Puppyshipping Drabbles | By : ChibiRinni Category: Yu-Gi-Oh > Yaoi - Male/Male Views: 11287 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh or any songs used in this fic. I make no money off this. |
Author’s Note: This started out as its own thing, but I thought it would be more fun as a drabble; especially since I know, now, how I can keep this going if I want to! Vampires ahead! Enjoy!
Drabble 12: Seducing Supper
Skid row, the slums, the wrong side of the tracks; there were many ways to describe the area full of whores, gangs, violence, and all other sorts of trash in the back corner of Domino City. It was a place where good people on hard times were shielded in a backhanded embrace by the law enforcement. Few realized how dirty cops could be, but the poor families of the area did. Most of society, regardless of the true reasons behind poverty, looked down their nose at those in that part of Domino City. The male walking down the cracked sidewalks was no exception.
His imported black boots crunched on the sidewalk as he walked freely down the path looking for something to satisfy his hunger. It clawed at him in a way it hadn’t in a rather long time. The blue-eyed male reminded himself that he should not allow such a span of time to pass between meals; but running a company at night, while most of his employees worked in the day, wasn’t an easy feat.
‘Where is everyone?’ He wondered, noticing the streets were rather bare. Normally there were droves of people moving about the area, but this evening it looked like everyone had taken a holiday and decided to leave the streets empty. Then again, it was nearly twilight. If he bothered to think with his brain and not his stomach, he may have realized the late hour much sooner.
‘Damn it… I guess I’ll look for an open window.’ The male thought to himself. He wouldn’t get an easy fill this evening. He continued his pace, chestnut hair stirring softly in the breeze, and used his nose and sixth sense to help locate his meal. It didn’t take him too long; he was grateful for that considering the sun would be rising within the hour and he had let work come between him and his hunting time yet again. He had never cut it this close to sunrise! Swiftly, he stepped up to a fire escape and jumped, landing as quietly as possible on the squeaky metal platform of the first level. His eyes shifted up, red slowly staining the blue, and saw the open window before him. He was there in seconds, prying the window open the rest of the way with ease.
‘Who would actually leave their window open in this area at night? Unless they expected uninvited visitors,’ a smirk crossed his pale face at the thought and he stepped inside. The smell of the occupant in the room coated his nostrils in a warm honey vanilla scent. Normally people smelled rather foul, but this boy was different. The boy had messy blond hair that was long enough to fan out on his pillow like a girls. He was currently shirtless, wearing only his boxers and a single sheet over his tan and athletic body.
“Don’t move!” The boy growled and the vampire stiffened for a moment,“That’s my pizza!” The boy grumbled and turned over to face the creature. His eyes were shut in sleep as his chest rose and fell with slow even breaths.
Seto lifted one brow and stifled a chuckle that threatened to seep past his lips. The boy talked in his sleep. Kaiba licked his dry lips and stepped closer, thinking about the best way to approach the blond teenager. The boy suddenly flipped on his back and whimpered, arching his back, and panted for a moment.
“Okay… you can have… some…” The younger male whispered as a tent formed in the sheet covering him. The CEO’s mouth watered. Aroused meals always tasted sweeter. He leaned closer, teeth sliding to their slightly longer length, and the sheet fell to the floor. The slim male stopped, his breath tickling the aroused teen before him, and his eyes locked on the thick erection standing proudly out of the slit in the boy’s boxers. His mouth watered for another reason as he weighed the options in his mind.
Contrary to belief, vampires weren’t truly the “undead”. In fact, they weren’t dead at all. They were cousin to the incubi and succubae family who also lived off of energy and other human fluids. Blood wasn’t the only thing a vampire could survive off of.
‘Why does the thought of tasting him this way even enter into my mind? I’m Kaiba Seto! I’ve been a vampire for centuries and never felt like this! It’s just a myth that their fluids are more filling for us... I won’t do that. That’s just disgusting! This human’s beneath me!’ Kaiba thought to himself as he licked his lips again, ‘Damn it, I’m hungry... Why am I even arguing with myself? It’s a dirty little human and I refuse to sink so low as to pull that kind of essence out of him! I’m not some pathetic incubus…’
The knot of hunger in his stomach overcame his senses and within seconds he found his mouth full of young cock. He moaned, tasting honey and cinnamon on the tip of his tongue. A second moan followed shortly after his, spilling from the youth’s mouth. Seto’s tongue rolled around the head of the boy’s erection, tickling the vein underneath as he took the length further down his throat. He purred as the flavor continued to roll across his tastes buds. He felt a stirring of his own and ignored it, enjoying as the boy mewled, clenched the sheets, and arched, trying to get more and more of the hot mouth to cover the weeping length. It was bad enough he was actually sucking the teen’s penis, he was not going to even think about something so basic as to fuck the boy. Sex was such a chore anyway and he never understood the need for it in the first place, other than procreation, of course.
“So… good… Imma…” The boy panted, feeling himself rise from the shadows of sleep and groaned. He didn’t want to wake up from such a great dream. The blond had dreamt that while he lay in bed eating some pizza, a tall stranger with a flowing coat entered through his window and watched him with such a deep look of hunger in his eyes that his member stiffened. He hadn’t wanted to share his pizza, but then the male came over to him and rubbed the growing arousal he was trying to hide. From there the dream turned sexual as his cock was greedily devoured by the brown haired, red eyed stranger.
‘I’m so hungry… cum for me little puppy,’ Seto thought and sucked harder. He felt a hand tangle in his hair, but the knot in his stomach refused to allow him to stop.
‘Am I still dreaming?’ Jounouchi Katsuya wondered as his fingers didn’t encircle around his member, but tangled in thick locks. It was then he realized the wondrous sensation shooting pleasure all through his body was still eagerly continuing. He bit his bottom lip and rocked his hips into the hot mouth, laying back down and moaning his pleasure to the other male. A few hard sucks and the teen couldn’t hold back anymore. He bit his hand and moaned out in completion.
Kaiba drank Jounouchi’s seed as a man dying of thirst would guzzle water. He licked down the shaft, dipping his tongue into the small slit as if begging for more of the boy’s honey. The knot in his stomach was gone and Seto realized he hadn’t felt this full in a long time. Perhaps the chore of such an activity actually had a decent pay off.
“Mmm,” Kaiba purred and sucked the soft member back into his mouth, trying to gain more of the sugar he had stolen. With the hunger gone he was finally able to come back to his senses and let the cock slide from his lips, fully clean of any evidence of ejaculation.
Jounouchi gaped in awe at how hot the male before him was. He was pale with such strong eyes that the blond could only stare, ‘Oh shit… he’s lookin’ at meh!’ The teen’s mind screamed as the stranger stood up. He was tall and thin and he didn’t seem very happy.
Kaiba quickly turned to flee, cursing to himself that he should have just taken a little blood instead and then the boy wouldn’t have seen his face. The second he reached the window, he felt the heat. A small hiss escaped the vampire’s lips when he noticed the sun was rising. He had cut things too close and if he didn’t find shelter in the next few minutes, he would be ash. His blue eyes glanced quickly around the room and he jerked the drapes shut after he closed and locked the window. It was still too hot. The sun was rising.
Jounouchi stuffed himself back into his boxers and sat up in bed, eyes drinking in the gorgeous man who seemed to be frantically searching for something. The room grew darker when the stranger closed the curtains, but it didn’t seem to be enough. He rose to his feet, suddenly realizing this wasn’t a dream and he had just let some hot guy suck him off. Before he could open his mouth, the male grabbed his shoulders and shoved them both into the closet, shutting the door behind them. It was cramped enough without the small amount of clothes and shoes, but it had enough darkness to protect him from the light of the sun’s rays.
“What da fuck? Lemme go you,” Jounouchi struggled against the tight hold, but stilled when he felt the intruder’s sharp teeth at his neck. They dug in enough to shut him up as his body tensed.
“Listen and listen good you little mutt,” Seto growled, pulling his teeth away enough to talk properly, “You and I are going to be in this closet until the sun sets. Now if you are a good little puppy, I might decide to let you go instead of killing you. The choice is yours. You either choose to behave and wait or you struggle and die… Your decision,” his voice was cold, but his breath was hot against the teen’s neck. The harsh whispers at his ear induced goosebumps to scatter across Jounouchi’s flesh, causing the scent of his fear to slowly mingle with his reawakening arousal. Seto remained silent as the human thought, but he couldn’t help the smirk that crossed his lips as the scent of arousal wafted into his nose. It merged well with the fear and Kaiba had to bite his lip in order to lose the erection he was getting.
‘Why, in the nine hells, do I want to fuck this meager creature when he is only food to me?’ His thoughts growled at him, ‘It’s like being a fledgling again! Just like all the novice talk when I was young, the idea of spending eternity with some human; it’s preposterous! Why shackle myself to my meal for any length of time? It was as stupid then as it is now!’
“Look here, Mr. Vampire, I ain’t plannin’ on dying anytime soon. Problem is, if my old man barges in here an’ knows I ain’t left, the first place he’ll look is in here. That’s somethin’ you don’t want to happen,” the blond heard the other growl, “An’ the sun’ll come round an’ start ta go under the door in a few hours which would cause some otha problems fer ya. Now, I coulda kept all that ta muhself, but I didn’t. Let me go tell my dad I’m leavein’ out the winda and ta stay the hell outta my room. I can snag an extra few blankets an’ pillows to block out the sun for ya. Neitha of us is in any position ta really demand much. You can kill me in seconds an’ I can get at least one good scream out b’fore then an’ have my dad come runnin’. See the problem?” Jounouchi said steadily, trying to ignore his hormones. Seto sneered and tightened his grip on the boy, ignoring the youth’s sharp intake of breath at the pain.
“You expect me to trust you? Do you think me a fool?” He snapped, yanking Jounouchi around and pressed their faces together to glare into the nervous honey eyes. A second later, those same golden eyes sparked to life. The flame grew stronger with each passing moment of silence and Seto felt himself mesmerized.
“You callin’ me a liar? Just use one of your vampire mind tricks ta see I’m tellin’ the truth! I keep true ta my word… Vampire Guy!” Katsuya’s eyes narrowed. Seto stared deeper, realizing that the blond had obviously watched too many movies. He could use this to his advantage. He smirked, showing off his sharp teeth. Despite the darkness, he knew the boy could see well enough as the smell of arousal with a touch of fear permeated the small closet. Seto leaned down further and slowly licked the puppy’s pulse point, purring as it jumped.
“My, aren’t we educated. I do so hate having to waste such powers on weaklings like you and the rest of my prey,” he felt the male shiver in his arms and slowly dragged his fangs along the tan throat, “I will let you leave and do what needs to be done, but if you do not hurry and return, a burning pain will race through your blood. It will feel like you are burning up from the inside out. Only when you return will the pain ebb away. Only I can retract my curse from you,” Kaiba purred, sucking softly on the sensitive neck. The teenager nearly melted into his arms, a gentle moan sliding through parted lips reached his ears, and Seto knew he had the boy completely.
“I-I understand… I’ll be quick… Promise!” Jou waited for the other to let him go. After a moment of added licking along his pulse, the vampire finally released him.
“Stand back so the sun doesn’t get ya.” Seto, who didn’t want to be anywhere close to the sun’s rays, nodded and moved as far into the corner as possible. Quickly, Jounouchi opened the door wide enough for him to squeeze out and closed it before sprinting across the floor to his door. He slipped his robe on and rushed down the hall. He could already feel his blood heating up.
First thing was first, he made sure to empty his bladder and such, knowing he was going to have a slim chance of doing it later. He debated on taking a quick shower, but when he felt the burning in his veins he settled for washing his face before he went to see his father who was still awake drinking a beer in the living room.
“You still drinkin’?” He demanded to the elder Jounouchi. He hated when his supposed “dad” did things like this: being drunk a majority of the time. It bothered him more that his father treated him like a roommate rather than a son.
The burly male shifted his eyes to his son and spat on the floor. “You ain’t my keeper, boy. What the fuck you want? You’re usually still out cold... Don’t bother me. You always do what you gotta an’ I leave you da fuck alone. So... re,” the elder blond hiccuped and took another gulp of beer, “Return da favor!” He snapped.
Jou glared. “You drowning yourself woke me up! It’s Saturday! Don’t ya got work in an hour?” He grimaced as his father burped as a response, “Well, whatever. I can’t sleep. I’ll go out my winda so no one sees that we actually live togetha.” Jou growled and stomped back towards his room, grabbing two extra blankets and a pillow when he was sure his father wasn’t looking. Then again, if the man had a beer in his hand, he rarely noticed anything.
“Huh, winda. Don’t break yer fuckin’ neck. Rent’s due soon... Eh, whatever ya little shit. I’ll be… I’ll be sober fer work!” The man shouted, not even bothering to glance back over his shoulder at his son.
“And stay outta my room!” Katsuya snapped and slammed his door, locking it behind him. He could just imagine his father rolling his eyes and throwing him the bird. He didn’t really need to bother telling him to stay out; the last time his dad dared to snoop the man found a mix of gay and straight porn on the floor. They didn’t talk for a few weeks and he didn’t ask when he noticed one of the gay magazines was missing. He didn’t even want to think about what his dad did with it.
Without wasting a second more, Jou added one blanket to the window, blocking the sun from reaching under the curtains. He glanced at his handy work and frowned, seeing plenty of holes for the sunlight to seep through. He tugged the blanket one way and then the other, trying to make his room impenetrable to sunlight. If only he had black paint, several thick boards and nails, and hours to do it all properly, he’d have a pitch black room all set for the vampire in his closet.
Feeling like he wasn’t blocking out enough light, though he couldn’t be sure since the sun was just beginning to peek over the distant hills, he quickly and quietly - as quietly as possible, at least - moved his mattress from the floor and used it to further block the window. To hold the mattress in place, he pushed his small dresser against it. It was nearly perfect! The sun stood little chance of making it through the window, curtains, blanket, and mattress, but just to be as sure as possible, he pinned the other blanket over the closet door at the top with a few push pins. One couldn’t be too careful! It simply had to be enough to keep the sun from getting to the vampire, at least that’s what he hoped.
Meanwhile, the vampire remained firmly pressed against one end of the closet. He wanted to stay as far away from the sun as possible. Normally he’d be in the basement, three stories below the mansion, with his computer doing some work before getting a few hours of sleep. The thought of being safe at home had him thinking about his younger brother, who probably had no idea that he wasn’t home.
The sound of the toilet flushing made him chuckle. Perhaps the boy wasn’t an idiot. He shifted in the closet, running ideas through his mind if it could really be safe outside of the closet at any time after the sun had passed the window. He knew if the teen did things right, he would be safe from the sun for the day, and even have a toy to play with.
The slamming of the door made him tense. Seto was trusting the human far more than he should be, but the determination on the blond’s face gave him the impression that the human would keep him safe. The sounds of ruffling cloth made his body tight with worry. What if the teen decided to try to kill him and that was the real desire behind the determination? The heat that he could feel faintly through the door grew even fainter.
Though the heat from the sun decreased, an internal heat began to increase bit by bit with each passing moment for the human. Jounouchi whimpered at uncomfortable feeling and his breathing increased. He opened the door wide, the blanket acting like a curtain, and stepped inside. “Almost done, just lemme get dis stuff outta here.” He whispered, noticing how the burning in his veins increased when the glowing blue eyes connected with his own.
Seto remained still, eyes trained like lasers on the teenager. The sun’s heat seemed more bearable in the bedroom. He chanced a quick glance at the window and was surprised at the lengths, all bit a little extreme, the human went to keep the sun out. A feeling of being light as a feather fluttered for a moment in his chest. It was a strange feeling, but not unpleasant. It made him believe the blond wasn’t so bad, for a poor human on the wrong side of town.
The street punk swiftly grabbed an armful of clothes and hangers, thankfully he didn’t have much in the closet in the first place, to toss out the closet door and onto the floor. He threw the few pairs of shoes out until the small space was empty - save for the vampire, closed the door and quickly shoved the pillow under the door enough to block out any light that dared try to get through. With a whine he rubbed his arms; the fire was burning him, just like the vampire said it would.
“I blocked it! Please, take this curse offa me! I can’t stand it much longer!" Jounouchi whispered harshly and found himself pulled tightly into a hard body in the center of the tiny closet. The vampire lowered himself to the floor and pulled Katsuya down to kneel in front of him. Pressed together - knees to knees, chest to chest - Kaiba held the boy close.
“Took you long enough… Perhaps I should make you suffer, let the fire burn you until I feel you’ve endured enough.” When he was reminded of the “curse”, Kaiba began to internally laugh his ass off. The power of the human imagination! Vampires had no way of putting curses on people! They only gave off enough pheromones to entice their prey enough for a meal, and most didn’t even bother releasing their “charm”, relying on their outward beauty instead. The boy would be eating out of the palm of his hand. He planned on having fun with it and, perhaps, get a little something more from his prey in the process. After all, despite being disgusted by what he’d done - sucking the seed from the human’s member - it hadn’t been that bad, either. Dare he admit to himself that he actually liked it; that he wanted to do more just for the hell of it?
“Please don’t! I did what I said I would! Hold up your end a dis bargain!” Jounouchi demanded with a whimper. Cool fingers slid under his robe to tickle and tease the smooth flesh of his back. The coolness helped to ease the burning in his blood only slightly, and he continued to give soft whimpers of pain. A hot breath in Jounouchi’s ear made him bite his lip and turn his head away, stretching out his neck in the process. He had no idea what the vampire had to do to lift the curse, but as long as he wasn’t burning anymore, he would be happy.
“What’s your name, little puppy?”
“J-Jounouchi K-Katsuya… What’s your n-name?”
“You can call me Seto...Beg me, little puppy. Beg me to undo my... ‘blood burn’ curse... Say, “Please Seto…” and perhaps I will,” Kaiba purred, hands skimming across the blond’s back, tickling the soft flesh further. He slowly leaned back, sitting on the floor, and proceeded to pull his prey along with him.
Katsuya tried to pull back in order to not be yanked between the creature's legs, but Seto had other plans. Once the vampire felt his back touch the wall, leaving him at an odd obtuse angle, he tugged his meal close again to pull the blond up and onto his lap.
When he had the boy comfortably straddling him, he moved, pressing his back flat against the wall and bent his knees to keep his snack in place. The creature, feeling fully in control of the situation, proceeded to inhale the alluring scent and lick along the strong pulse in the human’s neck. Seto could taste the honey on the male’s flesh just as much as he had in the boy’s essence. It was addicting. He wasn’t hungry, but he was so tempted to taste the blood pumping through the younger male’s body.
Jounouchi flushed in embarrassment. “I’m not a dog… jerk,” he mumbled, but the burning he felt raced across his body more strongly. “Please… please S-Seto… I… I’ll do a-anything! P-Please!” He buried his face into the vampire’s shoulder as his cheeks grew even more heated than before. He almost felt like a girl, but his body was going crazy and the weirdness of the situation had other "things" rolling around inside him.
Seto smirked. He loved when people begged him for mercy, especially if he was only bluffing. This human was just too easy; Seto refused to stop toying with him. He hadn’t felt this cheeky in a long while. He was acting like a fledgling; playing with his food as long as possible.
“Anything; even if I asked for your life?” Seto purred, dragging his teeth along the tan neck. Kaiba felt the boy break out in goosebumps and nibbled on his neck - only letting his teeth gently tease, but not break the surface. He internally chuckled as the teen would tense and then relax, fighting, it seemed, the notion that the blond was enjoying the drag of his teeth across the surprisingly soft skin.
Jounouchi’s breathing increased and he bit his lip for a moment. “I couldn’t stop ya… even if I wanted ta… but I don’t wanna die eitha.” He whispered as he tried to slow his racing heart and quickening breath. The thought of dying was frightening, yet arousing at the same time.
Kaiba could feel something stirring inside himself, but it had been such a long time that he wasn’t sure what it was at first. Despite the human’s position, he wasn’t begging out of fear or struggling like so many in the past had when Seto had played with them. This, he realized, was rather enjoyable! How far could he push the human before fear would over power the teen's mind?
“You have been well behaved for a puppy without training. With your acceptable efforts, we may even be able to leave the closet in a few hours. Your room is nearly safe... Hmm, I suppose I will lift it for you.” Seto could feel the relief fill the human on his lap as the boy relaxed. An idea hit him and he smirked, pushing the boy away enough to look him in the face. Their eyes locked.
“You have really beautiful blue eyes.” Jounouchi whispered as he started at the vampire, flushing a second later when he realized he’d given a complement.
He watched as the vampire raised a brow before humming in a purr of approval. The demon’s hands cupped the younger male’s face and slowly brought their lips into contact. Jounouchi’s eyes widened in shock and parted his lips in a surprised gasp. The vampire’s lips were soft and warm, not cold like he imagined they would be. “Shouldn’t an un-dead creature be cold?” Jou thought until he realized the other male’s eyes were gently closed and followed suit. A wet tongue slid past his lips and he opened further to accommodate.
Seto held back a moan as the taste of honey continued to assault his taste buds further. He searched the teen’s mouth, sweeping, tickling, and teasing with soft exploration. The blond relaxed further and slowly wrapped his arms around the taller male. He returned the kiss, feeling the hands on his face sliding to tangle into his hair, and leaned against Kaiba. Curiosity getting the better of him, Jounouchi licked along the demon’s teeth, feeling the sharpness, and was amazed as one of the fangs grew longer from the attention. The fang tip scratched the tip of his tongue enough to make him wince. Before he could pull away in reaction, he heard a moan that made his body shiver in desire.
A small drop of blood brushed along the CEO’s tongue and he became unraveled. The kiss became more eager as he tried and finally succeeded in sucking the boy’s tongue into his mouth. He willed his fangs away as one of his hands trailed down the tan neck and chest to slide across and grip a firm rear. His own body rocked against the male above him and he purred as duel erections ground together. The blond moaned and tightened his arms, kissing back more eagerly than before. The burning was gone, but a yearned was there. It took every ounce of willpower that Kaiba Seto had not to rip off every piece of cloth, have his way with the human, and partake in empting the youth. He released the boy’s tongue and pulled his face away, panting.
Jounouchi wouldn’t admit to anyone, but he had a secret fantasy of demon role playing. He had always wanted to pretend a creature of darkness had snuck into his room and had their way with him. He never expected it to literally happen. Problem, or not much of a problem, was it wasn’t pretend. An actual, genuine, vampire had found him and was currently enveloping him in perverse things. The blond wasn’t complaining. In fact, he was only getting more and more turned on by the second. He wasn’t about to let this moment end so soon and when the vampire parted from their kiss, Jounouchi leaned in again to continue what had been started.
“For fuck’s sake, I AM a fledgling!” The vampire thought to himself. A pair of lips pressed against his and he was once again lost in the taste of honey, “I want him… I want to rule over him, body and soul, and take all I need from him!”
The boy seemed to know what he was doing so Seto let the youth take control of the kiss. The blond was mindful for the fangs, but rocked his body to cause enough friction for the older male to grind back. Jounouchi moaned, teasing the creature’s lips with his tongue and teeth until the need for air had them separating. The teen panted for a moment before kissing the corner of the vampire’s mouth and working his way down to the pale neck.
Seto found himself relaxing completely. There was nothing the human could do to hurt him and he couldn’t help but wonder what the boy planned.
Jounouchi went slow, letting his fantasy take over his actions. If he was going to die, he might as well enjoy himself. He reached the vampire’s neck and was surprised to find a strong pulse there. Perhaps vampires weren’t dead at all. He licked and lightly sucked on the pale skin, pleased to hear the soft moan slip passed the brunette’s lips. He nibbled roughly for a moment and found himself suddenly pinned to the floor. Jounouchi was too turned on to have much fear left.
“You’re worse than an incubus!” Seto growled lowly and yanked the front of the boy’s robe open. “I’ll mark every inch of you,” he purred in a threat. The teen beneath him pant in excitement and arched up, trying to gain more contact. The brunet wasted little time, dipping his head low to nip the tip of one of the blond’s erect nipples. It was a quick sting that left the teen gasping. Another nip came to the neglected nipple, just as sharp and quick.
“You taste rather rich, considering the fact that you’re just a poor puppy. I’m going to enjoy you fully.” Seto drug his fingertips down the boy’s abs, feeling the muscles twitching beneath his touch. When he got to the band of his prey’s boxers, a desire to draw out the pleasure encompassed him. He would torture the teen; take him little by little, until the blond had nothing left to offer him.
“I won’t be going hungry for a while.” The vampire thought to himself and licked his lips. He easily tore the offending boxers off the blond and purred at the stiff cock pulsing in front of him. The boy slid his arms out of the robe, leaving it like a blanket on the floor.
Seto’s own need strained in his pants. It had been some time since he’d last given into the annoying desire, but he had a feeling this was going to be much better than some mindless romp with a bitchy succubus -which is what he was forced to do the last time he had such a desire. Kaiba was going to take his time and draw out as many sounds as he could from the little human in his grasp. He tugged at his belt, trying to free himself in the cramped area. A second pair of hands joined his. The human seemed more determined than he was!
The sound of the zipper sliding down was like music to both of their ears. The closet was small, but with a few tugs the vampire managed to work his pants down to his knees. Moist heat enveloped Seto’s shaft and he gasped at the feeling. The suction tightened and the creature felt the human engulf his cock eagerly and completely. The blond’s head went up and down in slow calculated movements, trying to please the demon before him. Kaiba allowed himself to moan softly.
Jou hoped his lack of experience wasn’t too obvious and concentrated on the flavor of spicy cinnamon radiating from the cock in his mouth. With one hand he wiggled one of the black boots off the creature’s foot. It wasn’t easy having a mouthful of dick, one hand helping to balance and the other trying to get the snug fit boots off his soon to be lover, but he seemed to manage. With a little help from the vampire, who used his feet while Jou used his hands, they were able to remove the offending pants. With growing desire, the blond went right back to sucking the life out of the demon. Instead of hearing loud moans, Jou felt the creature massaging his scalp with gentle hands. It made him shiver in delight. Seto seemed to be enjoying everything he did.
“This feels glorious! Why has it always lacked in excitement before?” Kaiba wondered, letting the blond bring him close to the edge. He thought back to the last time he needed to sate his desire.
A blond succubus had crossed his path that time and she was decently attractive to him. In his moment of weakness, he fucked her into the sheets, taking his pleasure and caring not for her own. When he reached his peak though, he found himself sated but not satisfied. He hadn't ever been satisfied previously either and figured sex was just what the other vampires said: a chore. He had hoped his sex crazed cousins would change that, but even the pros were lack luster to him.
“You vampires are terrible, selfish lovers! You’re so busy trying to please yourself that nothing ‘satisfying’ could happen! It’s a wonder that you even procreate!” Kaiba remembered the succubus yelling at him.
Thinking about incubi and succubae, and how they enjoyed their food, he decided to take a page out of their book and ‘please’ his meal. He sucked his fingers into his mouth, wetting them, and then sought out the entrance to his prey, lightly petting his way down the boy’s back. It was a bit of a reach, but he was able to work a finger inside the tight pucker.
Jounouchi moaned around the flesh in his mouth when he felt the other male sliding a finger inside his rear. A second finger was added a little too quickly for the blond and he whimpered in pain. It was just a slight burn, but he wanted to lose himself in the fantasy and there was no pain in his fantasy. He spread his legs wider and arched his hips into the fingers probing inside him. He was able to stick his ass higher in the air. It didn’t take long for his body to fully accept the intrusion and he eagerly thrust back on the thick digits.
“Turn around!” Seto growled, forcing the blond to stop. He didn’t want to finish quickly; the CEO wanted to enjoy the moment. He helped the human get on all fours and spread the tanned cheeks wide, smirking at what he was about to do. Slowly he rubbed his cock against the tight opening and gently pushed inside. His prey tensed at the thick intrusion and sucked in a lungful of air. Noticing how much tighter the body before him grew, he realized he was moving a little too fast. Humans were fragile, he knew, and he quickly pulled out. The vampire wanted sounds of enjoyment, not discomfort.
“You are quite the little cocksucker, aren’t you, boy?” Seto purred, drooling over his fingers and letting his saliva drip onto one of the tan globes. He slid two fingers back inside, twisting and stretching while he leaned down to nip at the teen’s tailbone. The soft gasps and softening of the blond’s entrance gave him the clue to add another finger. When all three digits were able to slide in knuckle deep, the vampire knew his prey was ready.
Jounouchi, for a moment, had been worried when the demon behind him withdrew. Did this being, this “Seto” change his mind? The comment and reintroduction of the fingers quelled his thoughts as he enjoyed the feeling of slowly being filled. He was just starting to get into it, moaning and bucking back when the fingers were gone. A whine passed his lips; it became a tiny mewl as he felt the thick cock taking place of the fingers.
It burned, but no more than the initial invasion. Jou bit his lip to prevent making too loud of a noise. Slowly, he lowered himself down to his elbows, pushing back against the dangerous creature behind him. The angle was just what Jounouchi needed to fully accept the pulsing member. His body yielded and pleasure shifted into his senses.
"What a good little puppy. Take it." The deep voice hissed in pleasure into the teen’s ear. It sent shivers down Jou's back, making him arch into the vampire a little more.
"Fuck," Jounouchi whispered, only to have the creature behind him wrap an arm around his middle and pull him fully onto its lap. The cock slid in even further and the blond moaned as it brushed his prostate.
"So tight and hot," Seto growled in pleasure as he maneuvered the blond on his lap into a better angle. He spread his knees apart as he sat back on his heels. The teen’s back fit flush against his chest, the blond head falling back to lay on his shoulder. The pulse was a strong and steady beat. He let the youth lean back as he started to rock into the body above him in time with the boy’s heart. The whimpers, whines, moans, and other little tell-tale signs of pleasure made the older male growl in desire. Who knew humans could be so responsive?
"Seto..." Jonouchi gasped, arching into the teasing thrusts as he turned his head and tried to leave light butterfly kisses across the creature’s cheek. He reached his arms back, fingers twining in the thick brown locks, and tried to get his new lover to kiss him. He wasn’t disappointed as he rocked back with each thrust and poured his needs and desires into their kiss. It was a slightly awkward position, but it worked for the moment.
The vampire was on cloud nine. Not only did the human have a uniquely sweet flavor, but his body fit against him like a missing puzzle piece. For every gentle buck up, his cock was squeezed and massaged in a tight, sultry heat. Each kiss only addicted him further to the flavor of his prey. Seto wanted more: more of the flavor, the desire, the eagerness; he wanted the human in every way possible, and this angle wasn’t helping. An idea hit.
Seto stopped his movement to slide the blond off. He turned the human around and before the blond could complain, he captured the tender lips with his own. Lulling the teen in a near trance with his kiss, the demon moved so his back was lightly pressed against the wall. With a pull and a gentle guide, he helped his prey reseat onto his cock. One arm remained holding his prey around the waist while the other tickled across the teen’s smooth back and neck. Seto wanted to see the expressions, feel the hardness of the youth’s cock against his stomach and he wanted to give the human some control - if only to see what the teen would do with it.
Jou hissed in pleasure as he was impaled in the most torturously slow way possible, at least to him. The blond was so caught up in the new position, the thick cock filling him whole, and the light touch of the older male’s fingertips, he didn’t hear his father slam the front door on the elder’s way to work. He just continued to whine in pleasure and, as his prostate was hit, his eyes rolled back. His arms instantly wrapped around the vampire’s neck, giving the demon a light kiss as he settled comfortably in the new position. Jou could actually see the creature’s reactions in this position. He’d probably be able to tell the moment right before the being took his life. His cock hardened further at the thought.
Seto, on the other hand, had heard the pathetic excuse for a parental figure slam the door. With the teen’s father gone, he could really get the blond to raise the volume. His blue eyes locked with molten gold and, for a moment, he was lost in the needy depths. The kiss was soft and yielding, almost tender. It caught him off guard, but the walls massaging his cock brought him back to the act at hand. With a growl, he jostled the boy hard, nipping the teen’s shoulder and trailed his free hand down to pinch a darkly tanned nipple. He nearly came from the new eager sounds echoing in the closet. If the human kept this up, neither of them were going to last very long.
“You like how I fuck you? You’re such a tight little puppy, taking my cock like this... I could take you for hours... Shall I go slow?” Seto rotated his hips, barely moving, but brushed faintly against his prey’s prostate. A keening, needy whine was his answer as the blond arched into him and impaled himself. The vampire let out his own moan.
“Shall I go fast and hard?” He panted into a tasty looking ear before dipping his tongue inside. Did this boy bathe in honey? Even his ears were sweet!
Despite the question, Kaiba didn’t change his speed or tempo, tweaking the same nipple again. He was rewarded with the blond slamming down onto him. His hand left the abused bud to give the other equal treatment, groaning in delight at the raising volume and ear rattling pleased cries. Part of him wanted to let himself go and take all that his body wanted; the other half of him wanted to hear and feel more from the young human he was currently deeply engaged in.
“We have hours before the sun fully rises to noon. His window should be in shadow by then. Hopefully, we can come out and explore even more. More room for new angles and positions... More moans and, perhaps, a few screams to pull from him...” His cock pulsed in an almost demand as he thought of the possibilities. The sudden appearance of his libido was, at first, unsettling, but as he continued to rock and thrust into the aroused body clinging to him, it wasn’t as shocking anymore. It wasn’t until he heard his name on kiss swollen lips that he knew he would be seducing the blond again and again.
“S-Seto, please! Don’t tease me... I’m so close... Seto!” Jounouchi felt as though he had died and gone to heaven: one of his deepest fantasies was becoming a reality; despite the initial pain, his body was now twitching, reaching for a blissful release; and he couldn’t imagine a better way to die. Sure, he had plenty to live for and all, but even in his fantasy he imagined dying slowly.
“What do you want, my little snack?” Kaiba’s voice was nearly hoarse from his need to hear more of the boy’s pleasure. Every pant, gasp, groan, whimper, and moan were better than any music known to him. It was as if he were playing some magical instrument using his stiff rod.
“Take me! Give me all of it!” Jounouchi demanded with a growl, slamming down again and again, causing the creature’s eyes to roll back.
It truly was the teen’s fantasy come true! The vampire’s entrance, the blow job, the being trapped knowing there was no escape... the sex, gentle and rough at the same time. The only thing that was missing was the bed and the ultimate end: exploding as death slowly swallowed him. He never knew why he always dreamed of something so hot and sad, but his imagination was very unpredictable.
“All?” It was almost a hiss as the vampire leaned completely against the wall and forced his straining erection to pound into his meal. His free hand moved so that he could feel the shaft of his prey. It was dripping, thick, and ready to let loose. How would it feel to have the boy coming in his hands, his own cock trapped in the tight orifice as it clenched in completion? Seto had to know. He had to feel it, taste it. He picked up his pace, thrusting faster and harder while his hand squeezed and stroked Jou’s staff.
“Fuck Seto! Fuck! Fuck!” The street punk began a mantra as his body pushed higher. A hot mouth covered his in a desperate kiss, causing him to moan into the older male’s mouth. Their tongues dueled until Jounouchi threw his head back to howl in ecstasy. His cum flowed in jerky spurts over the fast pumping hand. Just when he thought his high was coming down, he felt the vampire’s erection swell and jet forth a hot sea into his depths. A roar erupted from the being, red bleeding into the demon’s blue eyes, as he sank his teeth into Jou’s neck.
Never in his life had Jou thought he could cum twice within seconds, but now he knew he could. The feel of the spreading heat, overfilling him so that it dribbled down the still hard shaft inside him, and the sudden euphoria of the fangs in his neck, brought everything to a fever pitch. He saw stars.
Seto swallowed a mouthful of the most refreshing tasting blood he’d ever had. Had this been what he'd needed to find that deep satisfaction he was now feeling? Was it the need for a human and not another demon like himself?
"If this is what it is like to enjoy sex and food, then there's no reason to stop!" Seto thought to himself. Fucking the human was hot and sinful, and the teen tasted like the finest wine in all the worlds. Another mouthful and he purred, making it sound as though he were gurgling the red essence. He swallowed, allowing his thrusting to slow as his cock began to soften and rest.
The boy was still moaning, twitching and jerking in his hold out of pure reaction to the pleasure. Seto encased his mouth over the wound he made and let his tongue trail across the two tiny holes, beginning the process of healing while also pulling a few new pitches of sound from his little pet. When the flow of blood had stopped, he lightly nipped the area, licking a few drops of red wine that he missed.
The closet was now stuffy with the scent of their sex. It made the blond dizzy and his eyes slowly closed out of complete satisfaction. In his mind, however, it was the sweet darkness from his fantasy, swallowing his soul -taking his life- and bringing him to the next plane.
Seto smirked against his prey’s neck as he felt the human slowly slip into a deep sated sleep. Taking care to let the boy rest, he lowered the blond to the floor.
Feeling too warm in the confined space, he slid out of his trench coat and shirt, leaving him just as bare as his sleeping snack. Seeing the pillow covering the gap under the door, he pulled it away and placed it under the blond’s head. The need to sleep, himself, was creeping into his mind as he tried to get comfortable. He used a corner of the teen’s robe to wipe himself off while his shirt and pants took the place of the pillow to block out any stray sunrays. With an annoyed sigh, he curled around the human, spooning, and let sleep claim him.
Author’s note: I am rather pleased with this drabble, more so than the last several… Well, plenty more drabbles to write. The continuation for this will have to wait as well. Did you think this was the only time you were going to see this? Think again! It’s still steamy in here! ^_^ Till next time!
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