Emergence of the Tombkeepers | By : Aten Category: Yu-Gi-Oh > Yaoi - Male/Male Views: 2420 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: Disclaimer: I don’t own Yugioh and make no money off of this. I do own the OC’s (Aten, Aria, Umi, Robbie, and anyone else not Yugioh-related.) |
Emergence of the Tombkeepers
Disclaimer: I don’t own Yugioh and make no money off of this. I do own the OC’s (Aten, Aria, Umi, Robbie, and anyone else not Yugioh-related.)
Warnings: If you are new to my stories, welcome. I’ve written about 30 Yugioh stories so people should know what my series are about. If not, my stories contain the following warnings.....YAOI (lots of it), HENTAI, ANZU-BASHING, NCS (and mentions of NCS), ANGST, SHOUENEN-AI (lots of it). I always put warnings on yaoi explicit chapters.
Warning for first chapter: Shouenen-ai. Two guys touching. Oral. Masturbation. Robbie x Aten YAOI LEMON, Seto / Joey.
/.........../=hikari to yami
//..........//=yami to hikari
Forgiven, But Not Forgotten
Malik Ramses Ishtar purple eyes stared into the flickering flames reflectively. The glow of the firepit behind the Ishtar-Itemri home illuminated the backyard. Beyond the edge of the fire’s light, dark shadows danced among Malik’s Bleeding Hearts and Violas. Crickets chirped in the darkness of the warm summer night. His blond hair lightly swayed in the air as he took a deep breath. The Egyptian Light sipped from a glass of ice water as he thought of his family’s latest encounter.
I don’t remember much of the past few days. It all feels like a blur. Was it days we spent back in time? Weeks? Months? When we returned, there was no time to look at the clock or check the calendar. Ryou needed to be rushed to the hospital. The last thing I remember before Marik and I lost consciousness was a bright light in Kaiba’s summer home. We were in Ancient Egypt when we became aware of where we were. My head still hurts a bit from whatever happened.
Marik and I returned home last night exhausted when we knew that Ryou and the newest bundle of joy were stable. The Itemris remained in the hospital all night and day at Domino Hospital. When the Itemri’s returned home, Ryou looked very tired as he carried the new baby into the house. He put the new baby boy to bed and fell asleep in his own bed. Bakura has been on baby duty since they returned home three hours ago.
The light turned on in the nursery as Marik watched a spiky-haired Yami Bakura stand at the edge of the crib. Bakura looks as if he is searching for something. The tiny baby began to cry in the crib amid a muttered curse from the Egyptian yami father. Bakura left the nursery and turned on the light in the Itemri’s bedroom. He’s talking quietly to Ryou....Ryou’s yawning. Bakura just woke Ryou up. Ryou sat up slowly in bed. Bakura took Ryou’s hands and helped him to his feet. Ryou’s whimpering as he’s slightly bent over. The incision on his stomach must be very uncomfortable.
“Yami, you remember changing Aten’s diaper, don’t you? Why do you need my help?”
“Where did you put the baby wipes?”
“I thought they were near the changing table. That’s where Marik should have placed them. Bloody hell,” Ryou groaned as I saw his shadow disappear slowly from his bedroom and enter the nursery next door. Ryou walked to the edge of the crib and gingerly brought the baby into his arms. “It’s alright, angel. Mommy’s here.” Ryou rocked the softly crying newborn. “There they are, Bakura. Behind the pile of diapers.”
“Well, what wanker put them there?” Ryou asked tiredly. “I’m going to give you to your father, angel. Love you.” Ryou kissed the newborn’s forehead and handed him carefully to Bakura. I could see Ryou staggering back to his room and laying back in bed.
Bakura brought the baby into his arms and cradled him lovingly against his chest. Bakura disappeared from my line of sight. Within minutes, the baby had stopped crying and was being rocked in Bakura’s arms.
The Itemris were always terrific parents. Bakura has always been a great father. He was a great father to his daughter, Aria, and to Aten. Even though Aten was Marik’s son with Ryou, Bakura treated him as if he was of his own blood. Bakura protected both of them, played with them, and was always there to support them. Ryou had always been a great mother. He put himself in harm’s way for Aria and Aten. He suffered many ills to keep them happy and safe. Ryou almost died giving birth to them. Ryou was affectionate, caring, nurturing, and brave. That new baby could not have better parents than Ryou Thomas Bakura-Itemri and Yami Bakura Osiris Itemri.
He started singing a lullabye I recognized. My sister used to sing it to me when I was young. When I was sick or sad, she would sing. I never knew parents like Ryou and Bakura. My mother died bringing me into the world. My father was a domineering, psychotic, abusive, temperamental human being.
//Human filth is more like it, hikari.//
I wonder how life would have been if things had been different. For years I slaved over ancient texts and scrolls, learned about ancient pharaohs, and dwelled in darkness. Yami’s tomb was my home, deep under the Egyptian sands. Only the sun, moon, and stars could be seen from my prison. Then came the day for my initiation into the Ishtar Tombkeeper Clan. My father dragged me into the sacrificial chamber, chained me to the altar, tied a piece of wood into my mouth, and carved the key to unlocking the pharaoh’s memories onto my back.
That knife......
Slicing into my flesh.....
Couldn’t move. Could barely breathe. All I could do was emit a muffled scream and pleas for my father to stop.
//Hikari? Are you alright?//
Yami Marik entered my life in that terrifying moment. He emerged from the Millennium Rod and stabbed my father to death. I’ll never forget that moment. I thought Odion had rescued me from the torture. When the wood was removed from my teeth and my chains severed, I looked up expecting to see Odion.
Instead, my nine-year-old eyes looked up at the hideous creature before me.
//Hey! I heard that! I was not hideous!//
His hair was blond and spiky. His canines were sharp. Eyes black as coal. He was tall...
//Tall, dark, handsome, and downright sexy?//
He told me he would take me away from everything I had ever known. His intention was to rescue me. But that was only the beginning of another type of hell.
//......I’m sorry, tenshi.//
“Mind if I join you, my Light?”
I pat the seat beside me. “You are always welcome at my side, Marik.”
Yami Marik sat beside his husband and put his arm around his shoulders. “It’s good to be home. All of us together again.”
Malik nodded. “It’s going to feel strange having another baby in the house again.”
“Yeah, no more spontaneous sex anytime, anywhere, anyhow.”
Malik smiled. “That’s only when he’s home. When he’s over at Seto’s place, we’re free to fry chicken and get freaky on the kitchen table while it cooks.”
Yami Marik licked his lips. “So that’s our plan for this weekend?”
Yami Marik....always with a dirty mind...and a fondness for chicken.
“You know Ryou and Bakura are not going to let the little guy out of their sight for a second for quite a while. That whole parenting “I’m not going to leave him alone because something bad might happen” protective thing.”
Yami Marik sighed as he heard the soft cooing in the nursery above. The light in the kitchen illuminated. I cannot believe we were in Ancient Egypt. Yami Marik and Yami Bakura were just children. Bakura was living on the streets, thrown out of his parents’ house at four years old. Marik was forced to study under the strict eye of his father. We saw them as they had lived five thousand years ago before they died and were resurrected by Yami.
“I don’t think I look bad for being five thousand years old,” Marik added. “My bones didn’t look too good, though. My mortal body has seen better days. Bakura’s bones are in worse shape than mine, though. He survived worse torture than myself. At least I died quickly of a single arrow to the lungs.”
Malik sighed as he thought of Marik’s younger self. “One day, you’re going to meet someone who will help you realize this,” Marik told his younger self. “Control is never the means to true power, Marik. Control through violence solves and proves nothing. Compassion, sacrifice, these are what characterize the truly strong person with an iron Will. I pray to Ra that you will be strong to resist the corruption of the world and your father’s cruelty.” All I could think of was this little boy who would be eventually murdered in cold blood.
“At least I didn’t linger in pain for long, love,” Marik spoke as he felt his husband’s sadness at the child’s eventual fate.
“Do you.....regret....dying young, yami?”
Marik took my hand and kissed the back of it lightly. “Nobody wants to die at nineteen years of age. Bakura and I had our entire lives ahead of us. I suppose in a way, we did have our lives ahead of us, even if it was in the state of undeath. Bakura and I had multiple hikaris in five thousand years.” Marik released my hand and turned my head to look him in his purple eyes which reflected my own. He raised his hand and caressed my cheek. “Never had I one who....has brought out the good in me. Who has been as kind to me as you have been.” Marik looked into the fire pensively. “I know I have not always been the best person. Darkness and shadow are the essence of being a yami. But your light has been a beacon to me.”
Where is this coming from?
“Before you came into my life, Marik, my life was nothing but darkness. Torches lit the dark tomb. I still remember emerging from the tomb with you that day. From that day, you were my family. I never felt I had a real family. My duties were to study, study, study. Father wasn’t exactly a person you could go to with questions. My sister and Odion were there for me, though.”
I looked into the nursery’s window again and saw Bakura carefully return the baby to the crib. “Pleasant dreams, my son. Father will be back to check on you soon. Go to sleep, Therion.”
Ryou and Bakura wanted to call the baby “Issa,” but it seems as if the Itemris changed their minds. Bakura turned off the light in the nursery.
“Ever since Aten and Aria came into our lives, yami, I feel like we are a real family.”
Marik hugged me and rested his head on my shoulder. “Most families don’t have four men living together who have an open relationship with each other.”
Through the curtain, the spiky-haired silhouette poured a cup of tea from a kettle. The curtain moved and Bakura waved to us. He waved to us, so we waved back to him and he disappeared behind the curtain.
“It’s been over twenty-five years since we’ve been back to the tomb, yami. Do you.....do you think we can go and visit?”
"No. Absolutely not." Marik lifted his head. “I would like to go back to the tomb, too.....to watch it burn. Why would you want to return? That place was a prison for you. You were tortured there. Forced to live a life you did not wish. Out here we have freedom, hikari. You were tormented there.”
“It was still home. It was where.....it all began.”
“I don’t think returning there is a great idea.”
Malik looked up at the stars. “Something is pulling me there, Marik. Something that I don’t understand.”
“You spent your childhood dreaming of the freedom offered by the outside world, tenshi. I would never willingly say I would love for that arrow to enter my lungs as I suffocate on my own blood. Some things are best just left behind in the past where they belong.” Marik leaned into Malik’s ear and placed a gentle kiss on his earlobe. “It is the present where we have all good things. We can build a better present with what we have. We have everything we ever wanted, my love. Home. Family. Freedom.” Marik pointed the Millennium Rod to the sky as it glowed faintly. “The sun.”
I took my yami’s hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. I know he means well. “Marik, I know you want what is best for me. But we can’t deny our roots. We can never say we lived in the suburbs in a house with a white picket fence. It would be a lie. I want to go see it again. To make peace. Isn’t that why the sand pit where Bakura buried you is in your soulroom? You wanted to make peace with your own death? You always make sure to put fresh flowers on your grave when they wilt. Doesn’t that help you?”
Marik lowered the Millennium Rod as the fire’s light slightly dimmed. “It did. My body was thrown into a sandpit with no marker and thus, no one would remember me. Seeing my sandy grave,” Marik shook his head sadly. “At least I get to keep the memory of my death alive.”
Malik shifted closer to Marik and put his head on his yami’s shoulder. The hikari wrapped his arm around Marik and held him close. “I’m sorry, Marik.”
Marik kissed the top of Malik’s head. “Don’t be, hikari. Returning to the tomb is returning to the past. A past that neither of us can forget. You are not going to return to the tomb.” Marik stood up and clutched the Rod in his hand tightly. Malik watched his yami's hand squeeze the Millennium Item and his hand quiver. Their mindlink flooded with memories of the Tombkeeper's Initiation.
"But, Marik--."
"No. We will speak of this no more." Marik walked away, disappearing into the house.
Seto leaned back in his chair staring intently at the newspaper on his desk. KaibaCorp’s CEO interlocked his fingers as he glared at the Domino Herald’s headline: MagnaTech Offers Industrial Illusions $3.5 Million For Merger. Rocher. What is he planning? Pegasus won’t agree with the buyout. He has spent too much money and resources to simply hand over his company to a competitor. Even without the Millennium Eye, I’m sure he can see this is a mistake. If MagnaTech purchases Industrial Illusions, it would be the second largest gaming company in America. Seto smirked in his chair. He still has no hope of rivaling KaibaCorp. We shall not go quietly into the night.
Seto Kaiba reached for the phone and flipped through his book of contacts. I don’t call Pegasus often. I know the first numbers are 920.....or 902.....something like that. What the--? Seto raised a curious eyebrow when he saw a child’s drawing of a cat over his contacts starting with the letter “C.” Mokuba’s kids have been drawing in my contact book again. What am I going to do with them? Seto continued flipping through the book until he found Pegasus’ number. He moved the cord to dial the number.
Beep. Beep. Beep. [Industrial Illusions. How may I direct your call?]
“Maximillion Pegasus.”
[Whom shall I tell him is calling?]
“Seto Roka Kaiba, CEO of KaibaCorp.”
[Yes, sir. One moment please.]
Seto leaned back in his leather chair as the Looney Tunes theme played continuously. Almost 60 years old and this man hasn’t grown up. Wonder if his testicles dropped yet.
[Kaiba Boy, what a fabulous surprise! To what do I owe the honor of your call?]
“Are you seriously considering a merger with MagnaTech? Rocher is a slimy weasel who will run your company into the ground and build it in his own twisted image.”
Pegasus chuckled. [Isn’t that comment calling the kettle black, Kaiba Boy? I know you are not completely forthright and honest in your dealings either.]
“That has nothing to do with it.”
[That has everything to do with it, Kaiba Boy. Your “Public Relations” people, as you so quaintly called them, are quite skilled in the art of espionage and getting your competition to mysteriously....and conveniently, might I add, disappear.]
“It’s just business, Pegasus.”
[Precisely, my little man-cake. That’s my point. You don’t play by the rules, so why should your competition?]
“Did you.....just call me.....’man-cake’?”
[Well, I certainly cannot keep repeating ‘Kaiba Boy,’ can I? I know what you are, Kaiba Boy, and I have since Duelist Kingdom. How is Mokuba, by the way? Give him a kiss for me.]
“That’s the creepy comment of the day.”
[I know Rocher is no saint, Kaiba Boy. However, I am getting up in years and I have no children to take over my company.]
“No surprise there,” Kaiba responded flatly.
[The newspapers, as usual, have skewed my intentions, silly willy.]
“Stop it with the cute talk! We are both adults.”
[But we’re old friends. Surely you cannot forget your old friend, Maximillion Pegasus.]
“What are your intentions, then?”
[Rocher approached me with his fabulous goonies and offered me the money. I hadn’t thought about selling Industrial Illusions, but I’m an old man now. I cannot stay young and sexy forever.]
“You were never--.”
[However, the offer is simply that.....an offer. It does not mean I will agree to the sale.]
“I recommend you don’t agree to the sale. Rocher is a dangerous man. And I’m not telling you because I care about you. I really don’t care.”
[Then why did you call me to discourage me if you don’t give a Funny Bunny what I do? See what I just did there? I went there...as the children say.]
Something is wrong with this man. Seriously wrong. “Why am I not surprised that you know what the children say?”
[Because both of our companies are geared towards children? That says something about you, too, Kaiba Boy.]
“I’m hanging up now. Bye.”
Seto slammed the phone on the receiver. Something is definitely wrong with that man. A knock sounded on the door as the CEO rubbed his brow. “Enter.”
Seto watched as eighteen-year-old Robbie Morgan entered the room with an armful of folders as he leaned on his cane. “Is that all the information on the France affair?”
“Oui,” Robbie replied with a smile as he approached Seto’s desk. “The architects have finally finished KaibaLand’s schematics outside of Nice. Their city council has approved the Recreational Land Use permit, but they have some inquiries as to storm water installation. They have some drafts for you to review.”
Seto sighed. “Why aren’t the engineers looking at this?”
“They did. They just want your approval.”
Robbie watched Seto review the plans. His eyes went to the multi-colored cupcake tie around the CEO’s neck. /Hey, Aten, your uncle is wearing a cupcake tie!/
Uncontrollable laughter filled the mindlink between Robbie and his husband, Aten Ishtar, the son of Yami Marik Ishtar and Ryou Bakura Itemri. //No way! Is there a pink cupcake on there?//
/Ohhhh yes.....with pretty pink sprinkles!/
//Take a picture if you can. I smell blackmail later that I can show my father.//
/Your father works here, too. I’m sure Malik is dead at home with laughter if he’s already seen it./
“Seto, I must say your tie is very.......silly.”
Seto groaned as he looked up at the teen. “I have no idea whose idea it was to have ‘Silly Tie Day’ here at KaibaCorp.”
“Who in the world bought that for you?”
“Mokuba spawn.”
Robbie chuckled. “Enough said, then. You may want to consider putting limits on the employee suggestion box.”
“Tell Aten I think his father is the one who suggested this just to see me make an ass out of myself.”
“No, I think he was the one drawing nude caricatures of you and sticking them in the employee suggestion box. I think he also drew a picture of himself naked. Quite...umm...disturbing...to see your father-in-law draw himself with a ten foot wiener in perfect detail.”
Seto shuddered. “There goes my appetite.”
“At least the majority of employee suggestions are valid requests. It would be nice to have some healthier choices in the cafeteria vending machines. I have to watch what figure I do have.”
“Do the dead have to watch their figures?” Seto asked.
Robbie nodded. “Just because I’m dead doesn’t give me license to lay around doing nothing.”
Only in our family can we have this discussion, Seto thought. Robbie was murdered by Eric Barnes one month before. He was shot in the abdomen in an effort to protect his adopted daughter, Heaven, and Umi, Aria’s husband. Robbie died several minutes later in Aten’s arms. Aten later died at the hands of his father in an attempt to stop Yami Aten’s plans of destruction. Marik and Bakura resurrected Aten and Robbie from the dead. Robbie had returned to work for Seto much to the CEO’s relief. Robbie’s parents were relieved to have their son returned to them. Ryou and Yami Marik were overjoyed at Aten’s return. The two eighteen-year-olds continued to live with Miranda and Daniel who did not mind their company.
“I don’t want to crush Aten to death when we.....you know. He’s still skinny as a rail.”
“It’s good to have you back, Robert.”
Robbie smiled. “I’m happy to be back home with my family.”
“Let me look over this and I’ll call you when I’m done.”
“Sure thing, Seto. And don’t worry about the cupcake tie. We’ll only harass you a little bit.”
Seto smiled with narrowed eyes. “Get out of here before I release the hounds.”
The teenager giggled as he limped out of the room, his cane tapping lightly on the floor. When the door closed behind Robbie, Seto relaxed in his chair. I certainly hope Pegasus is smarter than he sounds. If he submits to Rocher, it will be the end of Industrial Illusions. He already has sought to undermine my company. I will be dead in the ground before I allow Rocher to acquire KaibaCorp.
Seto interlaced his fingers as the door slightly opened. Joey peeked his head into the room curiously and took a step into the room. “Come in, puppy.”
“Why do you still call me that after all these years?”
Seto smiled. “Because.....” The CEO rose to his feet and walked around the desk to the blond. He closed the door behind the blond. He backed Joey against the door and caressed the blond’s cheek. “Because that is all you will always be.”
The brunet leaned over and kissed his lover lightly on the lips. Joey wrapped his arms around his husband and caressed Seto’s hair. Seto’s warm breath brushed across Joey’s cheek as they kissed against the door. A trail of peppered kisses trickled down Joey’s neck to his shoulder.
“You know, Seto, it’s hard.....”
“I know you are,” Seto responded as he pressed against Joey.
Joey moaned as Seto’s fingertips brushed across his stomach. “No....it’s hard....to take you seriously....when you have....cupcakes on your.....tie.”
Seto groaned and rested his head against Joey’s shoulder. “Not you, too.” Seto turned and walked to his desk followed by the blond. “Ivy bought the me tie. I promised her I’d wear it.”
Joey grinned. “Hey, man. It takes a real man with balls of steel to wear a cupcake tie. Especially if each cupcake has frosting and sprinkles.”
“So is this why you decided to come in here? To harass me about my tie, Joseph?”
“It’s almost lunch time and I thought you may want to take a break.”
Seto wrapped his arms around Joey and sat him on the desk. “I suppose a little break wouldn’t hurt.”
Joey grabbed Seto’s cupcake tie and pulled him into a deep, hungry kiss. Seto pushed the name plate on his desk aside and laid the blond on the desk. Joey moaned quietly under his lover as he felt Seto between his legs. The CEO moved Robbie’s file aside as he lifted Joey’s shirt. His lips kissed Joey’s chest lightly as the blond squirmed with need.
Seto tugged at his tie and removed it. He caught Joey in a hungry kiss and wrapped the tie around the back of Joey’s neck, trapping him in the kiss. The blond wrapped his legs around Seto and held him close.
Joey moaned as Seto slipped his tongue between his lips. Joey’s breathing staggered as Seto’s left hand crept down his side and cupped his left buttock. “Seto,” Joey whispered as he kissed Seto’s ear. The blond took a deep breath as he felt Seto’s hands reach into the front of his jeans and caress him. Joey’s legs weakened and dangled over the edge of the desk as his hips rose against the CEO’s tender touch.
“That’s my boy,” Seto moaned as Joey started to tremble from need.
The blond wrapped his arms around Seto and pulled him close as he thrust against Seto’s hand. Seto pulled Joey into a hungry, possessive kiss.
[Aria....] he thought he heard Aria moan nearby. Joey closed his eyes tightly. In his mind, he imagined Seto thrusting hard into Aria, moaning in her ear as he was moaning in his own. [That’s my girl.] Joey tensed and froze as he thought of Seto and Aria trapped in their memories as Seto took her on the desk where he lay.
“Seto.....stop,” Joey whimpered.
Seto stopped his soft caress as he slowly pulled away from Joey. “What’s wrong, baby?”
Joey pushed against Seto. “Get off of me.”
Seto removed his hand slowly from Joey’s pants and backed away, allowing the blond to sit on the desk. “What’s wrong?”
Joey lowered his head. “I can’t, Seto.”
“Are you feeling alright? You’re looking pale. Do I have to call the doctor?”
The blond slowly shook his head. “No doctor will be able to cure heartache and betrayal, Seto.”
Seto closed his eyes. “We both tried to fight our flashbacks, Joey. We did everything we could to fight it. I didn’t want to sleep with Aria.”
“Then why did you?!” Joey’s head rose sharply.
“I tried! We were caught up in the past.”
Joey crossed his arms over his chest. “Are you the father of Ryou’s baby, too, Seto? I bet you took your friendship a step further and took him to your bed, too!”
Seto’s eyes widened. “I....I don’t know if I am.”
“UNBE-FUCKING-LIEVEABLE!” Joey exclaimed as he jumped off the desk. “You should get tested to see if you are Ryou’s baby daddy!”
“Did you think of how this would impact us before you pulled your pants down and fucked them?”
“I blacked out with Aria!” Seto took a deep breath as he felt his anger rise. “I thought you had forgiven me.”
Joey walked to the door. “Forgiven yes, but not forgotten.”
“Joey, please, stay. We need to talk about this,” Seto said as Joey opened the door.
Joey turned to Seto. “I need to go for a walk.”
“When will you be back?”
Joey felt tears prick the back of his eyes. “I don’t know if I will.”
“Joey, wait!” Seto called, reaching for his lover. Joey closed the door behind him. Seto lowered his arm as he closed his eyes. What have I done?
Aten stood back from his canvas as he tilted his head to the side. Maybe I need a different shade of green in the grass there. Where’s my emerald? The Egyptian teen hummed to the Beethoven music playing on the stereo in his art studio. Paints of every color and cans of every size littered the table beside him. Several tiny cups of water stood beside the easel. The Egyptian sifted through his paints. “Where’s my emerald? I know it was here this morning.” Aten put down his brush and opened a cabinet with more paints. “Crimson....Kelly Green.....Azure Blue....Where in the name of Ra is it?”
A flip of a page by the wall was the only response in the room. Aten’s husband, Robbie Morgan, turned a page in his book. “Der Turm” by Uwe Tellkamp
“Robbie, have you seen my Emerald Green paint?”
“In der schublade nach oben,” Robbie responded as his attention remained to his German text.
Aten raised an eyebrow.
“Rusim,” Aten responded in Arabic. “I mean, paint. Where is my Emerald Green paint?”
Robbie looked up at Aten, suddenly hearing him. “What?”
“Where is the Emerald Green paint?”
“Oh, sorry, Aten. It’s upstairs on the dresser,” Robbie smiled with a chuckle. “Wasn’t paying attention.”
“I can see that.”
Aten sighed as he looked at the painting. I enjoy painting, but somehow, I feel I want to do something different. Since I was a young boy, painting was a means to escape, to forget bad memories, and occupied my time because I could do little else. I couldn’t run like the other kids and horseplay was almost out of the question. My heart always hurt. My surgeries only prolonged my life. Now, I want something more in my afterlife.
“Robbie? Is this what we are going to do for eternity?”
“What do you mean?”
Aten took a deep breath as he walked to the couch in his art studio. He sat beside his husband and turned his head to him. “Is this all we are going to do for the next millennia? I’m going to paint and you’re going to read?”
Robbie shrugged. “I don’t know. I mean, we’ll never grow old, right? We’ll always be eighteen years old.” Robbie groaned as he leaned back in the chair. “Schieze....does this mean I’ll have to work for eternity? Can’t I retire in a thousand years? My Social Security will be through the roof!”
Aten put his arm around Robbie’s shoulder. Robbie’s blue eyes looked into Aten’s purple and brown eyes. A different spark lit up the yami son’s eyes. “Let’s do something.....wild.”
Robbie’s eyes widened as he slowly pulled back from Aten’s embrace. “What do you mean?”
“In life, my chest always hurt from my cardiomyopathy. Now that I’m dead, I don’t have to worry about my heart, taking medicine, having surgery, or being in excruciating pain. My pain is gone.” A mischievous smile crossed his face. “I want to do something that I never could when I was alive! What do you say, Robbie? Come on! Let’s do something wicked!”
Robbie put down his book and shifted uneasily. “Aten, we can’t do that.”
“Why not? Now that I’m dead, I can finally live, Robbie!” Aten bounced excitedly in his chair. “You should come with me! We don’t ever have to worry about dying again! Well, I guess that’s not entirely true, but....come on, Robbie!”
Robbie looked at Aten. From as long as I’ve known him, he’s been a sick one. Missing school for surgery. I used to bring him his homework. When we would play, he’d have to stop and catch his breath. Sometimes we would have to cut our fun short because his pain became too bad. He does have a point, though. We’re both dead....and young. But still....he is Yami Marik’s son. From what I understand, that will make him slightly crazy. I could go along with it and make sure he doesn’t do anything too crazy.
“Alright, Aten. What do you have in mind?”
Wow, that was a fast reaction.
“Mr. Gillam has beer in his garage.”
“How do you know this?”
Aten smiled like a child when he wasn’t caught being naughty. “My stepfather is a thief and I am observant.”
This could be bad. “Aten, perhaps we can do something else. We’re not old enough to drink. We will never be old enough to drink. We’re both nineteen. It’s illegal. Maybe dancing?”
“You can’t dance. You have a bad foot!”
Robbie crossed his arms. “I CAN dance for your information, Mister! We danced at our wedding! We danced at Seto’s wedding to Joey! We danced at your sister’s wedding!”
“Robbie, I’ve spent my entire life not being able to live it to the fullest. I want to experience what I could not during my lifetime. I always had you by my side in life. Will you please be by my side in death?”
Oh crap. “Alright, Aten.”
Aten threw his arms around Robbie excitedly. He jumped up and turned off the music. “You’re not going to regret this!”
“Why do I feel like I already do?” Robbie asked quizzically.
Aten pulled Robbie to his feet. “Let’s go, Robbie!” Robbie grabbed his cane. “Wait here,” he whispered. The Egyptian lead Robbie outside and jumped over the neighbor’s fence. Robbie watched the Egyptian creep silently towards Gillam’s garage. He reached inside the porch light where he found a hidden key to the garage. Robbie watched Aten kneel before the doorknob and effortlessly unlock the door.
Robbie watched Aten disappear into the garage. I don’t think this is such a great idea. He weighs one hundred pounds wet. He’s never had a beer in his life. We’re going to get in so much trouble. Uh oh....what if mom and dad ground me? That will stink. I don’t want to get in trouble. But, I can’t let Aten do this alone. He’s taking too long in there. Did something go wrong?
/Ankhenaten! Where the heck are you?/
//He’s got bacon jerky in here, too! FUCK YEAH! You want some?//
/Aten, don’t get us in trouble more than we already are!/ Robbie scolded his husband through their mindlink. /Get the booze and get out of there before Gillam finds you and we get grounded./
//My parents won’t ground me. I’m a married man. We’re too old to be grounded.//
/We’re going to get in sooooooo much trouble!/
//Relax. Damn, I think you need a beer.//
/No, I certainly do not!/
//I think so, my handsome German better half.// Aten emerged from the garage carrying a case of beer.
/Aten, don’t take a whole case! He’s going to notice it missing!/
//Gillam’s got five cases in there. He won’t notice.//
/Gillam HAS five cases. English, Aten./
Aten climbed over the fence with the beer and sat on the bench in the backyard. //Get your sexy ass over here and join me.//
Robbie rolled his eyes in the darkness as he hobbled over to the bench. He looked up at the stars as he heard the case opening in the night. “The sky is really pretty tonight.”
“I don’t know how I let you talk me into this.”
Aten handed Robbie a can. “You need to calm down, Robert. Have one.”
Robbie shook his head. “No, thank you. One of us has to stay sober.”
“Suit yourself,” Aten said opening the pilfered can. After a couple mouthfuls, he coughed. “Hey, that’s pretty good.”
“We’re going to get in so much trouble.”
“Relax, habib,” Aten said before taking a few more mouthfuls. Aten looked up into the night sky. “Isn’t it strange that those same stars we see were seen by our ancestors?”
Robbie nodded. “Yeah. Now they’re all dead.”
“I always enjoyed looking up at them.” Aten licked his lips and chugged the rest of the beer can. The Egyptian threw the can on the ground and grabbed another can from the case.
/You had one. Time to stop./
//We already went this far, right? Besides, it’s not bad. Is it getting warm out here or is it just me?//
Aten opened the next can and filled his whole mouth with beer. He swallowed it and relaxed against the back of the bench. “This is fun.”
/Glad you’re living it up./
Aten began to giggle. //Funny because we’re dead!// Aten poured the rest of the can down his throat and threw the second can on the ground. //Oh god.....I’ve gotta....//
“Don’t throw up, Aten!”
A loud burp echoed in the backyard of the Morgan home. Aten pat his thin stomach with a smile. “I thinks I wants mores.”
“Aten, if my parents find out about this, we are going to get in so much trouble! You already had two beers. That’s enough living for one night.”
Aten reached into the case and grabbed a third beer. “Dontsch be such a schpoiled schport. Sh-have a beer wif me, Kobbie.”
/Aten, seriously, stop./
Aten opened the can and turned to Robbie with a grin. “Your sho sexy when you’re conc---concer.....when you talk about me.” Aten quickly finished the third can as Robbie began to fidget uneasily beside him.
“Alright, Aten, we had our wild time. Time to return Mr.Gillam’s beer and go to bed.”
Aten grabbed a fourth beer and stood up on staggering legs. Robbie watched his husband stand on uneasy legs as he opened the new can. “The young ish night and I am.....” Aten giggled as he drank from the can. “An Egishin.”
Robbie leaned forward and buried his face in his hands. /What have I done?/ “Aten, we have to go inside and get you to bed.”
Aten staggered back as he looked at the cans on the ground. “Shtring.”
“I dunno.”
Robbie stood up and put his hand on Aten’s shoulder. “Aten, I love you and I know you want to do things you never could in life, but I don’t want to get in trouble! Let’s go.”
Aten finished the beer and threw it on the ground. The Egyptian looked at Robbie’s hand and kissed it tenderly. “Your handsh is sexy.”
“Aten, come with me.”
“Wif peasure,” Aten said as he dropped the can and pulled Robbie into a deep kiss.
Robbie’s nose wrinkled at the bitter taste of Aten’s kiss. The bitter aroma of beer filled his mouth as Aten deepened the kiss. /What do I do?/
Aten broke the kiss and almost fell over grabbing a fifth beer from the case. “Yeah, fun,” Aten giggled as he opened the next can. Robbie caught Aten before he could fall over. “We need to do something elsh.” Aten gasped excitedly. “Letsh go to the park and play!”
Robbie put his finger to his lips. “Aten, keep it down! Someone will hear us!”
“I wanna play on the schwings! Rember when we were young and we ushed to play there? Didn’t you kiss me there the first time?”
Robbie sighed. “No. That’s not where we were when we had our first kiss.”
Aten looked around as he drank from the can. “How we go get to go to the park?”
/I’ve created a monster./
Aten grabbed the case of beer and staggered through the yard. Mr.Gillam’s riding lawnmower was sitting beside his house. Gillam had been mowing his lawn and had stopped to take a nap. He never returned to finish the job.
“Time to goes for a ride.”
Robbie stood in Aten’s way as he knew his husband’s intentions. “No. Absolutely not! We’re not taking his riding lawnmower for a ride. It’s almost midnight and it’s time for us to be in bed. Put down the beer and-.”
“Only down the blocksh.” Aten walked around Robbie and climbed the fence. //Schwings!//
/Oh my god, this is going from bad to worse./ Robbie looked up at the sky. /God, if you can hear me, please make him pass out./
Aten climbed onto the riding lawnmower and threw the empty fifth can on the ground. Robbie halted his breath as the lawnmower started. “Come on, Robbie!”
Robbie closed his eyes. How am I going to explain this to my parents if we get caught? Robbie climbed over the fence and onto the lawnmower. Aten pushed down on the pedal as the mower began to move.
“Wooo! Fun!” Aten screamed into the night.
Oh my god, we are going to get into so much trouble for this!
Aten turned the mower to the right and swerved onto the Morgan property. “Look, Robbie! I’m drifing!”
Robbie saw Aten swerving on the lawn, cutting a snake pattern into the Morgan’s lawn. “Aten, watch it!”
The Egyptian raised a fist into the air. “Breakin’ the law! Breakin’ the law!” Aten loudly sang Grand Theft Auto as the mower swerved onto the pavement.
Robbie looked at the pavement where he was murdered. The bloodstain had washed away, but he always shuddered when he saw it. I died there. I was trying to protect Umi and Heaven. I couldn’t let Eric murder that baby. I remember the hot sting of the bullet in my stomach. Blood was everywhere. I was afraid. I could feel myself die. I fought to live, but I died in Aten’s arms. Now the drunken maniac is riding a lawnmower in the middle of the night.
The lawnmower jolted Robbie back into the present. Robbie held onto the mower tightly as they approached the Ishtar-Itemri home. “Robbie, there’s my house! HI, MOMMY!”
“Aten, he’s probably asleep! In fact, your newborn brother is probably asleep, too!”
“He’s not asleepsh! Hesh probab-abl-abably making out with my dad. They’re probably doing it now.”
“Aten, that’s your parents! Don’t talk about them having sex!”
Robbie’s face blushed a million shades of red as he closed his eyes. This is a nightmare. I’m dreaming. I fell asleep reading my book and this is all a terrible, terrible, terrible dream. He’s so drunk he doesn’t know what he’s saying.
Aten turned to his husband and pointed ahead. “The parkssssss that way! Let’s go to de park, Wobbie!”
Oh, sweet Jesus. Oh my god! I just remembered! Aten donated his liver to Joey after he died! He doesn’t have a liver! “Aten, we have to go home right now!”
Aten threw away his sixth can of beer onto his parents’ lawn. “Nope! Wooo!”
Robbie reached for the wheel and tried to turn it, but Aten turned the other way. “Give it to me!”
Aten chuckled as he tried to wrestle the wheel from Robbie. “I will later!”
“No, Aten, give it here!” The lawn mower swerved into a parked car. “Aten Bakari!”
Robbie was grateful as the mower arrived at the park. Robbie jumped off the mower and helped his intoxicated husband off. “Thank god that’s over.”
“It’s getting hot,” he said as he removed his shirt, socks, and shoes.
“Aten, put on your---.”
“Schwings!” Aten exclaimed as he ran to the swings with his arms in the air. He suddenly stopped and returned to the mower. “Can’t forget this!”
Robbie sighed in resignation and limped over to a park bench. “I’m going to be so happy when this night is over.”
“Come play with me on the swings, Robbie!”
Robbie looked around nervously, expecting to see the Domino Police or a rampaging mob of angry, tired neighbors. It’s going to be a long afterlife if this becomes the norm. I guess I should have expected this though. His father is a little bit crazy.
Aten played on the swings, laughing like a little boy. Robbie saw him slowly stop swinging after five minutes. “The slide! Let’s play on the slide!” Aten jumped up and climbed the slide. “Weeeee!” he smiled as he slid down. “Again! Again!” He giggled as he climbed the slide again. “Weeeee!” he smiled as he slid down again. “Again! Again!”
Robbie leaned back on the park bench and covered his mouth as he yawned tiredly. “This is going to be a long night.”
“Weee! This is fun!”
Robbie sighed as he tapped his cane against the ground. “Maybe I should have brought my book.”
“Robbie! Robbie! Robbie! Robbie! Robbie!”
“WHAT?!” Robbie snapped.
“Watch me!” Aten slid down the slide on his back with his legs spread eagle.
“That’s magnificent, Aten.”
Aten landed at the foot of the slide, the air seemed to heat as he played. “It’s hot.”
Robbie gasped as he saw a naked Aten run to the monkey bars. “Oh my blessed Lord! Jesus! Aten Bakari Ishtar!” Robbie rose to his feet and limped over to his lover’s blue jeans laying on the slide. “Get your pants on, you lunatic!”
Aten hung naked upside down on the monkey bars. “I DON’T NEED PANTS! I AM NO-PANTS MAN! DEFENDER OF....ummm.....fuck. YES! DEFENDER OF FUCK!” The Egyptian teen giggled as he looked up. “Hey, my penis is looking at me! Hello! Aren’t you a handsome fellow? Hey! Robbie! He’s looking at me crooked! Are you trying to start a fight with me? I’m gonna teash you a lesson!” Aten wrapped his hands around his member as he hung upside down.
Robbie watched Aten squeeze tightly and struggle to get a grip. “Aten, that’s your penis! It’s not picking a fight with you.”
Aten moaned and whimpered. “It’s starting to rain, Robbie!”
That’s not rain. Robbie stepped up to Aten and looked down at him as his husband became aroused. “Aten, let me help you down.” Robbie gasped as he felt Aten rub his cheek in front of his pants. He closed his eyes as Aten released his member. “Aten...”
“Robbie,” Aten moaned as he unzipped Robbie’s pants.
“We can’t...” Robbie whimpered as he felt Aten swallow around him. Robbie wrapped his arms around Aten and pressed his cheek against his stomach. A pleasurable warmth surrounded him as he took a series of sharp breaths. “A...Aten.”
Aten swallowed deep around his lover as Robbie felt his knees tremble. //I love you so much, Robbie.//
Robbie kissed Aten’s stomach as his senses were drowning in his husband’s seductive motions. Robbie thrust lightly against Aten’s warm. The Egyptian moaned around Robbie as he felt his motions reciprocated. He felt Robbie tremble and whimper with Aten’s motions. Aten swallowed as Robbie released a little.
The Caucasian teen swallowed around his lover, hoping to reciprocate the pleasure. The Egyptian attempted to reach up to grab the monkey bars to dismount, but he missed the bar and fell onto his back with a grunt and a drunken giggle. “I falled down.”
Robbie smiled. “Poor baby.” Robbie kneeled on the ground between his lover’s legs and swallowed around him again. What am I doing? This is a public park! What if someone catches the lawn mower parked here and finds us?
Robbie lifted his head, but Aten caught him in a bitter-kiss. Robbie’s nose wrinkled from the beer taste, but whimpered as Aten reached into his pants and began to touch him again. /Aten, we can’t.../
//Please, Robbie....I need you.// Aten cupped Robbie in his hands, making the other teen breathe heavily and try to bury himself in Aten’s hand. Robbie’s thrusts became rhythmic as Aten lightly caressed him.
/Oh god...Aten./
//That’s a good boy.//
Robbie whimpered as he thrust against Aten’s hand. “Don’t stop.....”
“I want you, Robbie.”
Robbie thrust hard into Aten’s hand as sweat beaded down his throat. “I need to....prepare....”
Aten pulled Robbie on top of him. “Please, Robbie...”
Robbie thrust against Aten even as Aten’s hand was no longer there. “Can’t stop. I have to....please, Aten...”
“Do it, Robbie. Please.”
Aten gasped as Robbie slipped into Aten and thrust hard and fast into his lover. Aten’s body jerked with every penetration by his lover. Robbie lifted Aten’s right leg over his shoulder and thrust deep into Aten’s body.
Aten arched his back and moaned as Robbie stroked him.
“Release, Aten. Come on, boy. Let it go.”
Aten whimpered as he released over Robbie’s shirt. Robbie buried himself deep in Aten and released again. Robbie collapsed on Aten, breathing hard. Aten trembled beneath him as he slowly stopped thrusting against his lover.
“Now....are you......ready to.....go .......home?”
Aten chuckled. “You’re naughty when you’re cute.”
Robbie pointed at Aten’s chest. “Me? I’m naughty? Speak for yourself, mister! We need to get that mower back to Mr. Gillam before the entire neighborhood and wakes up to find us butt naked in the park with a stolen mower.”
Aten’s pawed at Robbie’s face. “Alright.”
“Let’s get your clothes back on,” Robbie said, helping Aten to his feet.
“I don’tsh needs cloves! I’m No Pants Man!”
Robbie sighed as Aten staggered over to the case of beer and opened the seventh can. “Let’s go home, Ankhenaten.”
Aten rose the beer in the air and drank from it. “To the No Pants Man Cave!”
“Yes! Yes! We must get to the No Pants Man Cave! Hurry! Here’s your shirt.”
Aten stuck his arm out of the head opening. “No Pants Man can’t dress!”
“Sweet Jesus....here.”
Robbie put Aten’s shirt back on, but the Egyptian had already sat on the mower before Robbie could grab the pants. Aten started the mower up again as Robbie watched it head towards home. “Aten! Wait for me!”
Robbie limped after the mower. “Aten! Don’t make me wake up the neighborhood calling after you! Aten!”
“Back to the No Pants Man Cave!”
Bakura held Therion in his arms as the baby finally fell asleep. He hummed a lullabye as the lawn mower slowly crept up the street. “What the fuck? Who the hell is mowing their lawn at midnight?”
Therion began to whimper and began screaming as the lawn mower approached the house. Bakura stood up and tried to rock the baby to sleep again. I just had him asleep. “Shhh, Therion, it’s nothing. Go back to sleep, angel. Shhhh....Don’t cry.”
“MOTHERFUCKER!” Ryou screamed from the Itemri bedroom. Bakura’s eyes went wide in shock and surprise. Ryou never used that word. Ryou rarely cursed at all. A smile almost crossed Bakura’s lips. He finally said it.
“Who the hell is making that bloody racket outside? I just got to sleep! I’m going to find whomever is making that noise and kick his arse!”
Bakura heard the Itemri’s bedroom fly open. Oh my god. Ryou’s pissed. Yami Bakura returned the crying baby to the crib. “You stay here while daddy prevents your mommy from going to jail for murder.”
Bakura ran out of the room and intercepted Ryou at the top of the stairs. “Baby, I will take care of this. You go back to bed.”
Ryou’s anger quickly shifted into tears. “I’m so tired....so sore.....I just want to go to sleep. That’s all I want. Why won’t I sleep?” Ryou grabbed onto Bakura, hugging him tightly and crying on his shoulder. Bakura wrapped his arms around his hikari and kissed his cheek.
“I’ll take care of it.”
“Who’s going to take care of the baby?” Ryou sobbed.
Bakura sighed. “I’ll ask Malik. You go back to bed.”
“I’m so bloody tired!” Ryou sobbed harder.
They have him on tons of pills for pain and sedatives. It’s no wonder he’s ready to kill someone one minute and sobbing the next. Guess those hormones have to readjust.
“Angel, go back to bed.”
“So tired, but can’t sleep,” he shuffled back to the bedroom crying into his hands. “And I want pineapple and we don’t have any!”
Okay. That was random.
“Bakura! You have to come see this!” Malik called from downstairs.
Bakura raced down the stairs to look out the front window with Malik and Marik. “What the fuck?”
Aten drove the neighbor’s lawnmower and raised an eighth beer above his head. “Hi, Father Bakura! Woooo!” Robbie was following the lawnmower, still calling to Aten. The lawnmower had almost arrived at the Morgans.
“There’s something you don’t see everyday,” Yami Marik said.
“Ishtar, we need to have a good talk with your son. Malik, can you go upstairs and take care of the baby? Ryou’s slightly......emotional...and he needs his rest.”
“Bloody hell, I just want some sleep!” Ryou exclaimed upstairs.
Malik nodded. “Sure thing, Bakura. Let me know how it goes.”
Bakura grabbed Marik’s arm. “Let’s go, daddy dearest.”
Bakura and Marik stepped out of the house and saw the lawnmower stop on Gillam’s property. Bakura and Marik stood in front of the Morgan’s door as Aten staggered beside Robbie wearing only his shirt.
Bakura crossed his arms sternly against his chest. “Ankhenaten Bakari Ishtar. What is the meaning of this?”
“Hi, Father Bakura. Nish to see you at the No Pants Cave.”
Bakura turned to Marik. “You know you made this?”
Marik looked at his half naked son with a grin. “I sure did! Did a damn fine job of it, too.” Marik’s gaze fell on Robbie. “What did you do to my son? Did you encourage him to do this?”
Robbie’s eyes widened as he stepped back. “No! I tried to discourage him!”
“Robert Allen Morgan-Ishtar, I am appalled that you would provide beer to my stepson and take his pants!”
Aten giggled as he gulped down the beer. “He fucked me in the park.”
“Aten!” Robbie groaned, elbowing Aten in the ribs. “Language!”
“Aten, you know your mom just gave birth and is trying to get some rest.”
Aten walked up to his father. “You’re a great dad. I love you!”
Marik tensed as his half-naked son hugged him. “Love you, too, boy, but you may want to put pants on before you hug your father.”
“How did this get started, Morgan?” Bakura asked.
Robbie fidgeted on his feet uneasily. “Well, Aten was painting and he said he wanted to do something that he never could when he was alive. So, he came up with the idea himself to steal Mr.Gillam’s lawnmower and beer out of his garage. I tried to tell him that he had enough, but he kept drinking.”
“Boy, how many beers have you had?”
“Eleventeen.” Aten stepped to Bakura and hugged him. “You look like mommy...only spikier hair....”
“He’s had eight,” Robbie corrected.
“I guess I shouldn’t be surprised at this, Ishtar. We’ve always known the fruit of your loins would be just as crazy as you someday.”
Bakura felt Aten squeeze him hard and felt warm liquid spray onto his neck, shoulder, and back. Aten violently wretched over Bakura.
Marik stepped to the side, wrinkling his nose. “Ummm....Itemri?”
Aten wretched again over Bakura’s shoulder and arm. “Woo.....fun,” he groaned as he weakly punched Bakura’s chest.
Bakura sighed. “Wouldn’t be the first time he threw up on.....” Bakura felt something warm trickle onto his pants as he closed his eyes in horror. “He peed on me, didn’t he?”
Marik and Robbie nodded silently.
“Wouldn’t be the first time he’s puked and peed on me. Ishtar, get your boy to bed. I have to get cleaned up,” Bakura groaned, muttering to himself in Egyptian.
Marik took Aten’s arm and draped it around his shoulder. “Alright, boy. Robert, get the door, please.”
“I love you, daddy,” Aten groaned beside his father.
“I love you, too, boy. Let’s get you cleaned up.”
Marik helped Aten into the bathroom as Daniel emerged from his bedroom. “Hi, Danny Boy.”
“What’s all that noise outside?”
“It’s nothing, dad,” Robbie answered quickly. “It’s over. Go to bed.”
Aten swallowed hard as his father carried him into the bathroom and sat on the toilet. “I no feel good.”
“I’d say not, Little Marik.”
Aten gripped onto his father as his body shook with diarrhea. Aten fell forward onto his father unconscious. Marik looked at Robbie. “I’ll hold him. I’ve cleaned his ass enough when he was young.”
Robbie gagged as he cleaned his husband. “I thought he would know better than this.”
“Well, we mummified Aten. When I removed his brain, that’s when I found the aneurism that killed him. When we brought him back to life, all of his organs need time to regenerate. I’m surprised he drank eight beers. Part of his liver was given to Joey, so he must have the liver the size of a child’s now. I’m going to guess the reasoning part of his brain hasn’t fully regenerated.”
Robbie washed Aten’s chest with soap and water. “I can see why he wanted to do this. When he was alive, he was too sick to really do much. Now, he and I don’t need to worry so much about death.”
Marik caressed Aten’s hair. “Death is always a possibility, Robbie. Killing the dead is tough. We may be dead, but we are not immortal.”
“Oh, I thought we couldn’t die a second time.”
Marik nodded. “As I said, it is difficult to kill what is already dead. Bakura’s endured much and has not perished, but even he has succumbed to death since his initial murder.”
Robbie shuddered. “I don’t want to be murdered again.”
“No, it is not my idea of a good time, either. Let’s get this naughty little monkey into bed.”
“Thank you for helping me out with him.”
Marik cradled Aten in his arms and carried him. “He’ll always be my baby boy, even if he is a little crazy.”
“Runs in the family, huh?”
Marik chuckled. “A little. He’s an Ishtar. His blood is part of a long lineage of insane psychopaths who in-bred and spent their entire lives trapped in a dark, musty tomb of a pharaoh who was nothing more than a murderer.”
“Sounds terrible.”
Marik nodded as he placed Aten into bed and covered him with comforters. “I was too late to save Malik from their insanity. Unfortunately, Aten has known the same fate as Malik.” Marik ran his hand gently over Aten’s back where “MINE” was scarred into his flesh. “I feel like I failed to protect him, too.”
“I took good care of him in life and I promise to do the same in death, Marik.”
“I know, Robert. Thank you. I should probably get home. Ryou’s on an emotional rollercoaster after having the baby, Malik is taking care of the baby, and Bakura is showering up.” A mischievous grin crossed Marik’s face. “Perhaps Bakura needs an extra hand.”
“You won’t tell anyone about this incident, will you?”
Marik nodded. “I swear on Malik’s father’s sandy grave.”
“Good. Thanks again, Marik.”
Marik walked down the stairs with a chuckle. Jokes on him. I burned his father’s body. He was never buried. Seto and Joey may find this an amusing tale.
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