Life Isn't Always What You Want | By : Rochelle Category: Yu-Gi-Oh > Yaoi - Male/Male Views: 3286 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own YuGiOh!, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Sometimes Life isn’t What You Want
I don’t own Yu-gi-oh
Author: Rochelle B
Rating: R/NC-17. It’s all about where you pick it up.
Status: Incomplete, Unbeated
Main Pairings thus far: Yami/Yugi, Seto/Jou, Honda/Otogi, and Ryou/Bakura. Everything else is up in the air.
Other: Jou/Honda, but more serious in the past and more playful in the present. Light Bakura/Jou, Bakura/Honda, and Jou/Otogi. Pegasus/Jou, Yugi, Ryou, Noa. Peggy’s a dirty perv folks who likes to go after young Ukes…but you knew that already.
Summery: (AU) When a new teacher arrives at Domino High he takes an interest in some of the boys and unlikely people become the greatest of allies.
Warnings: Yaio, Sex, Rape/Non-con, Language, Violence, Cutting, Drug Use, Prostitution, Angst, Self-Mutilation, D/s, Dark Humor, Perverse Humor, Blackmail, and some others things I can’t quite recall. Plus I ripped ideas from another story I was working on but will probably never finish, so it doesn’t matter. Yay.
Notes: I decided that, since I think Domino is fictional, it’s just part of Tokyo. Like a really big suburb, bordering on becoming it’s own town. (I live in one of those actually. It was once a ‘burb but it eventually got so big that we’re now a town/city. We even have our own sections for white trash and the ghetto folks. Not that I should mock, I live on the edge of the ghetto…)
Kind of short, but it was either five pages of fifteen.
Chapter Two: And Gym Class is Torment
Jou ambled into the auditorium for the beginning to the year speech and then the handing out of the timetables. He followed Honda, who was following Bakura, and took a seat three rows from the back. Noa dropped into the seat next to him and, with an exaggerated yawn, slung his arm around Jou’s neck.
He snorted then leaned over and made himself comfortable. After all far be it for him to refuse a little harmless contact when it was offered. ‘Sides, Noa was hot and what person in their right mind turned down cuddling from a hot person?
“What the hell are you two doing?” Honda hissed while glancing over their shoulder at the clump of non-assembly affiliated teachers by the double doors.
Jou turned and watched them with a kind of distant interest then shrugged and laid his head back on Noa’s shoulder. It was common knowledge that, while a girl and a guy could dry hump in the hallway, if two guys or two girls dared to so much as hold hands they’d be punished loudly, publicly, and in the most humiliating manner possible.
And then they’d call your parents.
Jou found he didn’t care much. Neither did Noa because, as he was found of pointing out in some of their more…risky moments, worst-case scenario he ends up inheriting twenty-percent of Kaiba Corp and becoming a Multi-Millionaire. The horror.
“Welcome students and facility, to another wonderful year at Domino High.” Sensei Kido, who had been acting principal last year, addressed them from his place on the stage. “As I’m sure most of you recall Mr. Lane suffered a nervous breakdown and left last year. She has officially resigned her position as administrator of the school and moved to Florida. I shall be taking over permanently.”
Jou snorted. Kido was a total new age, wishy-washy pushover. He liked to talk about feelings and get to the root of the problem instead of just assigning detention. The year was looking up already.
“As my replacement in Environmental Studies we will have Sensei Pegasus.” He gestured to a blond guy sitting on the stage. He was wearing an elaborate suit with lace at the cuffs and throat and his long silver hair hide half of his face. He graced the crowd with a smile that could only be described as…well, creepy.
Jou shivered and Noa glanced at him, eyebrow arched slightly.
“That guy freaking you out too?” Jou nodded and the green-haired teen pulled him even closer before winking. “No worries Katsuya, it’s not like any of us have that class, right?”
“Yeah.” He had a point. Jou loathed science with a passion and was happy with his Enviro Studies credit from the year before with Kido, taking it again he was not.
“In other news due to the success of Sensei Magi’s teaching style we’ve decided to filter more money into the history department which means that now two, instead of one, of the teachers will be able to take their classes on frequent field trips.” There was a light cheer in the crowd. Since there were six history teachers total a lot of kids had been forced to sit and glower out the window while Magi took his students out every other week. “However, due to some parent interjection, this is only open to seniors.”
A loud groan followed by booing. Sensei Kido chuckled nervously and tugged at his tie some. Magi, who was also on the stage, leaned back and smirked. Clearly he was enjoying his superior’s discomfort. He was kind of sadistic that way.
Honda had a theory that Magi had been ‘unpopular’ in school and that’s why he appeared to get off on tormenting jocks, cheerleaders, and anyone who seemed too damn smug for their own good. More than football player had been forced to read a paper in front of the class, bright red and stumbling over words. Jou might have thought it kind of nasty if not for the fact that the rest of the teachers did the same thing to people like him.
“Hey.” Bakura was frowning. “Isn’t Magi the only grade twelve history teacher?”
Jou considered that briefly. Magi had, if he recalled correctly, seven large senior classes and one of the advanced juniors courses. (How Jou had gotten into advanced junior history was his secret that he had no intention or sharing with anyone.)
“Yea’ I dink-”
“Because of this new arrangement, and a sudden influx of seniors wanting to take history, we hired two new teachers. Sensei Munroe and Sensei Garten.” He gestured to a woman with dark brown skin and brown hair pulled back into a severe looking bun. She gazed around the room from behind black horn rimmed glasses. If Jou hadn’t already known that he’d be in Magi’s class again he might have been afraid. “Sensei Munroe will not be one of the field trip teachers because she will also be teaching basic junior history. Sensei Garten, who isn’t present currently, will be teaching both history and European Literature so those lucky enough to have him for the latter will be included in the program.”
Kido looked around the room and Jou couldn’t help but notice that his forehead was shiny with sweat. He looked on the verge of either having a panic attack or just flat out passing out on the stage in front of everyone. The blond hoped for the latter because then there was a chance he’d tumble over the side of the stage into the band pit.
“That’s everything. Seniors may receive timetables on the quad, Juniors in the cafeteria, Sophomores in the gym, and Freshman should stay put. There will be no homeroom and first period will be cut short. Thank you and lets make this year the best!”
No one was really listening. Most were already filing out towards their respective destination and the freshmen were headed for the twelve ninth grade homeroom teachers to find out where to report the next day.
“Think we’ll be in the same homeroom this year?” Noa asked. His arm was still securely around Jou’s neck and they were garnering a few glares as they walked towards the quad.
“Normally I’d say no way in fuck.” Bakura was walking backwards in order to face him. He didn’t have to worry about hitting anyone because the crowd had this funny way of parting when he was walking. “But with Kido in charge who the hell knows.”
“All I know is that I’m in for another year of my loving brother in cousin.” Noa sighed. “We’re always in the same homeroom and the same classes.”
“Maybe if you weren’t in so many advanced courses-”
“I need the scholarship money.” Noa interrupted Honda with a little wave. “I haven’t dipped into my father’s money yet and I don’t plan to start it at the time I’m really supposed to become independent.”
Bakura just snorted. “I understand. Kind of. …wait…”
“Did ya jus’ remember yer poor and dat if ya had money to dip into ya would?” Jou guessed, smiling slightly. Gods knew he would. Not that he had anything against a hard work ethic and blazing your own path, but having no money was terrible.
The older teen just shrugged then turned to head down the steps. The Quad was right off of the cafeteria, which was on the bottom level of the school, hence the steps. It was mostly for eating lunch, skipping class, and holding club meetings.
They walked through the caf where the juniors were milling about and trying to find their names on the sheets of paper the teachers had been smart enough to print up and put on the bulletin boards. The boards usually held the menu for the day and announcements about sports and other things Jou didn’t care about, but the teachers had wised up and realized this was the easiest way to sort classes.
Outside the sun was bright, the air was warm, and birds were chirping. Bakura stopped down, palmed a loose rock and hurled it towards one of the trees with deadly accuracy. Pale pink blossoms fell to the ground but more importantly the birds stopped abruptly.
A girl near them gasped then put a hand over her mouth and ran off.
Bakura arched an eyebrow. “What?”
“Nothing man, nothing.” Noa smiled and withdrew his arm from around Jou. “So are we going to split up and track down our rooms or what?”
“You could just come visit your friendly neighborhood history teacher.” It was Sensei Magi again. Jou turned his head to see the bluenette walking out of the building with a stack of papers in hand. He glanced around at the dimly organized chaos around them. The senior teachers had set up tables and had placed copies of their homerooms lists on them in order to let the kids figure out where they belonged on their own.
It worked of course, but it could take a while.
“You know what homerooms we’re in?” Bakura sounded skeptical. “You stalking us?”
“Of course Bakura. I just can’t get enough of your oh-so-pleasant demeanor that I feel the urge to keep tabs on you and follow you all day.” Magi rolled his eyes. “I realize that the fact I’m a teacher makes you think I have no life but give me a little credit; I‘m not that pathetic.”
He shifted his papers and glanced down. “Lesse…Jou, Noa, Bakura, and Honda.” He pulled out four pages and handed them to Noa. “Right on top, thank god. I hate this. Why can’t we just mail out class stuff like other schools.”
“That’d make sense.” Jou said as he plucked his schedule from Noa. Bakura and Honda followed suit. A quick look around found that they were all in Magi’s homeroom. “How’d we manage that?”
“Nearly identical schedules.” Magi was speaking to them but looking around anxiously. “Plus maybe I put in a good word for you with Kido.”
“It’s hard to remember what I do over the summer. I was drunk a lot.” He shrugged some then blinked at their surprised faces. “What? I’m a product of the eighties, I was born drunk. Among other things.” A long pause then a bright smile. “That reminds me! If you four give Garten any trouble I’ll be forced to make history a living nightmare for all of you. I’ll have you in class reading from the book everyday, make you do homework every night, and keep you from all trips. I’ll see you third block.”
With that he turned and headed over to one of the tables and dropped his stuff down. He sat on the table and was almost instantly swarmed by kids hoping to be in his homeroom. Jou was pretty sure that he was frightened. He didn’t know many people who could threaten to fuck up your entire year with a sunny smile on their faces.
“That was…interesting.” He said finally.
“Cha.” Bakura was looking at his schedule again. “Your teacher friend is creepy for a hippie. I respect that.” Bakura was the only one of them who hadn’t had Magi last year as, in the white-haired teen’s own words, there was no way in fuck he’d ever be caught dead in advanced anything.
“I’m sure he’s overjoyed.” Jou deadpanned. “So I’ve got POP first and second.”
“Aww, our little aspiring artist is in an honors course.” Honda mock gushed and made a show of looking weepy. “First advanced history and now this.”
Poetry of Painting was an honors art course that covered the history of art, various famous artists, and of course the students got a chance to do their own work. The best students were given an internship at an art gallery in Tokyo for a few months. Jou had practically driven himself crazy wondering if he got in.
“Fuck you.” He blushed. He knew they didn’t mean anything with the teasing. His friends were the only ones who took his art seriously and had actually encouraged him to take every single class the school offered. Not to mention the fact Noa and Bakura had gotten together and paid for courses at a studio downtown while Honda put forth money for supplies.
If not for them he’d still probably be doodling in his notebooks, not hanging out downtown.
“Later. We’ve got shop.” Honda pointed to himself and Bakura. “We get to build our own car this semester so maybe we can all have our own wheels by Christmas. What about you Noa?”
“Computer programming and mechanics.” Noa muttered, cheeks turning pink. The class he was talking about was more myth than fact; about five people a year managed to get into it. You had to take Computer Programming one and two and get full marks in it, plus manage to take a semester of a shop course and get full marks. (Which is where most computer junkies fell apart.)
Then again considering he had Honda and Bakura working with him while he was in the aforementioned shop class it wasn’t that surprising.
Jou refrained from snickering though and instead continued his observation of the schedule. “History with Magi, European Lit with Garten-”
“Who we have to be nice too.” Honda added cheerfully.
“Phsy Ed fourth…shit.” Jou looked up and winced. “Are we together for that?”
Noa nodded. “Yeah. Fun, we get to have gym with the jocks. Is it soccer and baseball fourth?”
“I think so.” Bakura muttered looking more than a little sullen. Last year they’d been split up between fourth, fifth, and sixth period gym classes, which were the times the jocks had their classes. Safe to say Jou and Noa had the tar beat out of them daily.
“At least the four of us are together this time.” Jou sighed and brushed his hair out of his face. “Then lunch and Algebra…wait. This is wrong. I have Enviro sixth. I didn‘t think I failed…”
Noa’s eye twitched. “I have it too. I don’t know about you, but I know I didn’t fail. I never fail at anything. It’s just not…we’re going to talk to Kido.” He took Jou by the wrist and began hauling him down the hallway. Jou blinked then looked back to see Honda trailing after them. Bakura had already melted into the crowd to do…something.
He never ventured to the principals office willingly. Jou understood that.
There wasn’t much he could do at the moment though. Noa had a fierce grip on his hand and seemed determined to take this opportunity to live up to the Kaiba reputation of fierceness. It was true that the twins and their cousin seemed to be flawless, never failing at anything they stuck their toe into, and apparently Noa wasn’t going to let his reputation be soiled.
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