minutes. When he pulls out of it we'll talk to him. Right now, let him dream." "I guess so. Dreaming won't hurt him. Kaiba’s done that all by himself." With another concerned look at his obviously day-dreaming friend he added softly “Every time he flies that high with hope Kaiba crashes him to the ground. Nobody can hit that hard and not get broken ‘Togi. And one of these times Jou’s not gonna get back up.” “You’re not being fair to Kaiba. He doesn’t know that Jou is in love with him. He would never figure out that all the fights and challenges in high school were a way to get his attention. And since then Jou’s been to shy to do more than say hi at the duels. Kaiba’s too busy to notice that Jou isn’t as aggressive as he used to be. He barely says hello to anyone.” The green-eyed man pointed out softly, not for the first time. “That’s bull. Jou’s sent him birthday cards, invitations and even letters to congratulate him and not once has the asshole mentioned them or thanked him. The one time he got a response for the birthday card it was from some old biddy who worked for Kaiba. Jou was ecstatic when he got the letter. He didn’t open it for two hours, just stared at it like a love sick dog. Then when he opened it I saw his heart break, literally break. So don’t tell me Kaiba don’t know. He does. He’s just a cold-hearted prick.” Otogi knew it would be useless to try to explain that people in Kaiba’s position received hundreds of letters a week. The mail room sorted them and sent up through several levels before they reached an administrative assistant who dealt with correspondence. The ‘old biddy’ wasn’t old at all and the vibrantly attractive woman probably made a list and relayed the names of the well-wishers. Jou’s name wouldn’t have stood out in that at all. Not if it was dozens or hundreds deep. “Come lay down with me for a moment. I missed my morning kiss.” He invited, changing the subject to one Honda always responded too. With a smile the muscular brunet lay beside his lover. “Ah...good morning Otogi.” He leaned over and captured the soft lips. Meanwhile at Kaiba Corp. Kaiba Seto folded his arms and glared across the desk at his Vice-President of Public Relations. "Well? Have you figured out a way to spin this yet?" Matashi wasn't the least intimidated. "Spin? There is no spin for this. What the hell happened to your control? Why didn't you just laugh it off and apologize for her being drunk?" "Because I'm tired of bitches like her trying to 'catch' me. I'm not a tuna...or a tuna eater." "I know that, you know that, and hell, now everyone with half a brain is going to know that. Have you seen the stock prices? They have fallen. Thanks to your outburst you..." Mokuba interrupted "Only a point or so. Normal fluctuation. But something must be done. Aishira, do you have any ideas? You are in charge of advertising. Can you think of any kind of angle?" "No." The older, normally soft-spoken man almost shouted the word. He collected himself and shook his head, repeating softly "No." Matashi snarled and began to pace. "Seto you managed in two sentences to destroy the image we have cultivated for years." When Seto shook his head the Vice President growled. "Yes you did. You said you'd rather kiss a mutt and fuck men than be with one of the most sought after actresses in the world. Damn it, you know very well what they will start to say." Humor quirked the normally stern CEO's lips. "Well it's true. I'd much rather kiss 'the mutt' and I've always preferred men. And I can't help that she has no class or tact. Why would anyone want to be with a tramp like that for one minute, much less stuck for life?" Mokuba bashed his head on the table; Aishira and Matashi shared a look and sighed together. Aishira reminded, "It's not about reality it’s about perception. You know that." "Fuck! Fine, if I have to be seen with some woman let her have some class and have enough brains not to make a scene in public, and please, fucking make sure she knows how to keep business as business. I don’t want her thinking I’m going to marry her. By the way, I need another assistant. The one I have is mooning around like a cow. If she didn't keep my correspondence straight I'd fire her." A sudden idea lit Aishira's eyes. "An an apprentice. Yes...yes...that would work. Seto go back to your office. We will have something for you later today." He made a shooing motion with his hands. The brunet CEO knew enough about the genius's he employed to move when they told him to. They had guided him through many pitfalls. He left without another word with Mokuba following close behind. Two hours later Seto was gaping at his team of ‘genius’s’ in shock. “You’re joking.” “No. A contest for the position of Administrative Liaison for Kaiba Seto. The salary will be commensurate with experience. The last time we advertised we received over a thousand applicants. We will run a few spots detailing how angry and hurt you were by that woman’s actions.” When Seto would have erupted into furious denials Aishira lifted his hand to stop the tirade. “We have to make you look like the wronged party. We will detail her determined pursuit, her comments, and even her checkered history as well as her gambling problem. Then we will highlight your morality and lack of desire to be involved with someone deficient in character. You were hurt when you found you’d been deceived and that pain sparked your hurtful comments. Then we will announce the contest. It will be modeled after the reality television of a few years ago; a kind of Apprentice meets Joe Millionaire. We will only say the job is the prize but the speculation is you are looking for Ms. Right.” “You...” Seto sank into his chair. “Are serious.” “Yes. The candidates will be given a series of tests. Based on criteria you give us we will whittle them down. When we reach the top ten you will begin the tests we or you will devise. Of course you will make the final selection because she must meet your criteria too.” Mokuba leaned forward and nodded. “I see. The position will be very visible. Everyone will think you are lovers simply because you are seen together. I think it’s a good idea. I’ll help with the selection process.” He grinned cheekily, “I’m going to be around her a lot so I think I should have some say in who it is.” Seto stared at his brother in shock. “You think this is a good idea? You want to help?” “Yeah. Seto you really fucked up and this is going to be your best chance to save our collective asses. So tell them its okay so they can get to work.” Blue eyes narrowed thoughtfully for several long seconds. “Fine. Do it. But I want to see everything pertaining to this. My eyes only. Don’t even show the useless secretary I have now. And I will send you a list of my requirements.” He nodded dismissively. “What are you waiting for? Get to work.” Showing rare trust he bent his head to his screen. His team would handle it. Four hours later he had just opened a blank page to make list his of requirements when his secretary buzzed through. “Sir?” “Yes?” He answered distractedly. “There is a young man on the phone asking to speak to you. He says his name is Jounouchi Katsuya. He’s not on the list but he is a top duelist. Do you want to speak to him?” A hundred thoughts whirled through the CEO’s mind before he calmed himself. “Transfer him please.” “Yes sir.” “Kaiba.” He kept his greeting short. “Ah hey. This is Jou...Jounouchi.” Jou tried to keep his voice steady and even. No point in Kaiba figuring out how nervous he really was. “I know that. What do you want Mutt?” Seto tromped down on the little butterflies that erupted in his belly and chest. He couldn’t allow the Mutt to affect him like this anymore. “Yeah, well...I saw what ya said in th’’ I ...uhm...” Jou desperately grabbed his courage and tried to untangle his tongue. “I don’t have all day. Spit it out?” Nerves tight, the brunet snapped harshly. “I jus’...well ...uhm...I wanted ta know if ya’d rather kiss me than’ I wondered if ya...” But Jou didn’t get to finish his sentence. His phone beeped twice signaling call ended. In the outer office, the secretary glared at her phone for a second before removing her finger from the conference disconnect button. Rage and indignation burned through her. How dare that jerk say things like that to her boss? She was doubly glad now that she’d shredded all those letters and cards, simply adding Jounouchi’s name to the long list her boss never read. Unseen and unknown to the secretary the watchful eye of Kaiba security cameras recorded her every move. Seto blinked at the suddenly dead phone and shook it slightly as if to make it reconnect, then slowly replaced it on the cradle. Jounouchi had called him for the first time ever and he’d asked about kisses of all things. A shock of horror ran through him as he realized that Matashi was right. If an idiot like the mutt could figure it out enough to call him as a joke there was a real danger of being outed. Horrified by the call he blindly started to type, putting everything he needed in an assistant on the list. Without bothering to check, shock still coursing through his body, he emailed it directly to Aishira. *** Jou forced a smile even though his eyes were gleaming with tears. “Well Honda, I guess ya were right. He hung up on me.” When the brunet would have wrapped him in a hug he stepped back avoiding the embrace. He knew if he accepted it his pain and disappointment would drive him to do something he didn’t truly want. “I...uh...I gotta go back ta my apartment and uh...uhm...get clothes ready fer my interview.” He moved swiftly to the door, determined that they wouldn’t see him cry. “I’ll uh...see ya later.” A week passed before anyone saw Jou again. During that week his friends grew increasingly concerned. The blond didn’t answer his phone, his door, or, most telling, pick up his newspaper. They grew in a pile on his front step. Yugi, worried about Jou, certain that he wouldn’t show up for their normal Friday night pizza and movie night, invited his boyfriend over. After a long, sweaty greeting Yugi went down to the kitchen for drinks and food. He was shocked when his back door flew open and Jou bounded into the room carrying several newspapers. “Yug! Man it’s...” The blond skidded to a stop as he took in the mussed, flushed, robe-clad man. “Oh...I...errr...” Forgetting his lover upstairs, he rushed to his best friend. “Jou! Come in. I thought you weren’t coming over so I...” Abruptly he closed his mouth. “I decided on an early night.” “Oh, sorry I didn’t call. I was kinda depressed an’ all about...about ya know what. But that’s all behind me Yug!” The blond was almost bouncing with excitement. “I gotta plan.” He brandished the newspapers he was holding. “An’ it’ll work. I know it will. Once I prove I can be what he needs he’ll see...” “Wait...Jou what are you talking about? What plan?” “My plan of course. I’m gonna be Kaiba’s new Administrative Liaison. He’s lookin’ for one and it’s gonna be me. Look, I meet th’ list of requirements. I have my degree in business. I just graduated top of th’ class, I know Kaiba Corp and Duel Monsters. I’m good with people and...” The blond broke off when Mokuba stepped into the room carrying his briefcase. “Mokuba...” Jou gasped paling before turning bright red. The black-haired eighteen-year old nodded. “Hi Jou.” “Wha...” The golden eyes switched from Yugi back to Mokuba. Dawning realization had Jou backing away. “You guys are...” Calmly Mokuba nodded again as Yugi moved to hold Jou’s arm. “For almost a year Jou.” Yugi confessed softly. “But the publicity and Seto...” “Yeah I sorta get it. And ya couldn’t tell me because...” But Jou knew. It was because knowing that Yugi was with Mokuba would have cut him to the heart. “Because...okay I get it.” “Jou I’m sorry.” “Nah, don’t be. I get it. So...I’ll see ya later.” “Jou wait.” Mokuba said softly. “I heard what you said about wanting the job but you need to know something. There is no way you can win that contest.” “What? But I’m qualified and I...” The younger man was shaking his head. “That’s not it, and it’s not because of anything you can change. Look I have the list of requirements and you won’t make it past the third round.” “What? Lemme see this list.” Mokuba sighed and opened his briefcase. As he handed Jou the list he explained, “It’s just a rough. There is a more detailed plan but it’s at the office.” Neatly arranged, it spelled out the requirements. Top of the list, above all others, in dark bold: Is not infatuated with Kaiba Seto. Keep professional life strictly professional. First stage: Professional comportment, business-like modest attire, appropriate voice, speech, and manners. They will be given ten possible points for each category. The top scoring one hundred will be selected. Second stage: The top one hundred would stay at a six hundred bed Kaibaland luxury hotel. They will be assigned rooms and act as hostesses to guests of Kaibaland. Top fifty will be selected. Third stage: Able to mix and gather information from corporate wives and daughters. Offer insight as to pertinent information traded in powder rooms and other social functions. Top twenty will be selected. Fourth stage: Hostess and plan a party. Deal with problems as they arise. The twenty will cater a party for Kaiba Corp’s top executives. It will test teamwork, leadership, and ability to work under pressure. Top ten will be selected. Seto’s tests begin. The page ended there. Slowly Jou crumpled the sheet in his fist. His heart fell in disappointment and he wanted to howl. But Mokuba was correct. There was no way Jounouchi Katsuya could pass stage three. He wasn’t welcome in powder rooms and it was a well known fact that women gossiped amongst themselves but tended to flutter around men and maintain the ‘mystery.’ Well fuck...if only he was a girl. Jou sighed, if only he could think of a way to make the plan work he was sure he could show Kaiba he was perfect for the job. Stuffing the crumpled paper in his pocked he nodded. “Okay, I see what ya mean. Oh well. It woulda been a great job but he wants a female ta snoop for him. I was never good at that kinda stuff so I’ll just have ta look elsewhere. Thanks for th’ heads-up Mokie.” With a casual smile Jou waved and left. Yugi stared after him for a moment before going to lock the door. “Poor Jou. I hope he’s not too upset.” Mokuba shrugged. “Well like he said it’s just a job. If he did graduate top like he said he can find another good paying, high profile job easily.” Troubled Yugi glanced back towards the door. He didn’t correct his lover, but he knew that to Jou this was far more than ‘just a job.’ *** Jou glumly made his way down the walk to his car. ‘If I’d only been born a girl I coulda had that job workin’ fer Kaiba in the bag. Since Hon and ‘Togi are outta town for the weekend I guess I’ll see if Gian wants ta toss back a few while I bury my hopes ‘n’ dreams fer good.’ As he walked Jou remembered how he and Gian finally got to talking almost a year earlier. Gian had been drowning his sorrows one night at the bar down the street from their apartment building. Jou and the gang had been celebrating Honda opening his first motorcycle shop. Jou’d been worried about how Gian’s wife would take it when the man schlepped in after getting so drunk. It was only after they’d arrived that Gian confessed drunkenly to Jou that he lived alone and the ‘woman’ that was there all the time was really him, dressed as he should have been born. Jou stopped for a moment as it came to him. Jou rushed the rest of the way to his car and back to his place as fast as he could. Mentally he was praying as hard as he could. If his neighbor and friend agreed he could still have a chance. He bypassed his now paper-free steps to climb his neighbor’s. The door opened after two knocks. A tall slim woman of about forty with long black hair and sad brown eyes smiled in welcome. “Jounouchi! I thought you were spending the night with your adorable friend.” She stepped back automatically to invite her young neighbor in. “Didn’t you want to talk to him about your new job?” She asked softly, closing the door. “Yeah, well about that. friend Yugi’s boyfriend is Kaiba Mokuba. He heard us talkin’ an’ gave me th’ list of requirements. There’s no way I can win that job.” Sympathy filled the dark brown eyes. “Ah Jou I am so sorry. Do you still have the list? Perhaps we can find a way around it?” “Yeah, I got the list, and yeah there is a way around it. But I’m gonna need yer help. See Kaiba wants a female ta mix with th’ female family members of business associates.” A wide grin split his face as he surveyed the feminine form in front of him. “Make me a woman Gian.” Gian stared at him for a full minute then slowly shook his head. “Jou it won’t work. For a time it may but eventually someone will see through it. They always do.” Bitterness hardened the soft voice. “It will be much worse then Jou. It won’t work.” “Gian, please. I’m beggin’ ya here. I just want a chance ta show him that I can help him and that I can be what he needs. I don’t even care if he don’t love me. I just wanna show him that I ain’t just a dumb mutt and I want him ta see me as I am. I’m worth more than bein’ ignored. Please Gian...if I make it to th’ top three I’ll tell him the truth and drop out. Please...” Jou entreated with wide liquid eyes. His eyes shone clearly with need. Gian wasn’t proof against it. He was just a romantic at heart. “All right Jou. But you listen to everything I say and do exactly as I tell you. From now on Jounouchi Katsuya is gone. Kawai Joie will live in his place. Do you understand? If you are going to do this convincingly you must become female in your mind. It isn’t just about clothes and makeup, but about attitude. You are going to have to fool other women as well as men. Women are harder to fool.” “I’ll do everything you say. I swear. Uhm, Kawai Joie? Where did you get that?” “Well that’s your mom’s name isn’t it? It’s best if you stick to truths on this as much as we possibly can. Let’s have some tea while we work out the practicalities of what you will need.” “Ta get to th’ first interview I need ta send my resume and picture, three references as well as school transcripts. It needs to be in by next Friday.” Jou bit his lip thoughtfully. “I can talk to th’ college about th’ transcripts but they’re gonna be in my name.” “Not your name. Jounouchi Katsuya’s name. Your name is now Kawai Joie. Leave that and your identification and references to me. I will have them for you in a few days.” A sad smile tugged at the artfully painted lips. “I know quite a few men of influence. They owe me. I will also prepare your resume.” Jou nodded gratefully. “Thanks.” “Don’t ask. Remember our deal? You don’t ask my past and I won’t tell you any lies.” “I...alright. I...” Abruptly he hugged the older man tight. “Thanks a lot for this.” “Your welcome. Okay show me the list and let’s get to work.” “Hmmm...Knocked you out of the running with the first line.” The blond chuckled and shook his head. “Nah, not really. I’m not infatuated with him.” Shrewd brown eyes met his gaze. “No, I guess you’re not.” After going through the requirements together Gian sat back and sighed. “It will be difficult, very. You have to be committed to changing everything about yourself. How you walk, talk, act, and dress. You have to train yourself to think like a woman. That is almost impossible for most men because it is a biological fact that women develop different parts of their brains than men. They are intuitive and emotive, something most men do not develop.” “Are you saying it’s impossible?” Jou asked fearfully. “Not at all. Difficult doesn’t mean impossible. You have motivation and know how to work hard. I think you can do it Joie. Go get your plants and your goldfish from your apartment. You will be staying here starting tonight. Don’t bother to pack clothes, you won’t need them. Once you assume this role you must live it day and night until it becomes part of you. We must have you ready in time for your first interview. At the most we have two weeks.” When Joie would have said something the older queen made a shooing motion. “Go we don’t have any time to waste. Call your friends and tell them you are going to be tied up on a new job for about a month so they don’t worry while you are over there.” When he returned Jou found himself stripped of his clothes and stuffed into a satiny pink kimono and dainty fluffy toed slippers. “Good. You have a delicate face and good coloring so we won’t have much to do with makeup. You are slim and almost felinely curved so we won’t need padding except in your bosom. You’re blessed with fine facial hair, more like soft peach fuzz. We will wax it tomorrow. Your hair...well we’ll go with extensions and faux buns to make it look long.” “Can’t I wear a wig? I mean...” “No. Being a natural blonde is a plus. The old saying “gentlemen prefer blondes” is true. Besides it will make you stand out more. Your skin is typical male skin, meaning it is obvious you don’t moisturize or loofah, and you’ve never had a peel. You will have one tomorrow.” The blond only had a vague idea of what that meant. “Peel? But...” “Enough. For now I want you to take the slippers off and show me your feet.” He shrugged and kicked off the slippers, plopping his feet up on the small table. He was disconcerted when his friend picked each one up in turn and looked at them carefully. “Dry skin, corns, calluses. Arches are a little high so you may need extra support in heels.” Gian dropped the foot he held and went to his bedroom. He returned carrying a small blue box. “Pedicure set. Foot file, callus reducer, rasp, and pumice brush. I will show you how each of them works. You will then work on your feet. In their current state you will not be able to wear heels without unattractive lumps and nasty looking skin. There is lotion at the bottom of the kit. After you wash them you will apply the lotion.” Smiling slightly he bent to demonstrate the uses of each item. When Jou winced, he simply said “Kaiba.” It stilled any protests. Jou worked on his feet for almost two hours while Gian acquainted himself with current business women’s fashions. Carefully he began to pick out the styles, colors and fabrics he felt Joie would need to project the winning image. Satisfied with his shopping he turned to inspect Joie’s feet. With a yelp of disbelief he rushed to take the rasp away. “Jou...Joie you need your feet to walk. Don’t maim them.” “Yeah well I couldn’t get the calluses to rub off so I peeled ‘em.” “Damn. Joie...” “Kaiba...” “I understand. But from now on don’t hurt yourself.” “I’ll do what I hafta and that includes bleedin’. Now what’s next?” “Next we wash your feet and put antibiotic on them. They can heal tomorrow. For the rest of tonight we will...I will work on your hands.” He looked critically at the calloused hands. “We don’t have much time.” Gian meant that literally. His gentle friend turned into a harsh taskmaster. The next week flew past in a haze of instructions and constant corrections. He wore heels all day every day. His body hair was waxed, plucked, and trimmed. The chemical peel reduced him to whimpering. That shit hurt and he couldn’t believe women went through it just to look younger and have soft skin. But far worse was the taping and tucking. Gian insisted that Joie’s penis and sac were tucked and secured because nothing ruined the line of a woman’s skirt quite like an obvious bulge. In a strange encounter his friend tucked and secured his intimate parts explaining the process in such matter-of-fact a way that Jou wasn’t the least bit embarrassed that Gian was handling his penis and sac. It wasn’t arousing in the least, but nor was it uncomfortable. It simply was...friendly. When he wasn’t hobbling around trying to walk on stilts he was learning how to speak like a woman. Soft, demure, never loud, or obnoxious. Even his laugh was wrong. The day he mastered giggling they mailed his resume. He giggled all the way from the mail box back to the house. He had never noticed before but as he watched the women’s television shows to pick up pointers he realized it was actually hard to be a woman. The problems they faced were just as severe, if not more so, than most guys. They had to deal with family and finances but they also had to deal with abusive lovers, unequal pay for the same job, prejudice and sexual harassment. Being a Hafu in Japan he’d experienced his share of prejudice, but this was on a whole different level. Instead of just watching, Jou found that he began to actually listen and a small seed of understanding was planted. He went back to his ‘torture’ thoughtfully quiet. Gian, watching from where he sat sewing Joie’s interview clothes, smiled slightly and bent back to his work. The blond finally mastered low and medium heels. He walked in them as if born to wear them – his pace graceful and determined without being aggressive or gangly. Perfect. That’s when Gian brought out the four inch spiked heels. Jou paled and backed up two paces. But before his mentor could remind him again of his goal, he stepped forward three paces and took the heels. Instead of kicking off the slippers he bent gracefully and removed them before replacing them with the dramatically high heels. That’s when Jou saw the gel filled bra. It was time for Joie to get used to carrying the extra weight. After a few tottering steps and pinwheels for balance he began to pace and practice. He mastered them in two days. The gods rewarded him by sending his acceptance as a candidate. Once he would have jumped and yelled, but conscious of who he was supposed to be, he simply smiled and walked regally back into the house. If his heels wobbled slightly from the force of his steps nobody noticed. Gian smiled when she saw the letter. “Congratulations Joie.” She frowned slightly. “This says your interview is in two days.” “I know. I think I’m ready. Don’t you?” “No. You need another month at least but this will have to do. All right, tonight we will do a full makeup and dress on you. We will go out to the mall for an hour then to dinner and a movie. You must convince everyone that you are a woman. No one can doubt it.” “I...all right.” Jou agreed solemnly. He knew this was an acid test. If he couldn’t pull it off tonight he knew he wouldn’t be able to pull it off in two days time. The makeover took longer than either of them thought but it was well worth the effort. Jou’s delicate features had been transformed to a serene, beautiful, mask. The makeup was so skillfully applied that only another makeup artist would pick up on the subtle shadings and highlighting. No dark, heavy, evening makeup. It was all in pale gold and earth tones that blended perfectly with the startlingly beautiful skin that was revealed by the care and attention it had received. A simple blond hair weave rolled into a bun with small braids winding through it adorned Jou’s head. A gold barrette secured it in place. Neither could tell which Jou’s real hair was and which the weave was. They checked the tuck and tape then Jou slid on flesh toned nylons. When Joie reached for the denim skirt and pink blouse Gian shook his head and handed him a maroon dress Joie’d never seen before. It was heavy satin and cut in a classic style that would drape loosely across the chest and shoulders and then cling tightly at the waist and hips. Only someone slim with a stellar ass could carry it off. “You’ll wear this tonight.” “But I...we...the mall and movie...” “Change of plans. An old friend of mine called earlier. He wants us to eat at his place tonight.” Gian smiled mysteriously “This will be a true test.” He didn’t explain that he’d asked his friend to call if just such an occasion occurred. He slipped the rich fabric carefully over the blonde head and adjusted it into place, smoothing it down the slim hips. “Perfect. You look great.” “Oh, what time is our reservation?” “In an hour. We have time for me to finish dressing and then we will go.” Smiling he gestured. “Slip on the medium black heels and turn around and look. Practice walking. That skirt gives you a hot wiggle but if you trip you can’t hide it.” Jou ~ Joie was glad of the fancy dress when he and Gian arrived at the restaurant. The place was small and in an older part of the city, but it reeked of wealth, taste, and class. Gian, dressed in a simple black dress, was greeted effusively by the Maitre’D. The greeting switched to Joie and he was treated to the thorough inspection a man gives a woman he finds attractive. Gian’s cough made the man flush slightly and turn away. “Right this way. The owner said you were to have the best table in the house.” Gian gripped Joie’s arm as they followed. In a low voice he whispered “Don’t trip, don’t pause, focus on me. Only on me no matter who you see.” Golden eyes made brighter by the skillful application of makeup turned in his direction. “Wh...” But he broke off when he heard a voice he’d know anywhere. “Ka...” “Sh...!” He was warned in a sharp whisper. “Focus only on me. Do not look at him, not even a peek. If you do and he catches you he will never select you for the position. This is a test, not only of you, but of him. If he sees you he may remember you in this environment and remember you as being uninterested, unattainable. You must not look at him.” “I understand Auntie.” He murmured softly, his voice a low sweet hum to anyone else listening. Gian laughed lightly and patted his arm. “Thank you my dear.” He said in a slightly higher voice. Not high enough to intrude but enough to catch attention. They were seated, chatting in low soft voices when the owner came to take their orders personally. “Gian! Thank you for gracing us with your beauty tonight. And who is this stunning young lady?” Hungry eyes devoured the gorgeous blond angel. He smiled in satisfaction when the angel blushed and ducked her head shyly. “This is my niece Kawai Joie. Joie meet one of my oldest friends, Sanu.” “A pleasure to meet you.” Joie smiled shyly and met the hot gaze for a minute before glancing away. “The pleasure is all mine.” Seeing the remarkable golden gaze was fixed on the plate shyly he smiled and nodded to Gian. “What are you ladies having tonight.” “We were just deciding. What do you recommend Sanu?” “I suggest you put yourselves in my hands. I promise you, you won’t be disappointed.” “You’ve never disappointed me Sanu.” Gian smiled through the lie. The cheerful smile faded, replaced by remorse. “If only that were true.” He turned and left them. After a small pause Joie asked softly “Is he a good cook?” “No, but his chef is.” They both shared a refined giggle so charming that all heads turned towards them. Two tables away Kaiba Seto glanced at the table he normally used. It was currently occupied by two of the most stunning women he’d ever seen. He may be gay but he could enjoy the contrasting beauties without wanting to sleep with either of them. The older one was dressed in a modest, expensively cut black dress. It bore the mark of a true fashion designer in that it was classically tailored, innocent as an angel, and sexy as sin. Only a great designer could pull it off. The flawless makeup and tastefully coordinated accessories told him that whoever she was, she was of good family and had been raised properly. Her companion...abruptly his breath caught and his heart thumped hard. Beautiful as a golden goddess, the woman stood out to him like none ever had before. Everything about her gleamed with rich warmth. Long blond hair coiled in an intricate knot and adorned with braids. Tasteful, light makeup emphasized the healthy golden glow of her skin, pearly pink lips shimmered with hints of gold, and all of it was reflected in the blazing amber-gold of her eyes. He’d only ever seen one person with eyes that color. His heart beat a little faster as he ran his eyes down the slim body, lingering on the hints of cleavage given by the maroon satin blouse. He was vaguely curious about the lower half of her body hidden by the tablecloth. “I know her.” Aishira’s voice broke into his study. “You do? Who is she?” Again that vague curiosity reared its head. “I’m not sure but I do recognize her from somewhere. I will go introduce myself and get her name.” With a small nod the older man stood and crossed to the center table. Joie tensed certain that Kaiba had recognized Jou inside Joie. But he relaxed when he saw it was one of the other men seated at the table and that he was bowing to Gian. “Forgive the intrusion ladies. I am sorry but I must ask your name. I believe we have met and yet I can’t remember the occasion.” Gian fluttered his lashes slightly and thought for a moment. It wasn’t often he was recognized anymore. It had been over ten years in fact. This man must have a remarkable memory or perhaps he’d simply been a true fan. In either case it would serve nothing now to mention why he thought they had met. “I am sorry sir, we have not met. I would remember meeting you I am sure.” “You look very familiar. Are you sure?” “Yes, I am positive. Perhaps I simply have a common face.” Gian forced a laugh. “No, neither you nor your companion is in the least common. Thank you and please forgive the intrusion.” Aishira bowed again and went back to his table. Matashi sent him a questioning look. “Well?” “I am convinced I know her, yet I don’t believe we have met.” “It will come to you Koibito.” Matashi soothed. “What are their names?” Seto interrupted. Why he was curious he had no idea, he just knew he had to know the blonde girl called herself. “I didn’t ask. It was impolite enough for me to barge in. Besides beautiful women are likely to be concerned about strange men asking personal questions.” “Hnnn...” Seto grunted noncommittally and forced himself to stop looking at the blonde until a laugh, deeper than most giggles but still light and pretty, brought his gaze back to her. She was holding a hand to her mouth and glancing around apologetically. “You are attracted to her.” Aishira observed softly. “No.” Seto denied vehemently. He wasn’t attracted; it was just that she reminded him of someone who touched his heart...someone he could never have. “All right then.” They passed the rest of dinner amicably. If anyone noticed when the women left nobody commented. The day of Joie’s interview dawned bright and cool. He indulged in a leisurely bubble bath, loofah’d, moisturized and tucked before beginning the transformation that he hoped would take him closer to Kaiba. He reported fifteen minutes early to the assigned room. He was a little dismayed by the number of people waiting around the large lobby. Women and men of all shapes and sizes sat or paced around the area. The men were dressed in conservative business suits. The women wore an entire range of clothes. Some were dressed in short, short skirts with bustier blouses showing ample cleavage under their suit jackets. Some were dressed in outfits eerily similar to ones worn by Kaiba during their battle city days. It was very disconcerting. Some wore jeans and dressy tops, some sharp pants suits, and others bright, gaudy dresses that defied description. Jou was relieved to see that a few of the others had chosen to dress as he had in a classic dark suit, knee length skirt discreetly slit in back for ease of walking, medium heels and a simple silk blouse. The only thing different about his ensemble was the beautiful topaz and silver peacock brooch that Gian had pinned to his lapel. “It is my good luck charm.” Suppressing his nerves Joie stroked the small bird and sent up a silent prayer for luck. Her name, Kawai Joie was called on time to the second. He stood and followed a burly man into an interview room. He was a surprised to see the man who had spoken to them at the restaurant two nights before. He couldn’t control the involuntary widening of his eyes or the slight parting of his lips. It was obvious Joie recognized him. Equally obvious was that the man recognized her. Joie could see suspicion invading those dark eyes. Rather than deny or act coy he decided to deal with it head on. “Oh my goodness. You were at the restaurant Aunt Gian and I went to.” She gave a slightly shamefaced smile “I’m sorry I didn’t get your name.” She shrugged slightly “We are women alone so we don’t encourage strange men.” “I see. It is a strange coincidence. Almost too much of one.” The suspicion didn’t fade, it deepened. “Aunt Gian is an old friend of the owner. As I have just moved in with her she was introducing me to her friends and showing me a treat. It was a delicious meal.” She lightly stroked the peacock brooch. “She loaned me her good luck charm for today.” “I am Aishira-san. Please sit down. This will only take a few minutes. This is the preliminary interview. We will select the top candidates from this interview. At the end of this time you will either be asked to a separate lobby or to leave. The private lobby is for the top candidates.” She nodded and murmured softly “I understand.” “Good. There are only a few questions and then a small test. Shall we begin? What do you....?” Jou focused on what was being asked and answering as honestly as possible. To his surprise the questions were general and required only a few words. Then he was given a slip of paper and a pencil. He saw immediately that the tip was broken off. The other man had left the room so there was no way to ask for another. Then it clicked. This was part of the test. He scooped up his nice leather bag and prayed he’d remembered to pack a pen. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw not only a pen but also a pencil. Gian was too good sometimes. He set aside the broken pencil and used his own. In the next room Aishira observed the blond woman carefully. “Well, is she top one hundred material Matashi? Mokuba?” “She scores high on my card. Not the highest because of her reaction to seeing you but in the range.” “I think so too. And there is something else that gives her more points. Seto responded to her. He watched her a lot the other night. Maybe he is bi rather than gay and it just needs the right woman. I think she gets in the top just for that.” “Matchmaking isn’t the ...” Aishira broke off as Joie stroked the peacock pin again. “There is just something about her. Her aunt is familiar and that peacock brooch...I know I’ve seen it before, wanted it. It...” “Peacock brooch?” Matashi’s head snapped up from his scorecard. “Focus in on it.” A few seconds of blur and the camera locked on the small bird. “Damn it! Aishira that is The Gina Peacock.” “Gina Peacock?” Mokuba repeated, confused. Aishira stared hard and started to nod. “It looks like it but it could be a copy. It...” “No. The design was copyright throughout the world. There was only one ever made.” Matashi corrected. “Where would she get...?” The older man opened his laptop and began to search. Volumes of information was quickly weeded through and discarded. “Gina Peacock... Kajuki Gian. Only child of Kajuki Dohan and Kenji, currently residing at ...” He read off all the details. “That is the address listed on Kawai Joie’s application as well. But Gian is an only child so that woman can’t be a niece.” “That settles it. She is not one.” Aishira turned to go. “Wait.” Mokuba ordered firmly. He rarely used that tone and never with his friends. It froze Aishira and Matashi. “Explain yourselves.” “Gina Peacock.” Matashi said simply. The name seemed to be both a blessing and a curse on his lips. Aishira sighed, a low melancholy sound. “Gina Peacock. After all this time, for that name and brooch to surface.” “Tell me who Gina Peacock is. Tell me about the brooch.” The two men shared a glance then Matashi nodded. “About fifteen years ago Gina Peacock was an actress. She was gaining great fame. She was beautiful and talented beyond compare. She fell in love with an important business man. They were seen everywhere together, wedding announcements were expected. The man’s family was not happy because they wanted a different kind of wife for their son. The father hired someone to dig dirt to discredit Gina. He found it and published it without thought to the damage he’d do to everyone, including his son. Gina started out as an actor playing an actress. His name was Gian. Nobody would hire Gian, but they would hire Gina. Gina’s star shone bright. That peacock brooch was her signature piece. She created the design and had it copyright so nobody else could ever wear it. When the adoring public found that they had been duped they turned on Gina. His lover, who had known all along according to Gian, denied it, claiming they had never been intimate beyond kisses. He returned to his family and married their bride. Gian and Gina were never heard from again. The movies were banned and removed from the shelves.” “I...I’ve never heard Gian or Gina.” Mokuba remarked as his gaze turned to the screen, assessing the beautiful blond again. “So do you think Joie is a guy?” “I don’t know. But it is not a chance we should take.” Matashi looked over at his lover for support. Aishira was staring at the close up of the brooch with something like reverence. Mokuba glanced at the screen again. Joie had shifted slightly and turned her head. The familiarity of that profile made the ebony-haired teen catch his breath even as a bell went off in his head. “Jou...That address. I know it. It belongs to a top duelist, Jounouchi Katsuya. He is blond with golden eyes and I happen to know he finished top in his class at Business College. The same one whose transcripts this woman submitted, even the same years...and she finished top.” Rapidly he put the pieces together. “Bring up a picture of Jounouchi Katsuya. Put it next to the submitted picture of Kawai Joie.” Even as he said it he slapped his forehead. “Kawai is Jou’s mom’s name. Ah man...” They didn’t really need to see the side-by-side images. It all fit perfectly. Aishira turned again. “So I will dismiss him and tell him to play his jokes elsewhere.” “No. Aishira wait.” Again the commanding tone, and again it froze him. “I don’t think it’s a joke. I think Jou wants to get close to my brother. My boyfriend said something that made me think that he might be in love with Seto.” “So? A lot of people think they love Seto.” “That’s true. many of them does Seto want?” “None, or almost none. But what has that got to do with Joie?” “Joie...Jounouchi...Jou...whatever you want to call her or him, is the one Seto calls ‘The Mutt.” Both of the older men stiffened in shock. “Are you sure?” They had to be positive because they would risk it all if it were true. Kaiba Corp was important but Kaiba Seto was more so, at least to them. “Yes.” That changed everything. Aishira smiled at Matashi slyly. “No wonder he couldn’t keep his eyes off her. Chemistry doesn’t know faces. He’s probably confused as hell right now. Fine, she stays. She advances as far as she can. We, none of us, will aid her. She is Kawai Joie. Are we agreed?” “Yes, of course.” Mokuba nodded and smiled. “I’m going to go get some food.” “You’re not going to stay and finish? About twenty more possibles.” “Nah, I know Joie’s going to win so I won’t waste my time. Bye guys.” With a casual wave the tall teen sauntered out of the room. “No help?” Matashi questioned. He’d seen the scheming light in his lover’s eyes. “Correct. Neither Matashi or Aishira will help.” The light grew brighter. “But Peaches and Sakura can pay a visit to their favorite actress of all time and offer their assistance.” Pitching his voice low Matashi murmured in admiration, “I love the way you think.” “I love you too. Now back to work.”
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