Lost and Found | By : lostintheheartland Category: Yu-Gi-Oh > Yaoi - Male/Male Views: 9786 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 7 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh or anything else nor do I make money from this story. |
Title: Lost And Found – Episode 11 - Yesterday
Author: Maggiemay
Muses and Betas: Jazzy, mofaf1, Lady Laran, Sprinkles
Disclaimer: Don't own YGO or any of it's Characters. Do own my OC's and the work contained within this work.
Summary: Life after the Pharaoh left looked bright. Looks can be deceiving. Jounouchi is a cop who finds missing people. He's found everyone he's ever searched for – except one. This is the 11 episode in the ongoing 'Lost and Found' saga.
Rating: M for Mature just to be safe.
Size: 19 pages and 9741 words.
Roland was waiting for them at the doors of Kaiba Corp. As soon as Seto walked through the door, the tall man rushed to him. "Kaiba-san, I'm glad to see you."
"Are you?" Seto returned cooly.
"Yes, there have been some... I need to speak with you privately before you speak to Thomas-san." For the first time since the brunet CEO had met Roland, the rigidly controlled man lost his composure. "He is waiting in the penthouse."
"Very well. Katsuya, Captain Miyahara, go up to my office. I'll be there in just a few moments." Seto flicked his chief of security a small glance. "We will be up in just a few minutes." He nodded to Roland. "Your office?"
"Of course." Despite being high level management, Roland kept an office on the first floor. He led the way out of habit.
The door had closed behind them, and Roland moved to the window. "I presume Ai informed you of my... indiscretion... last night." The rigidly held back straightened further, and Seto saw the continued signs of slipping control in the most controlled man he'd ever met - Roland's clenched fists. "Last night was the first time we ever... behaved like that. It was... ill-advised."
"You were not lovers in the past?" The CEO probed carefully.
"No. When we met, I was married and not inclined to see any man that way. He was selectively bi-sexual. He never hinted at an interest in me." Roland admitted, dropping his head forward slightly. "He... They were officially declared dead, he received the papers yesterday. When I called to ask him to meet you, he requested I come over. I could tell he was in pain." The older man shifted uncomfortably. "He is an old friend, and he needed me. Keiko was safe with Matashi and Aishira, and I left a detail of men to guard her as well. I... I went to comfort my old friend." There was an audible gulp. "I understand if you want my resignation."
"That will depend on how you answer my next questions." Seto was a long way from forgiving the man for leaving Keiko. She should have been Roland's priority, not an 'old friend.' "How well do you know Thomas?" He waved his hand slightly as Roland turned to look at him in shocked embarrassment. "Not that. I don't care if you screwed him through every floor of the tower. I mean as a person, how well do you know him?"
"We knew each other when I was in the military, and I helped on his family's kidnapping. We've kept in contact since. I know him as well as I know you."
"Really? Then let me ask you, could he have been involved in the kidnapping?" Seto didn't beat around the bush. Roland needed to know that Thomas could be using him.
Instant rejection. "No. No way. Thomas is completely non-violent. He is incapable of any kind of harm. He even 'retires' his silkworms rather than destroy them when they stop producing."
"How did he feel about his family? His wife and children?" Dark blue eyes weighed the security head's every expression.
"He adored his wife. He met her when she had just returned from China and fell in love with her at first sight. She was getting over a love affair and didn't see him as more than a friend for almost six years. He waited for her to heal."
"And the children? How did he feel about them?" This was crucial. If they were going to get the children back, they had to prove that they would be safe with their father.
"He loved them as much as he loved her. He was devastated when they disappeared." Roland was positive about that. "He still cries for them." His lips compressed slightly in pain. "I was holding him last night while he cried when things... changed."
"So you and Thomas are not... Together? It was a one night affair?" Seto clarified.
Roland's throat moved convulsively for a moment as if swallowing down a huge lump. "I don't know what he wants... He doesn't know what he wants at this point. I... care for him. If you had asked me yesterday what my feelings for him were I would have said, comrades, brothers almost. But today..."
"Today... it's changed hasn't it?" Seto knew all too well how sex could change your perception of your own emotions. He'd thought he was in love with Yugi, and he had been but it hadn't been the kind of love he thought it was. Sex had been good and bad, horrible and wonderful but not right. It hadn't felt right between him and Yugi. The brunet knew that he'd simply been too stubborn and inexperienced to know the difference.
"Yes. Now I... I want to take care of him, hold him when he's hurting. I want to make him smile again, the way he smiled last night when he fell asleep in my arms." Roland said it defiantly, as if Seto would fault him for that weakness.
"I understand that." The CEO nodded slightly. "I've felt the same for... Well who doesn't matter right now." He cleared his throat slightly. "Let's go. There have been some very disturbing developments and we need to speak to your friend."
Thomas was waiting for them in the Penthouse. Seto hadn't stopped at his office to retrieve Jou and Tatsu. He wanted this conversation between just Thomas, Roland, and himself. After a very brief greeting, Seto took control. "Jounouchi, the person contacted to find your lost family, and Miyahara, a captain with the police department, are downstairs waiting for the opportunity to speak with you. Because of your closeness with Roland, I wish to speak to you first."
Thomas had aged since the newspaper photographs, but time had been gentle on the man. His hair was silvery and his face only lightly marked. There was only kindness and a deep sorrow in the open gaze that met Seto's appraising look. "Thank you, Kaiba-san."
"Do not thank me until you hear what I have to say. During the course of our search for your family, we have found evidence, in fact a grave, that may have your wife's remains. We spoke to the person who was with her when she passed. She was in fear for her life, the lives of your children. With her last words, she named her husband as the person who wanted them dead." Sharp blue eyes assessed the shock, denial and pain that chased across Thomas's face. "Why would she say that?"
Pain so deep it seemed to well up from the very core of the silver-haired man radiated from him. "I... I don't know." He whispered brokenly. "I... I loved her so much, more than life itself. I waited for years. I didn't even mind that she never acknowledged me as her husband... I...."
Seto pounced on that. "What do you mean? Never acknowledged you as her husband? You were married?"
The man was too shocked and hurt to answer. Instinctively he turned to Roland and to Seto's great annoyance, his employee closed the distance between them and pulled Thomas into a comforting embrace. "Damn it Roland, don't baby him. We need to know..."
"Give him a few minutes, Seto. Please. He's had terrible shocks. She's dead, you told him about a grave and a witness, but even though he felt it, he still had a ray of hope. You snuffed it out. Then you tell him she died thinking he was her killer. That's... Just give him a few minutes, please." Roland gave his boss a pleading look that Seto could never have imagined five seconds before.
"Get him calm. Pour some liquor in him if you have to. I'll go and get Jounouchi. He needs to be able to answer more questions. It's vital to... Roland, he must be able to prove he is no danger to his children."
That brought Roland's head up sharply. Seto nodded at the him once, confirming the knowledge filling his dark eyes. "Get him calmed down and help him."
Eyes alight with determination, Roland nodded back. "Yes, Kaiba-san."
Jou and Tatsu were waiting for him in his office. Jou was looking at more satellite images, and Tatsu was flipping through the original file. He didn't bother to greet them. "Miyahara, Ai traced the pulse that knocked out her surveillance. It originated from one of the satellites used by the police and other law enforcement. While Jounouchi and I speak to Thomas, please go to wherever you police access satellites and check for signatures during the specific times. Apparently hanko are used to sign in, and electronic signatures are not used."
"I... but... What about Thomas?" Miyahara was confused by his abrupt dismissal.
"Jounouchi can handle that end of the questioning. It is more effective if we split up. Make copies of all the pages during those dates and times." The brunet didn't give him time to respond as he was already on the move. "Jounouchi come on." He didn't wait to see the blond rise and follow him. Seto wanted to get out of there before Miyahara realized he was being sent on a wild goose chase. Satellite usage was tracked by login to the computer. The paper log was a nod at a time long past and most people didn't bother with it.
Jou nipped into the elevator just behind Seto. He didn't even have time to turn and wave to Tatsu before the door slid closed behind him. "Man, what's the hurry? What's your problem?"
"I don't know what you mean." Seto stonewalled.
Jou gave him a hard stare. "Seto, If you're going to be an ass I think you should know I'm in the mood to 'kick ass.'"
Seto sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Roland and Thomas are friends who took comfort too far last night. There is no history of a relationship. From what they've said, they were both happily married. Ai is looking into Roland's marriage, but I believe it is a waste of time. Thomas was completely devastated with what I told him, about the grave and about her words indicting him. He said something about his wife not acknowledging him as a husband. That doesn't fit with what we were told by your priest. Question him, find out what exactly he meant, if anything. We need more information." He stopped pinching the bridge of his nose and after an absent rub to the frown line on his forehead, shoved his hands into his pockets.
"Why the hell did you tell him that much? If he's guilty, he is probably scrambling right now to cover his tracks." Jou barely kept his temper in check. He'd never thought Kaiba Seto could be so stupid.
"The only thing he is scrambling for is a tissue." Seto sighed and leaned back against the elevator wall. "You will see for yourself. He's not faking it. I can tell."
"You're not unbiased. He's your friend's lover."
"They are old friends who have added a dimension neither is comfortable with. Don't assume anything else." Seto gave him a sidelong glance. "I'd compare it to you and Yugi having sex."
Jou flinched at that mental image. "Man, do you have to say shit like that? Really?"
"When working with you, I've found it best to use analogy. You grasp concepts easier when you can equate unknowns into a familiar construct."
"Oh shit. Something has your panties in a twist if you're talking like that. We've been through this, and you know damn well I'm as smart as you so cut the crap." The blond was completely exasperated with Seto and ready to bite the brunet’s head off. "What the hell is wrong with the elevator? We should be at the..." He broke off when he saw that the stop button was pressed. "Why the hell...? Look Kaiba, What the hell is going on? Why stop the elevator? What the hell has your knickers in a knot?"
"We originally stopped to give Roland more time to calm Thomas down while I explained what the situation is to you. Now you need to calm down as well. Take a deep breath and try to pull yourself together." Seto advised calml, but with an unmistakable edge.
That edge was enough to push Jou's already flaring temper higher. "Why don't you tell me what's got you so pissed off?"
"You know damn well..." Seto's eyes narrowed thoughtfully. "You do know because you did it on purpose. So what are you pushing me for? You're not still angry about my teasing you last night. You know why I..." Blue eyes widened as a thought hit him. "You... Last night..."
Jou was doing some thinking of his own. He wasn't normally so blind to his own motives and as he connected the dots, his own eyes widened and he retreated a bit. He could see that the genius CEO had come to the same conclusions about his behavior that Jou had. Defensively, the blond continued to back away as he burst into speech. "We don't have time for this. I'm... I'm calm now. You're right, I was letting personal stuff get in the way."
"You said you were awake all night. Several times you touched me... you... In ways that in sleep are... But..." Seto was following his train of thought directly on to a collision course with Jou's own runaway thoughts.
"Shut up. Just shut up! We need to focus on other things. Thomas, the maniac, not to mention my sister - who is sick with god knows what. I don't need your crazy speculations and insane thoughts. Push the damn button and let's go."
Seto wasn't going to be stopped, not when his heart was beating so fast and loud it was drowning out his common sense. "You... You wanted me last night. You wanted me to offer. You were waiting for another invitation."
Jou slammed his fist into the green start button. "We don't have time for this. Even if we did, it's moot."
As the elevator started upwards, Seto shifted fluidly and pinned Jou against the wall. Huskily, he whispered. "You have an open invitation. Anywhere, anytime, just a word or touch."
"I've told you to back the hell off." Jou tried to snap, but it was a low whisper, more an invitation to come closer than a warning to get away.
"You've decided about him. Good. Tell him the truth when it is time. Then we will move forward." Seto moved to the opposite side of the elevator just as the doors dinged open.
The CEO was faintly surprised that Roland wasn't at the elevator to meet them. The explanation to that was readily apparent when they entered the living room to find Roland cradling the still sobbing man.
Jounouchi, a quick assessing glance telling him what he needed to know, stepped forward and said briskly. "Roland go make coffee. Seto, find a box of tissue for Thomas-san. Thomas-san, you need to sit in the chair and try to compose yourself." He waited until the two went off on their missions before pulling the older man to his feet. As cold and unemotional as possible, he snapped. "You aren't doing yourself or your family any good at the moment. I can see that you want to lean on Roland, but right now that is not an option, not if you ever want to see your children again." Eyes sharp, Jou watched his reaction for any sign of guilt.
He was relieved when Thomas jolted like he'd been struck by a live electrical current and bolted to his feet. "My children..." Eyes wet with tears, Thomas’s look of naked hope was so bright that if Jou hadn't known where to look he would have missed the well of misery that dwelled inside Thomas. "Please, my children! You said that like they were... were..." The billionaire silk-maker sank to his knees, sobbing again, begging for the hope in his heart to be fulfilled.
Jou sighed. He knew that pain, that hope and misery. He also knew an innocent man when he saw one. "Your wife told them you were behind their kidnapping. They've been protecting them all this time from you." The ex-cop was stunned when, instead of making Thomas's tears stop, the other man fell face-first to the floor and began to cry harder, gasping out 'Thank God... Oh thank you God...' between sobs.
Seto returned to find Jou kneeling next to Thomas, patting his back and mumbling words of comfort to the obviously overcome man. With a sharp sigh of exasperation, the young CEO stalked to the pair and hauled Thomas to his feet. “Get a grip.” He snapped, making his feeling plain. When the man just hung limply in the younger man’s hands, Seto threw him to the couch with a disgusted snort. Without any warning, he drew back his hand and slapped Thomas with enough force to knock him over on the couch. “I said get a grip!”
The slap had multiple effects. Thomas sat up and blinked at him in shock, Jounouchi clenched his fists and stepped between Seto and Thomas, and Roland abandoned the tea trolley and rushed to the older man’s side.
Jou glared daggers at Seto. “What the hell are you doing?”
The brunet was completely unrepentant. “We don’t have time for his drama. Have you forgotten that we have a deadline?”
“I haven’t forgotten anything. Have you forgotten to have a heart?” Jou countered hotly.
“Heart isn’t what he or we need right now. He needs to start thinking logically and rationally. I presume you told him about…” He waved his hands expressively.
“Yeah. He didn’t do anything to hurt his family.” Jou snapped “He probably has information we can use. If you abuse him, we may never get the information we need. Have a heart and give him a few minutes.”
“He is a grown man.” Seto gave Thomas a cutting look. “We shouldn’t have to treat him like an emo teen.”
Jou wanted to take a swing at the cold hearted brunet. “Put yourself in his position. What if it was Keiko? What if she vanished and was presumed dead? How would you feel if you suddenly found out she was alive?” When Seto opened his mouth, the blond cut him off ruthlessly. “Don’t say it would never happen because you’ve lost Mokuba enough times that you know damn well it can. So how would you feel?”
Seto snorted at that obvious question. “I’d mobilize my security force and go get her. I’d give them orders to shoot to kill anyone who got in my way.”
“That isn’t what I asked. Not what would you do. What would you feel?” Jou clarified angrily. He knew what Seto would do. The same thing he would do. If there was a way he could get his baby back, he would give up everything and everyone to do it.
“I’d be out for blood.” Seto said coldly. “I’d lay waste to everyone who had part in keeping my daughter from me. Rivers would run red with their blood.”
Jou shuddered at that imagery. Kaiba Seto appeared to be a civilized man, but it was stupid to forget that the smooth urban CEO persona was assumed. Deep inside, Seto had the instincts of a dragon: territorial, protective and a taste for blood. “Seto, go in the office and see if Ai has any information about… about anything.” Jou ordered quietly.
Seto controlled his wince at Jou’s cool tone, but he refused to be sorry. The brunet refused to apologize for being himself. The blond could either take him as he was or leave him. “Fine.” He gave the three of them a scathing glare before he stalked to the door.
Thomas’s voice stopped him. “Kaiba-san, wait.” The other CEO rose from the couch and stepped around Jou’s protective body. “You’re right. The sooner I… get a grip… the sooner I can be with my children.” He reached out to Seto, offering an olive branch in the form of a handshake. “Thank you for all of your help.” With his other hand, Thomas touched his split lip, wiping at the small trickle of blood caused by Seto’s blow. “Even this… is nothing compared to what I owe. What do you need from me?”
“We need to know everything you can think of. Let’s start with your wife. Sit down. Roland I’ll pour the tea, you go and get your friend something for his lip." Seto gave the man a hard look. "We know her father taught at the university in China until she was sixteen. You met her after they returned to America?” Seto clarified.
The older man nodded and cleared his throat. “Her family moved in next door. She was so beautiful but so sad. From the first time I saw her, I wanted to make her smile.”
“Why was she sad? Did she miss China?” Roland had mentioned a love affair gone wrong. Seto wanted to know the details. The ties between the college and the kidnapper were undeniable. That the kidnapped woman had ties to the same place was too much to be a coincidence.
“Part of it was homesickness, but…” Thomas closed his eyes and sighed. “but most of it was that she missed her boyfriend.”
“Boyfriend? A student at the university?” Seto asked carefully.
“Yes, final year student and her father’s teaching assistant. He actually graduated and was leaving the campus and she was devastated. She…” He coughed slightly. “She had known him for years and fell in love with him.” The older man gestured slightly, “You know the kind of first love only a teenager can feel. It doesn’t last. Usually it doesn’t last.” Seto disagreed, but he wouldn’t say that out loud. He didn’t want to interrupt the man.
“Tia - that is what I called her - Tia… I think Tia would have fallen out of love with him like all teenage girls with their first crush.” Thomas was lost in thought, obviously remembering that time. “But it didn’t happen like that. He took advantage of her and…” The words tapered off as the man drifted away on memories.
“Thomas-san, please focus.” Jou asked briskly, surprising Seto with his tone. “We need more information. We realize this is painful, but your distraction isn’t helping.”
“I’m sorry. That time was a wonderful and horrible time.” He cleared his throat again. “The bastard took advantage. He was twenty-one while she was not quite sixteen, and he seduced her. Pretended to fall in love with her, set up some fake marriage ceremony, and eloped with her. It wasn’t a real marriage, she wasn’t of age and neither was he. It wasn’t legal for him to marry until he was twenty-two and she was twenty, besides she wasn’t Chinese. Her family was frantic and searched for her for months. Then one day they just showed up. Her father wanted to press charges but…” Thomas clenched his hands into fists, the first sign of aggression he had made. “… but she was pregnant and insisted that they were married. The bastard… He wanted to come to America, claimed that their marriage made him a citizen. He expected Tia’s father to welcome him with open arms.”
“American’s are violent about protecting their children.” Jou observed softly. “He was lucky that he wasn’t met with a gun.”
“They were in China or I have no doubt the man would have been dead.” Thomas agreed grimly. “Tia’s father was smart though. He pretended to agree, pretended to accept their marriage. Then he flew his family home without telling the bastard. The bastard came home to an empty house. Tia went with them believing that he would join them as soon as the red tape with immigration was handled. Thomas told her the truth while they were flying over the ocean. He was cruel, but he was protecting his daughter.”
When Thomas fell silent, Seto prompted, “They moved in next to you, and you fell in love with her.”
“Yes. I was completely open. I asked her to marry me the first time I saw her.” Sadness curved his lips. “She said no, that she already had a husband.” The sad smile of remembrance faded. “That didn’t matter. I thought she was joking but when the baby started to show, I knew she hadn’t lied. She wasn’t the type of girl to sleep with just anyone. We… I guess she needed someone because she and I became close friends. That is all she would allow, and I’d take what I could get.” He sighed and brushed his eyes. “Sometimes, I’d pretend the baby was mine. I think she knew it, but she needed someone so badly she didn’t stop me. The baby… I wasn’t allowed to be there when the baby was born, and when she came home without it, I assumed the baby died. Later, I found out that The Bastard and his parents had sued for custody and because it was a boy and the birth control laws are so strict in China, it was the only child that man could have, joint custody, with physical custody awarded to the father. Tia never saw her baby again, and it broke her heart every day. Even when our own children were born, I could see the yearning in her eyes.”
“But she loved you? She healed right?” Roland tried to comfort his friend.
“She always loved me like a brother. I accepted that. She only agreed to marry me if I promised to bring her home to see The Bastard and her son. It took years because of the political unrest and because I went through some very hard financial times. I hoped… but when it became possible, she insisted. She had contacted her ‘husband’ and arranged to meet him. He never showed up, neither did their son. She… We… I… The night before they disappeared, she looked at me so strangely, like she’d never seen me before, and said she had been a fool and that she wanted to go home. That night, for the first time ever, when I held her, she held me back.” Tears slipped down his cheeks. “I think she’d finally realized… But then she was gone and…” The tears fell harder, and his shoulders heaved with suppressed sobs.
Roland gave his boss a cool, challenging look before stepping between them and drawing the crying man into his arms. Seto allowed it simply because he could see they would get nowhere until the man cried it out. He’d always considered Americans to be tough and crude, but this man was a wimp.
Not trusting himself to say anything, because it would definitely be detrimental to the situation, Seto turned and stalked into his home office. He hesitated briefly when Jounouchi fell in step beside him. “You’re not going to stay.”
“Nah, it’s hopeless. This guy is definitely in touch with his feminine side. You’re going to find out about ‘The Bastard,’ aren’t you?” The blond gave him a sidelong look. “You might want to look up his family Hanko.”
“On the list. It shouldn’t be difficult to find out if ‘Tia’s’ father is still alive. He may know more.”
“Hmm yeah. I remember reading something about her family being retired in Florida.” Jou rubbed the back of his neck as he sank down on an office chair.
“Worth a phone call.” There was no question that Kaiba Seto could get the number, even to someone in Florida.
“Yes.” Jou closed his eyes and leaned his head back. “Are you going to tell them she’s dead?”
“Thomas should do that. I’m just going to say I’m investigating the kidnapping and believe that his old teaching assistant may be involved.” He thought that would be obvious and practical, but for some reason Jou sat up sharply and looked at him like he’d lost his mind.
“You are going to say that? Do you realize what that will do to them? Especially if… Well if they kept it a secret all this time?” Jou wasn't sure if he was amused or aghast. A focused Kaiba was a very scary Kaiba.
“Don’t care. She’s dead, and people I care for are being threatened.” Seto snapped coldly.
“Uh, hey… Uhm I totally get that ‘cause if it weren’t for me you and Keiko wouldn’t be in this mess. Seto… You speak Chinese don’t you? Fluently I mean?” Jou gave him a questioning look.
“Of course. I… What are you proposing?” Interest had his green-blue eyes narrowing slightly.
“Just, why not call him and say you are trying to find his assistant, for an alumni meeting or something? I… That way you aren’t going to put his back up about his daughter.” With a cover story, Seto was less likely to give the guy a heart attack. They needed him breathing.
“Hnn… It might work.” Seto frowned slightly. “I know what will be faster.” He flipped on the monitor. “Ai, can you access records at the university? Payroll and …”
“I was about to interrupt. I’ve already done so.” She sounded vaguely smug, but Seto ignored it. “Remember you asked me to run facial recognition on the yearbooks from that time for Huang Zongxi.”
“What did you find?” It had been a long shot, and while he hadn’t forgotten, he hadn’t put it high on the priority list either.
“A potential match, seventy percent, which is very high with the time and quality of the images I was able to access.” Ai’s voice remained smug with a hint of amusement. “Huang Zongxi was most likely the assistant of the instructor Chang Michael, Tia Thomas’s father. At that time, the assistant went by the name of Wang Chaoxing.”
“Wait, what? Chang? Tia was part Chinese? She had blonde hair and blue eyes!” Jou was shocked nobody had ever mentioned it.
“Her great-grandfather was Chang Pao, a Chinese immigrant to the united states who married an American woman named Mary Watson. His son, Chang Paul, married Teresa Andrews, a blonde actress. Their son was Chang Michael. He married Anna Merov, who according to photographs, was a blonde.” Ai rattled off the information briskly.
“Oh.” Jou sighed. “So…”
He was interrupted when Seto broke in sharply “Wang? Any relation to Wang Piao? The man Thomas was to meet from Maru Textiles?”
Ai gave an approving laugh. “Your mind works fast. I’d just run that query. Yes Kaiba-san. Wang Chaoxing is the son of Wang Piao, who is now deceased. His wife lives with her sister in the small house they grew up in.” She continued before they could ask. “Wang Chaoxing's wife is listed as deceased, name of Chang Tia, his son, Wang Lok, is listed as born and no further entries. There has been no trace of them for the last eight years.”
“Holy shit.” Jou breathed. “Hey Kaiba, ya don’t have to call Florida now.”
“No. Now all we have to do is find Wang Chaoxing and Wang Lok.” Seto closed his eyes and sighed. It sounded easy but he was sure it wasn’t going to be. “Ai do your best.”
“May I keep the extra processors on line? I want to utilize the extra power.” The computer asked briskly.
“Yes, but distribute what is unused. Feed some into the holograms on the duel decks. It should speed things up.”
“Yes Kaiba-san.” The monitor went blank, and Jou rose from his chair.
“You think he’s calm enough to talk now?” The blond asked casually, as he and Seto walked back to the living room.
“If not I’ll slap him again.” Seto was definite on that point. He wanted his daughter home and he wanted... wanted Jou to be here when she came. He wanted to see them together in his home, to carry that memory.
“Nah, you’ll hurt your hand. I’ll do it.” Jou offered, completely clueless to what was running through Seto's mind. When the brunet hummed an agreement, the blond wanted to smile slightly. It was kind of fun being around Kaiba.
Roland was standing at attention when Seto and Jou entered the room. There was no sign of Thomas. "Where is he?" Seto asked softly.
"He's gone to lay down in my quarters. This has been too much for him, and he needs a break." Roland said, then hurried to explain. "Seto, he's had two breakdowns since their kidnapping. He... He is not strong mentally or physically. He has a weak heart and has been warned not to become over agitated."
"A weak heart?" Seto scoffed at that. Thomas was a bluff, hearty man, not some weakling.
"He had rheumatic fever as a child, and it damaged his heart. He has had two surgeries to correct the problem, but neither were a complete success. He needed to take his medicine and lay down, Seto."
"Damn. When will we be able to talk to him?" The frustrated brunet snapped.
"Late tonight at the earliest, but tomorrow would be best. He needs to rest." The security chief hesitated a moment then nodded slightly. "I know you are angry but..."
"But nothing. Go sit with your lo-friend. We will discuss this when there is more time." He waved the other man out the door. When he was gone, Seto crossed to the intercom and hit the button. "Ai, have the helicopter prepared for an immediate trip to Rebun, one passenger. It is to wait for that person to return. Make all the arrangements. Jounouchi will probably stay at the house, but the crew will need reservations."
"Yes, Se-Kaiba-san. The helicopter will be ready in forty-five minutes." Ai accepted the order but with a strange break in her vocals.
"You may call me Seto, Ai."
"Thank you, Seto." The light went out on the intercom.
"Rebun?" Jou was confused for a moment. Why would Seto send him to the island where Mokuba had hidden out while awaiting Keiko's birth.
"You need to see your sister, don't you?" Seto hated to remind him, but Thomas's condition had brought Shizuka's health and Jou's reaction, to the forefront of his mind. "They are staying at the house in Rebun. It is difficult to view with satellite and is buried under Mokuba's corporation, plus it is is listed as out of service because of no security. It was also ready for immediate occupation and was of the necessary size."
"You don't have to explain. I'm grateful. Uh... Why now?" They were so close, why was Seto sending him away.
"You need to speak to your sister, and we can't do anything more until tomorrow." It was frustrating and he hated it, but Seto knew it was true. "I'll wait up for you tonight."
"You don't have to. Like you told Ai, I'll probably stay over." Jou frowned and sighed. Deep in his heart he knew something was wrong, and Seto's offer to stay up filled him with dread. "You won't tell me, will you? So I'm prepared and can handle it?"
"No... I won't. This is between you and your sister. Believe me when I say, you won't want it any other way." Hesitantly, he reached out and brushed Jou's hair back. "I will wait up for you. Remember I'm here."
"You're scaring me." Jou admitted quietly. "But not as much as what's going through my head is. I... I'll go wait on the roof. If I don't get away from you, I might try to change your mind about telling me."
Seto allowed himself a faint smile. "I might let you try to seduce it out of me, just because I'd enjoy it, but you would fail."
Trying to make light of the situation, Jou growled playfully. "You think I'm that bad at seduction?"
His lightness vanished when Seto shook his head slowly, his green-blue eyes somber. "No, because I'm too afraid you'll blame the messenger." With a wave of his hand, the brunet turned and walked away. "I'll go to my office so neither of us are tempted. Ai will let you know when to go to the helipad."
Seto didn't leave his office again until long past when Ai told him that Jounouchi had taken off, and later, landed. He only left it when Tatsu knocked on the door. Rather than let him see what he was working on, Seto led the captain back into the main room. When Tatsu started to rage about his time being wasted, accuse Seto of manipulating the situation to get Jou's interest, and other outrageous comments, Seto simply returned to his office. He didn't have time to deal with idiots; he was trying to free his soul.
The house was almost exactly like Jou remembered it. The only real difference was the lack of Sakura blossoms. Ai had alerted the security teams, so his approach to the house was met only with simple nods of acknowledgement from the various plain-clothes security stationed all along the street.
Otogi answered the door, throwing it wide when he saw Jou on the doorstep. "Jounouchi! Have you found the culprit? Is it safe to go home?"
"Almost. Still working on it. I need to speak to Shizuka." Jou brushed past the black-haired man and stalked towards the sitting room.
Otogi closed the door and carefully locked it. "She's on the beach, Jou. I'll show you..."
"I know the way. I need to speak to her privately." The blond shot down the offer immediately.
"Good luck with that. Honda and Mai have been hovering over her all day." Otogi's jealousy was clear.
Jou frankly didn't give a fuck about the other man's feelings. He needed to speak to Shizuka. The truth couldn't be nearly as bad as the scenarios playing out in his head. "Then they will leave."
The three were sitting on a blanket they had spread on the sand talking quietly. Mai saw his approach first. He was surprised when, instead of jumping up and running to him, she stood slowly, and after a quiet word to Shizuka, pulled Honda to his feet and practically dragged the man down the beach, leaving Shizuka alone.
Shizuka didn't take her gaze from the ocean when he reached the blanket. Instead she scooted forward slightly and invited. "Come hold me like you used to, big brother. We both need it. I can feel your fear and pain from here."
"Shi-chan..." Jou's voice was a thread, barely audible over the waves. He carefully sat behind her and wrapped her in a protective embrace. "Tell me."
For long moments, there was only the sound of the waves. Then she opened at where it all started. "Do you remember... It's okay if you don't... Do you remember when I first got sick? I was two and you were six. I remember it so clearly. I was so young, you would think I don't remember, but I do. I remember mom changing my pants, scolding me about not using the bathroom, and then her screaming. I didn't understand then, although I do now. She was upset because there was blood in my urine, and it stained my panties. That's why she screamed."
"I don't remember that." Jou admitted softly.
She shrugged that off. "You might have been at school. After that, there were rounds of tests. So many doctors, drugs, treatments, and all of them just temporary fixes. It was a year before they finally came back with a diagnosis. I have systemic lupus erythematosus. It presented with kidney disease. It progressed very slowly due to treatments, flaring again when I was thirteen, when I had a brush with blindness because of it. You paid for the treatment. Since then I and my doctor thought it was in a 'dormant' state. I had no symptoms, no signs of flares, and I was confident that everything was as good as it could be. I got tired at times, and sometimes I felt weak, but I considered that a part of the illness. Then, a few months ago I started to get sick. I thought it was a virus or something, but I wasn't careless with it, I went to see the doctor. The tests... I did have a virus, but what we discovered in the tests was that the SLE had been silently attacking for years. My kidneys were at about thirty percent functional and my heart... my heart had been damaged beyond repair."
"Your heart? Beyond repair?" Jou felt those words down to his soul. "Shizuka... you mean..."
"I'm not eligible for transplant and my heart and kidneys continue to fail. I'm dying, Katsuya." Suddenly, she turned and buried her face in her brother's neck. Hot tears fell on his skin. "I'm dying big brother! I... I don't want to leave you but I... I have less than a year." Tears shook her thin frame as the pain she stored deep inside came pouring out of her like rain.
Shock, disbelief, denial, took a backseat to Jou's need to comfort his baby sister. Holding her in a crushing grip, he rocked her and let her cry.
Time was meaningless, it could have been minutes, hours or weeks, as they sat locked together, rocking back and forth in an effort to give and receive comfort. After uncounted time, Shizuka leaned back and knelt in front of her brother, cupping his tear streaked face in her trembling hands. "I have more to tell you. I... I think it will make things better- I hope it makes things better."
"Nothing will ever make things better. Shizuka..." Jou's voice was raw and hoarse from his own tearing sobs.
"I... I'm not leaving you alone big brother. I... I'm pregnant. I'll live long enough to have the baby, but no longer. You will have to care for my baby for me. Will you do that, big brother? Will you take my baby and raise it as your own child? Will you accept it as the gift it is?"
"Pregnant?" Once that news would have sent Jou into a rage, now it only added to the shock that he was feeling. "But who... what about the baby's father?"
"His name is Maahes, and he... he gave the baby to me because he knew I didn't want to leave you alone. He knew I wanted to give you this gift. He will not... The baby is not a part of him, he was simply the delivery man. He won't trouble you." Shizuka reassured Jou. She was positive Maahes wouldn't want anything to do with the half-mortal baby she carried.
Jou filed the name away for later. He would check on this Maahes’s character later, for now Shizuka held his attention. "You wanted to get pregnant? For me?" He was shocked, and his throat felt like there was a boulder trying to lodge in it.
She let out a small gurgle of laughter. "Not entirely. I always wanted a baby. One of my goals in life was to leave a legacy of love. I thought I'd have years to have a family, but I won't. I barely have enough time to have one baby. But if... If I leave the baby with you, that will be my legacy of love. I know you will love and care for the baby and I know you will tell it about me and how very much I loved both of you."
"Are you sure there is no way..." Jou had to ask, even though she had already shot it down.
"There is nothing, no new or experimental treatments, nothing. Jou, SLE is my immune system attacking my body like it is an enemy. A transplant would simply be viewed as another invader and attacked and destroyed. There is nothing." Shizuka explained it as gently as possible, but it was a harsh reality, no matter how gently it was said.
"Fuck!" The swear word escaped before Jou could censor it. He immediately backtracked. "I'm sorry Shizuka."
Another laugh, this time happier, more like the sister he knew, not the sad woman in his arms. "I'm not suddenly a nun just because I'm dying, Katsuya. I'm used to your swearing. It's part of what makes you the brother I love. Don't change on me. Just be you and let me enjoy our time, okay?"
Jou closed his eyes tight, one last tear slipping down his cheek before he drew her back into his arms, cradling her as he had when she was a child. "Okay." He dropped his hand to her belly. "So... a baby huh? What are we going to name it?"
"I have an idea, but I'll have to get back to you on that when I know what it is. I'm hoping for a boy. You can name him after Seto." Her tone was absolutely serious.
"Seto?" Jou didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He tugged her hair lightly instead. "How about Seri for a girl and Seto for a boy then?"
"Deal." Shizuka sighed and released more of her pain as she settled back into her brother's comforting warmth. "I don't want to put my expectations on the baby, Katsuya. It's important that the baby grow and learn to be itself. The only thing that I want the baby to know from me is that I loved and wanted it with all of my heart and soul."
"Deal." Jou agreed. "But I want you to do me a favor little sister. I want you to write letters or journals, during your pregnancy. Share every detail, every insight, everything, in them. I want to read them to the baby when I tell him about you. I want him to read them when he's older so that he knows you and your love for him."
Shizuka hid a smile. Her brother knew more than he let on. Katsuya had picked up on the fact that she was having a boy. It could be a coincidence, but she didn't think so. Her brother had the same blood as she did, and had a lot of intuition. If Jou ever chose to explore his roots and educate himself, he would evolve into a being unrecognized and thought to be extinct by the gods, the same as Shizuka had chosen to become. "I've always kept a journal. I will write letters to the baby as well." She hesitated a second, then gave him a small nudge with her elbow. "Dumped Tatsu yet?"
"Hey, my love life isn't your business." Jou tugged her hair again gently.
"He doesn't like kids, doesn't want his own. He won't accept mine. I'm just looking out for our baby. So... Dumped him yet?" When Jou grunted, she teased. "You know, Kaiba's a great parent and he's obviously ga-ga for you. Since you like guys why don't you..."
"Oh shaddup will you? I don't ask you how Maahes was in bed, do I?" Jou grumbled.
"Want me to tell you?" She asked pertly.
"Oh fuck no. I do not want to hear about my baby sister getting laid." He was completely outraged.
"Too bad." The previously innocent red-head chuckled wickedly. "Maahes could probably give you some pointers."
"Shaddup! Didn't I tell you to shut up? Sheesh, when did you become a hentai?" Jou was about at the end of his rope. This was just too bizarre. Not only was she dying, but she was making him laugh, even though his heart was shredded with pain, his sister was making him laugh less than an hour after telling him she was dying. What the hell was wrong with him? Her? Both of them?
Shizuka sobered and sighed. "Big brother, I'm sad to leave you, but I'm happy to give you this baby and to know you will raise and love him. I... I am actually kind of relieved to be going. The pain and weakness are getting worse and it will only continue to escalate. I don't want to live in agony or spend my life in bed cut off from the world. Miss me, but don't feel guilty or bad. I'd hate for you to feel that way because of me. Be happy that I'm able to achieve what I wanted in life and enjoy what you have."
"I... You are amazing, you know that?" Jou husked as tears flooded his eyes.
"Only because I have you as a role model. Now hold me until the stars shine, and lets talk about the case. The sooner you solve it, the sooner I can come home and start to plan a nursery."
"Ah... All right. If you really want to hear about it." When she nodded, he began to explain about Chang Tia, Thomas, and the rest. Despite his hoarse voice, he talked for hours, until she dozed in his arms under a blanket of stars.
He tucked her in her bed carefully and tiptoed out to the main room to find Honda, Otogi, and Mai waiting. Jou could see by their expressions that they knew. "I'm not going to discuss it with any of you. I'm going back to the city so I can put an end to this threat. She needs to be near her doctor, and she has a nursery to plan." He ignored Honda's protest and Mai's outstretched arms and left. He opened his phone and hit speed dial. "Ai, is the pilot and copter still available?" The airport was closed down, but Ai had arranged for the helicopter to land on a private stretch of beach about half a kilometer from the beach house where Shizuka was staying.
"They are on standby for another half hour." She responded briskly, then asked in softer tones. "Are you alright?"
"I'll keep it together until I get home." He had to. He refused to break down here, where Shizuka might see him. Deliberately blanking out everything but the thought of getting back home, he focused only on the trip, nothing else. "Have the copter warming up. I'll be there in about five minutes."
"It's already waiting to lift off." She informed smugly.
"Thanks." Jou was running flat out as he disconnected the call. He needed to get away as fast as possible. His control was precarious at best and walking alone in the dark. Once on the helicopter he could distract himself - he hoped.
His control lasted through the endless helicopter and elevator ride down to the apartment, but for some reason the 'ding' of the elevator caused it to begin to unravel. With a suppressed sob, he dashed to the living room hoping to find something, anything, to help. He didn't consciously think of Seto or Tatsu, just of some kind of surcease.
Tatsu sat watching the news, slowly sipping his third glass of fine cognac. He normally didn't drink cognac outside his apartment because it was considered a rich man's drink, but Kaiba's cognac made his own expensive brand look cheap and since he was here with the expensive stuff readily available, plus feeling put upon and ill used, Tatsu decided to indulge. The warmth settled low in his belly, mixing with the rage and simmering need that had been building for a while. It was time to do something about the anger and the lust. Jounouchi may have promised, but what Kaiba didn't know wouldn't hurt him.
When Jou dashed into the room, Tatsu rose to his feet as he set his almost empty glass on the table. He didn't wait to hear the remonstrance he was sure would come from his boyfriend's mouth about his drinking. Instead, he jumped in with his own feelings of mistreatment and set his plan in motion. "Where the hell have you been?" He snarled, determined to head of a lecture on alcoholism and Jou's feelings on drinking and bring the blond to heel. Katsuya was an emotional man and ridiculously easy to manipulate at times.
That brought the blond up short. "I went to see Shizuka."
There was something off about Jou's voice, but Tatsu ignored it to further his own plan. "So while I was on a wild goose chase for you and Kaiba, you decided to take a vacation?" He asked snidely, then added. "At least Kaiba was here working on something, even if it did look like some kind of hieroglyphics."
"Tatsu I... I'm sorry I... Could you please just..." Jou floundered as he tried to ask Tatsu to hold him, to soothe away his pain.
Tatsu assessed Jou's struggle for control, seeing the tremors shaking his strong frame and sheen of tears in his eyes. "Just what? Not drink?" He spat angrily, not missing all the signs of impending meltdown, pushing for it, knowing that if he pushed hard enough Jou would be his. "I don't tell you how to live your life, and you don't tell me how to live mine. I'll drink if I want to, anytime I want to. No boyfriend - if you can even call yourself that - is going to tell me what to do. I wouldn't let my wife, and I sure as hell won't let you."
Jou had years of experience in dealing with a belligerent drunk. He was barely holding it together and needed to get out of there fast. Tatsu was too much for him right then. "I... All right. I... I'll go to my room now and talk to you in the morning." The blond started backing out of the room, wanting only to reach the safety of his room. He was going to fall apart any second and he didn't want to do it in front of Tatsu, not when the man was drunk and mean.
"Yeah, run away to your room. I'm going to mine... Not that you would know where it is. You've never been there have you? Fuck it, you're not worth it. I'll get someone who actually knows how the game is played. I don't need your shit." Tatsu sneered, slamming his glass down on the table and rising to his feet. This was it, Jou would break and beg him to take him back, to let him prove himself. He felt his body hardening in anticipation. The alcohol hadn't affected his sexual drive, but it would slow down his orgasm. He'd have all night to sate himself on the blond.
Shock reverberated through Tatsu when, instead of dashing towards him, Katsuya backed away. He barely understood when Jou didn't answer as expected. Frustration had him snarling with rage.
"Okay, you should since you're not happy." Jou answered as agreeably as possible, knowing better than to confront a drunk. When Tatsu snarled, Jou's abuse-survivor instincts kicked in and fled to his room and locked the door. He wasn't going to deal with Tatsu, he simply wasn't. He didn't have the strength, and to be honest with himself, he didn't have the desire. All the blond wanted was to throw himself on the bed and wail out his pain. He couldn't do that, not yet. Some part of him was urging him to wait, to hang on just a little longer. He was too close to the edge of breakdown and needed to gain more control, he needed a way to wash away some part of his pain. Without conscious thought, he stripped off his clothes and dove into the shower. The hot water beat down on him, soothing and painful all at once, tightening and tingling his skin, giving him a small distraction, all he needed to hold on just a little longer. He had no idea why he felt he had to hang on, he just knew he did.
Skin glowing from the heat of the shower, eyes red from suppressed tears, and hair slicked back from the hard scrubbing Jou had given it, he wrapped a towel around his waist and stepped back into the bedroom. His breath caught painfully in his throat as he realized why it had been so important for him to hang on to his control. He'd known... deep inside he'd known...
Sitting quietly propped against his headboard, Kaiba Seto stared at him with green-blue eyes filled with compassion, understanding, and love. When the brunet reached out his hand, offering everything his eyes promised without hesitation, Jou gave a low wounded cry and took the hand, threading their fingers together, pressing their hands palm-to-palm, wordlessly taking what was offered and asking for more.
As Seto pulled him into an embrace more loving and comforting that the blond could ever imagine, he released his hard-won control and let grief overtake him. The CEO didn't hesitate to give him everything he needed, simply pulling him closer and giving more; giving all the years of caring that had been stored just for Jounouchi Katsuya.
Seto was still awake marvelling at the softness of Jou's hair as he sifted it through his fingertips when the bedroom door opened suddenly. Tatsu froze in the doorway staring at the two of them for a moment then silently turning and walking away. The brunet allowed himself a moment of triumph, because in Tatsu's face had been the knowledge that he'd lost the chance for Jounouchi's heart - lost it because of alcohol and his own blind selfishness. The triumphant moment faded into concern almost immediately. Seto hadn't won the blond yet... Yugi was as much a stumbling block as ever.
Here ends Lost and Found Episode 11 - Yesterday. Join us next time, same bat time, same bat channel.
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