Royalty | By : FireWeaver Category: Yu-Gi-Oh > Yaoi - Male/Male Views: 2125 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own YuGiOh!, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Author: WOW!!! I leave for a few hours to go skating at the
mall with my family and BOOM!!! I get 18 reviews! Mostly from Rowan Girl…
àRowan Girl: Wow! I really appreciate your support,
but when counting, your reviews only count as one, so eheheh…writing
5 separate reviews from you don’t count, but I’m still delighted altogether
from your enthusiastic support from all you guys! I love ya!
Bakura: Wow…people actually care about me and read my fic…but how come I’m not getting reviews? Plah…
Author: Jealous yami…
Bakura: Oh quiet you!
à Deme: You shut up! Don’t
tell ME to shut up!!!
Author: *smack!* Bakura! Don’t bad mouth my reviewers! She
says she loves your fic! Just stop moaning and
groaning all the time!
Bakura: But Ryou has more than twice the amount of reviews!
Ryou: Cause I’m cuter!
Bakura: >(
Malik: My God Card!!!
à Ek: *chases after EK with
rod* get back here or I’ll sick my yami on you!!!
Author: ><;;; Anyways…
à divastarz63: Thanks for your support. I’m not really
sure how to write a fic properly… >< Actually when
I first started my fics are soooo
bad that I can’t even bear to reread them now without screaming and ripping my
hair out. My only advice is write write write and read read read…reading books develops your vocabulary and reading
into subjects (Egypt, homosexuality, emotions, etc.) can help you develop
knowledge and let you understand how it is and lets you get into it so you know
how to manipulate it better when you write fics…and
read other fanfics and get inspired! If you wanna talk more, say hi to me on AIM, or on Yahoo (mistress_simeura) or MSN ( ß
I still liked Pokémon then… or email me!
Anyhow! Thanks for all your reviews and enthusiasm! On with
the story!
It has been 6 suns since that wonderful night, six suns
since Yami has even laid a finger on Ryou; and believe it or not, the young
teen was actually getting worried. Is he
sick of me already? Am I really THAT bad of a bed slave? I haven’t even seen
him around since that night, and he hasn’t even stopped at my chambers at all…am
I going to get tossed out? Ryou’s feet led him to Jounouchi’s
chambers, it was the only place that Ryou ever really desired to go, other than
the library, but with his concerns, he felt like he needed to talk to his
He didn’t bother to knock, he ceased awhile ago when the
healer to him that friends don’t need to knock on each other’s doors. He heard
giggling but he stepped in anyways, realizing only too late that the blonde
teen and his tanned lover were fooling around again.
“Ryou!” Malik shrieked as Ryou
squealed and turned away, hiding his face. Both boys were nude and on the
ground, sweating and grinding each other, their arousals completely evident and
Malik’s mouth lined with something white. “Why don’t you
knock when you come in?!?!”
“It’s my fault,” Jounouchi brushed
a lock of bleached hair out of his lover’s face, “I told him to drop by anytime,
besides, he can see your beautiful naked body!”
“Mmmmm…” seductively Malik
stretched out, exposing his body with catlike grace from experience, “yes…who
can’t resist my body?”
“Malik!” Ryou shook his head, his
face flushed as his hands covered his face.
Malik only laughed and let Jounouchi
finish the job, letting the blonde slip his erection into his mouth and began
to pump him slowly, “Oh Jono…don’t tease me…”
Ryou squeaked and tried to cover his ears with his arms as
he heard their moans.
When he turned to leave the room he heard the Egyptian gasp,
“What? I’m not erotic enough for you Ryou? Don’t want to watch me? Stay. Come
on, watch us, it’s not like it’s anything unusual.”
Ryou peeked through his hands, his curious nature getting
the better of him. His heart beat rapidly as he watched Malik arch his back,
his whole creamy brown body exotic in every way, the golden cuffs on his arms,
neck and ankles glinting from sweat and his earrings dangling carelessly, “Jounouchi…Oh!”
The young healer slowly began to bob his head faster upon
Malik’s erection, his fingers fondling the sacs underneath; Malik groaned,
tossing his head back his hips moving along. Finally with a cry he released his
seed into his lover’s mouth, and his fell, his chest heaving, breathing
heavily, “I love you Jounouchi…”
The blonde picked himself off the ground, wiping his mouth
as if he just enjoyed a good meal, “Love you too Malik…” When he turned to see
Ryou’s beet red face he cracked into laughter, ruffling the boy’s head before
turning away to dress.
“You seriously need to lighten up Ryou,” Malik said, picking
himself from the ground, “You’ve seen me nude before.”
“But not…doing…that!” Ryou squeaked, not finding his voice.
“You’re teasing him again aren’t you Malik? Jounouchi?”
The boy felt warm hands clasping his shoulders as Marik entered the room, “Ryou
here just has a little more courtesy than you two and doesn’t run around
screwing each other in public.”
Ryou nodded, his face still red.
Jounouchi laughed, “But you need
to lighten up too Marik.”
“How could I? I still haven’t found out anything about
Bakura…it’s been six suns…if he’s dead…then he’s most definitely dead by now…”
Ryou turned and hugged the older Egyptian gently, “If you
really want Marik…the next time I see Yami-sama…I’ll
ask him for you…he may get mad but it’s better to know Bakura’s state.”
“Thank you so much Ryou,” Marik leaned down and kissed the
pale boy on the forehead.
“I still can’t believe the Pharaoh let you call him by name!
Not even Bakura got that privilege!” Malik marveled as he sat on Jounouchi’s lap, who was in a chair.
“He hasn’t even touched me since that dinner night,” Ryou
said, pulling away from Marik and sitting on the stone bed.
When he had re-encountered the events six nights ago to his
friends the following day, his friends were amazed at how much the Pharaoh’s
feelings seemed to be developing for the young boy.
“I think he really cares for you Ryou…maybe it’s best that
you give him a chance,” Jounouchi rubbed his head, “I
did tend to some of his cuts when we were the same age…I was in training to be
healer and he was learning sorcery…but he always ran and hid from his lessons,
getting himself bumped up. I would always tend to him…he was a bright and happy
child, and grew to up to be a wonderful Pharaoh…his only bad side was when he
started getting more and more stressed from his Council meetings, and from
caring for his kingdom so much; preventing wars, stopping wars…trying to
eliminate as much poverty as possible…When Seto-sama
came to him one night with a bed slave, I think the Pharaoh just snapped,
taking out all his frustrations sexually…” Jounouchi
paused, reaching up to stroke Malik’s long hair, “But other than that he’s a nice
young man…really…”
Ryou nodded, “He’s nice to me…and I can tell it’s genuine. I
think…Jounouchi, that I am beginning to fall for him. Actually, remember
how I told you all? I hugged him that night?” the others nodded, “I meant it…he’s
trying so hard to care for me and to earn my trust by not coming near me…but
now I’m beginning to worry. Believe it or not, I actually want him to come and
ask for my services soon…because I’m getting scared that he’s sick of me
already and wants to rid of me.”
Marik laughed softly, “I don’t think the Pharaoh would want
to rid of you if he loves you Ryou…”
“But I don’t know if he does…”
“He does,” the wild haired Egyptian replied, “he’s probably
purposely avoiding you because he wants you to trust him now…If you care for
him as you say you do…then ask for the truth; if he does love you, he will tell
“I do care for Yami-sama,” Ryou
said softly, “he saved my life, and that means to me more than anything…” he
looked up to see Malik’s crestfallen face, “What’s wrong?”
The younger Ishtar sighed and looked down at the floor, “If
you two are meant for each other…then that means you actually gave your
virginity to the one you love…You were the only person who understood what I
went through…and now I’m alone…”
The young boy felt guilty. Getting off the bed he walked
over to Malik, who reached out his arms for a hug. Ryou reached out as well and
they fell into each other’s embrace, “But I still know how it felt Malik, the
fear and horror that we felt when our innocence was taken away from us against
our wills. Even if Yami-sama becomes the one I love,
I will never forget how I felt when I lost my virginity unwillingly. Malik, I
will always understand how you feel…”
Malik felt tears sliding down his cheek as he began to cry, “Promise
me that I won’t be alone in this Ryou…”
“You won’t be…”
Ryou felt his heart leap when he saw Yami sitting carelessly
on his bed, his eyes barely open from fatigue, when the boy returned to his
room. “Yami-sama!” Ryou raced to his Master, bounding
onto the bed and flying into the older teen’s arms, nuzzling his chest, “I was
getting worried Yami-sama! I haven’t heard a word
from you in six suns! I was afraid you no longer had need of me Yami-sama!”
Yami smiled in delight, his hands rising to run through the
boy’s long white hair, “I’m sorry Ryou, but I had to deal with a flood crisis
at the riverbanks of the Nile; I had to send soldiers
there to help with the flooding farms and its inhabitants.”
“You’re such a wonderful person Yami-sama,”
Ryou sighed contentedly.
“Ryou…” Yami was a little baffled by the boy’s actions.
Already they were acting as lovers, and he hasn’t even told the young boy of
his feelings yet, “what do you think of me? I know…” he gulped, “what I’ve done
to you is unforgivable…I’ve become a bastard…I never wanted to be the Pharaoh,
but I was born the prince, and have to follow my father’s line. People expect
so much of me that I no longer knew who to turn to for my troubles…and it’s
turned me to the cruel person that I am…and I hate myself for it…”
“You aren’t a cruel person Yami-sama,”
Ryou gazed up into the Pharaoh’s crimson eyes, boring into the other teen’s
soul, “you were lost…and I can see that you didn’t truly realize what you’ve
done until…that night in the torture chamber…”
“You really can read me Ryou…thank you…” he buried his face
in the boy’s soft hair, inhaling its sweet scent, “I just want to make you
happy from now Ryou…I…I think I’m in love with you sweet Ryou. Because of what
I’ve done to you, I know you can’t return how I feel…but I just want to make
you happy; I’ll even free you if that is your wish.”
The boy’s chocolate eyes rimmed with tears as he flung his
arms around the Pharaoh’s neck, relieved to finally hear the words come from
the teen himself, “I was waiting for these words Yami-sama;
and I CAN return your feelings. I realized that after you saved me, that a bond
has formed between us…a bond that developed because of your will to care for me…I
want you to keep on protecting me Yami-sama, I need
you in my life.”
Tears stung Yami’s eyes, his heart ready to explode from the
rush of emotions as the young boy broke down all his walls. He held Ryou tight,
as if afraid that this was all a dream and would just slip away, caressing the
pale teen’s back, sobbing into his hair, “And I need you in my life…you were
the piece that I was missing in my heart…Ryou…”
“ I love you Yami-sama…Let me
continue to be your slave…I will serve you, in return, love me back…and I’ll be
all yours.”
As the sun completed its journey over the horizon, Yami left
Ryou’s side to light candles about the room, before settling back on the great
bed with his newfound lover. The boy immediately sat and curled up once again
in the Pharaoh’s chest, a soft smile gracing his lips.
It was only after awhile when Yami noticed Ryou suddenly
furrow his brow in thought, then frown.
Yami stroked Ryou’s hair gently, the boy resting against his
chest on the luxurious bed, “You seem perturbed Ryou…are you still afraid of
“No Yami-sama!” Ryou pressed his
head more firmly upon the Pharaoh’s chest, listening to the young man’s
heartbeat, “I’ve just been having things on my mind…that’s all…”
“Tell me about them.”
The young boy took a deep breath, he knew he had to ask,
Marik was waiting for an answer, and he promised to find out for the Egyptian,
“Bakura…what happened to Bakura?”
The Pharaoh sucked in a sharp breath, having forgotten about
the wild haired teen, he didn’t exactly want to remember either, “I…”
“Please tell me…” Ryou’s eyes were pleading.
Yami sighed and gave in, “Bakura’s fine Ryou…but he’s still
in underground. I’m not that cold-hearted; I couldn’t let him die…I still care
for him, despite what I condemned him to.”
“Then free him… please Yami-sama! He’s been through enough!” He begged, “Marik suffers
so much without Bakura! I would suffer without you! You should know how it
The Pharaoh admired the boy’s compassion for others. He
gently kissed the boy, his hard lips pressing against the soft petal ones
before drawing away; he knew his sense of pride wouldn’t let him, in less than
one sun he’s already let down so many barriers. He’ll have to wait before he
can take another step, “I still feel a bit bitter about what he’s done to me
Ryou, surely you can understand that; but for you, I’ll see what I can do.”
“Thank you Yami-sama.”
“But tell me something Ryou…it’s still on my mind. You
already seemed to act as if you loved me even before I told you how I felt…how
Ryou smiled gently at the Pharaoh, warming the other teen’s
heart, “Jounouchi, Marik and Malik told me that you
cared for me…they seemed to recognize it before I could…and I trusted their
Yami snorted softly, “Jounouchi…that
bastard…coming up with assumptions that easily; I guess he still hasn’t changed
over the years. Well, your friends were very right Ryou…I’m just happy you
accepted my feelings for you.”
“I love you Yami-sama,” Ryou
curled up against his lover, feeling sleep calling for him.
“Do me a favour Ryou…Yami…just call me Yami from now on…”
Bakura grinned to himself, congratulating himself for his
cleverness. He had to be grateful to the Pharaoh for healing that horrid wound
on his head, but it still didn’t change his hate for the tri-coloured haired
teen; besides, the bastard still kept him locked up.
But Ra seemed to be shining its golden light upon the wild
haired slave. The new guards appointed were still not sinned by the underworld,
and felt sorry for the prisoner, giving him a little more food than the actual
assigned amounts and were stupid enough to not notice the missing fork; heaven
knows why the fools even gave him a plate. The former guards just threw their
leftovers at him. However, they still denied him clothes, sinned enough to have
raped the boy several times since their arrival.
“Idiots…” he whispered to himself as he pushed a slab of
stone out of the way at the back of his cell. He knew he couldn’t pick the lock
out of his cell because only the spelled keys could unlock them. But during his
nine month stay, he noticed a small trap door at the back, his ticket to
freedom. Throughout the palace were secret routes for escape in case of
invasion; they were changed after one infiltration, but this one seemed to be
still intact.
Picking the lock that barred the door; he opened the rusting
bars and slipped through into a tunnel. Turning around he snickered in triumph,
“Bye fuckers…” then he climbed onwards to freedom.
Author: I made this one longer, just cause
I love all of you guys so much!
Ryou: So far so good…no more angst.
Author: Heheheheh…I’m just getting
started…the angst will come…don’t worry…by the way, WOW!!! I just saw 100
reviews! WOW!!! YAY!!!
Ryou: ><;;;
Author: Anyways, hope you liked this chapter! I’m off to Toronto
tomorrow! If somehow I fit in a time slot, I promise to update! I love you
guys! Please Review!
Here’s the teaser! :
As Bakura crawled onwards, he felt himself being drenched
with sweat, dirt clinging to his body in a sickening way, “Fuck this…” he
mumbled as he continued to climb up the tunnel, pitch black in front of him,
unable to see where the end was. He promised himself that once he got out of
his hellhole, he would kill Seto and free Marik and his brother, and then free
his new friend, sweet, compassionate Ryou, who suffered so much. Then he would
go treat himself to a full body healing from Jounouchi.
His anus muscles were torn to the point from being raped so many times that he
could no longer control when he needed to release waste from his body, and he
could tell that from the ache and swell in his groin, that his genitals were
infected, along with the other cuts on his body.
“Ah yes…a full healing to my body would be very nice indeed,”
he said to himself as he climbed on, driven by this new inspiration.
Suddenly with a dull thud his head hit earth. Drawing back
he groaned, “Damnit…” then he eyes lit up, “Yes…I
found the exit…I’m free!”
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