Azizi | By : NihilEtNemo Category: Yu-Gi-Oh > Yaoi - Male/Male Views: 2066 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own YuGiOh!, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
The light shone in through the window, and washed over the
two brothers. Mokuba reached up to his eyes, and rubbed them slightly. He
rolled off of Seto, and onto the bed beside him. He buried his face, trying to
block out the sun so he could continue on with his sleep.
Seto woke immediately as Mokuba moved, not quite sure why.
He took in the scene, remembered last night, and gently slid from the bed,
hoping he could take his shower before Mokuba realized that he was gone. He
limped silently to get his clothes, supporting himself on the wall, and looked
at Mokuba solemnly one last time before entering the bathroom and shutting the
Mokuba immediately felt the loss of his brother's presence
and he rolled over onto his back, blinking his eyes open. His brow was furrowed
in confusion, as he heard the bathroom door shut close. He figured that Seto
was just off taking his shower, and so he just stared up at the ceiling,
happily remembering the events of the night before.
Seto turned on his blisteringly hot shower as he always did,
and stepped in with a combined hiss of pain and sighed of relief. He wasted no
time in washing the blood and semen from his legs and stomach, concentrating on
what he was doing and on not thinking. He knew, eventually, he'd have to think
about it, though...
Mokuba decided that he would take this opportunity to leave
and go get dressed. He walked to his room, and over to his dresser. He pulled
on the usual clothes before checking in the mirror to make sure everything
looked fine. Once he was finished, Mokuba left his room, stretching his arms up
to the ceiling.
Seto couldn't fight his overactive mind off any longer and
leaned tired against the shower wall, as though he'd gotten no sleep at all,
the water beating down on him. What he and Mokuba had done last night... no
matter what he told him to make him feel better about his sexuality... it was
wrong. Morally, legally, in every way, it was wrong. It couldn't happen again.
Mokuba smiled brightly as he made his way back to Seto's
room. He hadn't found anything wrong with what had happened last night. Mainly
because he was so young and didn't know just how wrong it was, but also because
Seto had allowed it to happen.
Seto shut off the shower and perfunctorily dried himself and
dressed, his hair still dripping as he opened the door. He saw Mokuba there and
paused, resting with one hand supporting him on either side of the doorway. He
hoped irrationally that he hadn't seen the blood on he bed and that he could
hide it before he did, and disguise the trouble he had walking. If anything, he
should *want* Mokuba to see them, to help convince him that it wasn't right,
but he didn't want him to know that he'd hurt him. His eyes were abnormally
dark as he watched him silently.
Mokuba smiled brightly up at his brother, "Ohayou
niisama!" he said cheerfully. He reached up, and took one of His brother's
hand away from the doorframe, and held it. “Let's go get breakfast!" he
said happily.
"Mokuba," Seto said quietly, trying not to let
Mokuba move him, "we need to talk." He forced himself not to limp as
he made his way back to the bed and summarily pulled off the sheets in one
Mokuba blinked slightly, and nodded, following after his
brother, "Hmm… alright, niisama, what do we have to talk about?" he
Seto shoved the sheets into the laundry basket and sat
uncomfortably on the edge of his bed. “What happened last night. It can't
happen again."
Mokuba was actually a little surprised by this, "But
why not!?" He asked, pouting slightly, “I thought you said it was
good!" He insisted.
Seto sighed. "It was wrong. It was incest, Mokuba, pure
and simple... However good it might have felt, it's still illegal, and amoral,
and... wrong."
Mokuba felt tears immediately spring to his eyes,
"B-but you said it was said I wasn't sick..."
A few tears managed to trickle down his cheeks.
"I'm sorry, Mokuba," Seto said, fully cognizant of
the fact that this fiasco was his fault. "Thinking these thoughts isn't
wrong. Thinking them about guys isn't wrong. Thinking them about your
brother... It doesn't matter what I say, because in the eyes of the authorities
and everyone else in the world, it's wrong. I wanted to help you. It's okay,
really. It's okay to think whatever occurs to you. We can never do it again,
Mokuba looked at him sadly, and he grabbed Seto's shoulders,
looking into the elder Kaiba's eyes, “I don't care about all of those other
people though, I only care about you...I love you, niisama…" he said and
leaned up, kissing his brother softly.
Seto turned his head away. "No you don't, Mokuba,"
he said. "Not like that."
A few more tears escaped his eyes and he nodded his head
vigorously, “Yes I do!" He insisted, and moved, trying to kiss Seto again.
Seto pushed his brother away. "Mokuba, please,
don't!" he said, his distress evident in his voice. "I'm sorry,
Mokuba, this is my fault; I was trying to help you, and I wasn't thinking
Mokuba looked at him, crying even more after he was pushed
away, "Niisama...Why won't you love me? Please, please, just tell me
what's bad about me, and I'll fix it, I want to be with you...I'll do
Seto held his head in his hands. He felt so incredibly
dirty... "There's nothing wrong with you, Mokuba!" he said in
frustration and desperation. "You're perfect and you always have been...
We just *can't*"
"Yes we can!" Mokuba said in equal frustration. he
tugged lightly at Seto's hands, trying to pull them away from his face,
"We don't have to tell anyone… It can be a secret..."
Seto shook his head and stood up; Mokuba was not helping. He
tried to walk away with his usual determined grace and stumbled, nearly fell,
limping to the wall to support himself. "Mokuba, we can't *I* would still
know. Even if it is a secret...”
Mokuba watched Seto, confused as to why he was stumbling and
limping, but he shook his head, choosing to ignore it for the moment. He walked
over to Seto, and wrapped his arms tightly around Seto's middle, "I don't
understand!" He cried out in confused frustration. "You say I'm
perfect, and that it was good, but you don't want to be with me! Why not!?
There must be something wrong with me!"
"Damn it, Mokuba!" Seto said in desperation,
despite the fact that he almost never swore around his brother. "There's
nothing wrong with you - there's something wrong with *us*." He shook his
head, still not looking at Mokuba. "We *can't*..."
Mokuba cringed at the sound of a curse word from his brother,
but he kept the grip he had around Seto's middle, "No! I won't accept
it!" He said, shaking his head stubbornly, "I'll make you love
"Mokuba..." Seto's voice was quiet and pained.
"Mokuba, please, don’t do this to me..."
"What about what you're doing to me!" He cried out
through tears, “I love you and you just keep pushing away, do you have any idea
how much this hurts!" He said, still not letting go of his brother.
"Mokuba, please, don't get attached," Seto said.
"Please... it was a mistake, mostly on my part... I never should have
agreed..." He prised himself away from Mokuba and retrieved the sheets
from the laundry, showing him plainly the blood that had pooled there.
"This is what you did to me," he said quietly, using his last card,
the guilt he rarely if ever played. "I can barely walk.... do you want to
keep doing this to me? It won't stay secret for very long if you do..."
Mokuba stared at the sheet, his eyes wide,
“N-no....niisama...." He felt his legs grow weak, and he collapsed onto
his knees, still staring at the blood on the sheet, "I'm so sorry... I...
I didn't know..." He cried into his hands, "I didn't want to hurt
you..." He said through his sobs.
Seto shoved the bloodied sheet away. "If the other
reasons aren't enough, Mokuba..." Seto said quietly, feeling approximately
as low as a piece of dirt as he lifted Mokuba back to his feet, "then
think of that one... I know you didn't mean to hurt me... neither of us knew
what we were doing, that's all, and it's my own fault for not telling you...
but please, just let it go..."
Mokuba looked up at Seto, his eyes shining, "Then you
can take me! I don't care about the pain, or if I bleed...I just want to be
with you…" he said and clung to his brother desperately. how had he even
come to this? In less then a day he had become completely dependent upon the
elder, "Please niisama...please!"
Seto's stomach revolted at the idea in a way it hadn’t at
the idea of Mokuba taking him, and he pushed him away again. "Don't!"
he said. "Mokuba, yhere is no way to keep it a secret even if I agreed -
which I won't. And if anyone else found out, they'd take you away from me and
put you in a foster home. And I might go to jail... I'm not willing to risk
losing you. For any reason."
Mokuba was still crying, he wasn't even sure of what to say
to that. "We could keep it a secret...I know we could...I promise I
wouldn't tell anyone..." He was running out of ways to convince his
Seto shook his head, letting himself slide down the wall and
hold his head in his hands. "Mokuba.. no. Please. I can't - *we*
Mokuba stared at the ground, crying still. He hated this,
all of it, it wasn't fair. "Niisama...I'm sorry...but I love you...and I
will make you love me..." He moved over to his brother, and sat on his
knees in front of him. "Even… if it isn't real...I'll do whatever it takes
to make it feel like you love me..." He noticed something in the hamper,
one of Seto's robes. He reached over and grabbed the tie on the robe and pulled
it out of the robe...
Seto didn't pay any attention to what Mokuba was doing. He
just wanted him to leave - but he would never tell his little brother to get
out. He had to think of a way to make him see that they couldn't do this...
Mokuba admired the tie in his hand. It was sturdy, and would
do just fine. He swiftly brought the long strip of fabric around both of Seto's
wrists, and quickly double knotted it. He forcefully pushed Seto's hands down,
and looked at him, "I promise I won't hurt you this time..." He
whispered, as he leaned in and kissed Seto lightly.
Seto was shocked, again. "Mokuba, stop!" he said.
He met Mokuba’s eyes to make it very clear that he wasn't joking. "I don't
want this."
"Shh, shh..." He gently kissed Seto's cheek,
"It'll be okay...I promise it won't'll feel really good this
time..." He moved his mouth to Seto's neck, lightly kissing the skin
there, as he used one hand for support, and the other to hold down Seto's tied
Seto turned his face away. He had been as clear as
possible... If Mokuba did this... he would technically be raping him.
"Mokuba, please," he said. “You won't change my mind."
Mokuba smiled slightly, and continued to kiss at the soft
skin, "It's okay Niisama.." he said, as he pulled back from Seto's
neck, so he could look into his brother's eyes, "It's alright if you're
nervous...I'm a little nervous too..." He said, and he began to fiddle
with the button on Seto's pants.
Seto clenched his teeth for moment, then tried to pull his
hands up, away from Mokuba. "Don't!" he said.
Mokuba pushed down on Seto's hands harder, trying to keep
them still. "Niisama! I promised I'd be gentle, but if you keep struggling
like that, it's going to be really hard and I might accidentally hurt
It began to sink in; Mokuba was actually going to do it. And
would he really fight him, risk possibly hurting him? Or would he just done as
he had so many times before and give Mokuba what he wanted? Maybe this is what
he got for spoiling him, as his every instinct was to do... and he was a person
who listened to his instincts. He stopped struggling and gave in.
Mokuba leaned up and kissed his brother's lips gently,
before pulling away again, to unbutton the elder's pants, "I love you so
much, niisama..." he whispered as he began to slide down Seto's pants,
along with his boxers.
Seto closed his eyes and rested his head against the wall,
fighting the urge to lash out. "Please, Mokuba," he said quietly.
"Don't do this...."
"Why?" Mokuba asked softly, before kissing Seto's
neck lightly, "It will feel good...better then last night...You'll like
it… you just have to give it a chance.." He said, and he reached down to
lightly caress his brother's length, as he continued to kiss at his neck.
Seto was noticeably limp in his brother's hand, and Mokuba
was doing apparently very little for it. But Mokuba was really going to do
his... knowing that he didn’t want it... He wasn't one hundred percent certain
how, but he knew this was his fault. He should have done something to keep it
from getting this far, and now it was too late. His limp posture showed utter
Mokuba gently continued on with kissing his neck, and he
continued to toy with the elder's limp member, "It's okay for you to like
it..." He whispered softly into Seto's ear. Mokuba pulled back away from
Seto, and began to slide his own pants off.
Seto wasn't going to like it; he knew it, and he welcomed
it. He didn't *want* to like it, because it was sick and wrong. He considered
slowly that, Mokuba having released his hands to undress, he might be able to
get away... but there seemed to be something wrong with him. He couldn't quite
work up the energy to move and fight with Mokuba any longer. He watched what
was going on with a strange detachment.
Mokuba managed to removed his own pants, and pulled Seto's
down the rest of the way after. He gently spread Seto's legs apart, and
positioned himself in between them, "I love you so much..." He
whispered into Seto's ear, "I promise I'll be gentle this time..." He
said and gently pushed into his brother's tight heat.
Seto hissed a little in vaguely-felt pain. He was still very
sore from the previous night. That was the rub, wasn't it? Mokuba really did
love him... he wasn't doing this in spite or hate or anger... he just wanted
him to love him. And who was he to deny such a simple request?
"Ah...niisama..." He laid his head down on Seto's
shoulder, as he gently thrust in and out of his entrance, "It feels so
good, niisama..." He panted slightly.
Seto closed his eyes and didn't resist or react. Maybe it
felt good for Mokuba... At least he might not be bleeding this time. He wanted
to tell him just to get it over with, but that sounded like he was angry with
him, and he wasn't angry... he didn't know what he was. If he was anything.
Mokuba shifted slightly, and continued to thrust in and out,
only increasing his pace by a little. "Please niisama...tell me you love
me...just once..." The boy wasn't even doing this for pleasure, he was
doing it so Seto would just say the three simple words. In movies he had seen,
people always proclaimed their love for each other after or during sex, why
wasn't it working now?
Seto opened his eyes, finding himself looking sideways, and
turned his head back to Mokuba. "I do," he said quietly, and winced
again with a quiet hiss. "I do love you," he said as he opened his
eyes again. It sounded almost sad to his own ears, but there was barely
anything there.
Mokuba stopped his movements, stilling inside the elder,
"Tell me you mean it, niisama...please tell me you really mean it.."
he wrapped his arms around the elder's neck, clinging to him needily as he
kissed at his jawline, "I need you to mean it..."
"I do mean it," Seto said. "I love you,
Mokuba... I wouldn't stop loving you no matter what..." He just couldn't
love Mokuba how he wanted him to. But apparently he didn't need to... his own
brotherly, somewhat fatherly love was making him do this now, so there was
nothing any carnal love might have changed except his willingness....
Mokuba pulled out of Seto, and merely sat in his brother's
lap, clinging to him. He cried into Seto's chest softly, 'Thank you niisama...I
love you so much..." He continued to cry softly against his brother's
chest, not even sure why he was really crying, 'Why couldn't you just say it
Seto instinctively raised his hands to put them around
Mokuba and make him stop crying, but he dropped them when he found them bound
and still trapped between them and settled for resting his forehead on top of
Mokuba's. "You should know it," he said quietly. "I thought you
would know that I love you, and I always will...'
Mokuba, of course, was taking this love Seto spoke of, as a
whole other type of love completely, "Oh niisama...I'm so sorry… I should
have realized it..." He leaned up, and closed his eyes as he pressed his
lips to Seto's.
Seto closed his eyes and opened his lips a little for Mokuba
to take advantage of if he wished. Why not? He knew what Mokuba was thinking
and didn't correct him. There was no real difference at the moment. He wouldn't
ever turn Mokuba away, and he would hide it, and when Mokuba one day realized
what he had been doing, he would tell him it was all right. Because everything Mokuba
did was all right.
Mokuba almost shed more tears from joy, as he felt his
brother's lips willingly part. He had made Seto love him, and it felt great. He
allowed his tongue to slip inside of Seto's mouth, tasting him once again. It
wasn't the same as it had been the first time. For some reason, it was sweeter,
probably because Seto really loved him now. This was all in the younger Kaiba's
Seto didn't give Mokuba much of a reaction, but the boy had never
experienced anything else, so he probably wouldn't mind. Seto was glad; he
didn't know if he had it in him to fake real passion at the moment. Or ever.
"Can you untie me?" he asked quietly. "I don't like to be tied
in any way. Please."
Mokuba had completely forgotten that his brother's hands
were still bound, and he moved his hands to the piece of fabric, ready to untie
it, before he paused. He looked up at Seto, and bit his bottom lip, "I'm
scared...If I might just push me away again..."
Seto shook his head. "I won’t," he promised; he
had given up. "Just please untie me. It gives me nightmares." His
voice was calm as he said it, but it was true.
Mokuba nodded, and untied his brother's hands, and watched
him, still wary that the other would push him away, or hit him. "I'm
sorry...I just didn't want you to keep pushing me hurt so
"I'm sorry," Seto said. "I won't hurt you
again..." He only moved to rub his wrists, relishing their freedom, and
curled his legs to sit on his knees in an unconsciously defensive gesture.
"Thank you Niisama.." he said happily, smiling up
at his brother. Mokuba reached out, and gently grabbed one of Seto's hands,
"Come on, we should go have something to eat for breakfast..." he
said, and lightly tugged on Seto's arm, acting as if all of this were normal.
Seto nodded and grabbed his pants, handing Mokuba his as he
pulled his own on. He was careful not to wince or outwardly show his pain; he
would have to get used to doing that again, when he'd thought he'd never have
to do so ever again after their stepfather died...
Mokuba let Seto's hand go, and pulled on his pants. Once
that was done, he wrapped both his arms, around one of Seto's, nuzzling his
cheek against it slightly, "I really promise this time that the next time
we do something special that you'll really love it okay? Because I really
really don't want to hurt you again… that was scary!"
Seto nodded. "All right," he said quietly, and
walked downstairs with Mokuba still on his arm, letting him stay there where he
wanted. "But it has to be a secret still," he cautioned.
Mokuba nodded his head quickly "Hai! I know! I promise
I won't tell anyone! I don't want us to have to go back to foster care." Another
thing Mokuba hadn't understood fully; that both of them wouldn't go back, only
he would..
Seto shook his head a little, noting the pronoun. "Not
'we'," he said. "You'd go back... I'd probably go to jail. I'd never
be allowed to see you again." Thoroughly enticing, appetizing smells that
made Seto want to retch wafted toward them as they entered the dining room,
where breakfast waited. He gently removed Mokuba from his arm and sat down,
looking at his food in disgust.
Mokuba gasped, "Why would you go to Jail!? I don't want
that to happen...I'd die without being able to see you!" Normally, he sat
across from Seto at the table, but today, he moved his plate from the opposite
side of the table, and placed it right beside Seto's. He moved, and grabbed a
chair, bringing it right beside Seto's, and sitting down in it, as close to the
elder as possible.
"Because it's very, very illegal," Seto said
simply, and pushed his sausage with a fork. He decided he didn't like the shape
of it and chopped it up, but didn't eat any of it. He noticed where Mokuba was
sitting and thought of telling him to go back over where he belonged, but
sighed inwardly and did nothing of the sort. "They would think I had
brainwashed you or something even if you told them."
Mokuba had a completely confused expression on his face,
"Why is it so illegal, niisama?" He asked, tilting his head to the
side, 'What's so bad about two people loving each other?"
'We're brothers, Mokuba," Seto said. "That’s
what's so wrong with it... and we're both underage, but especially you. I would
be arrested for either of those. Most people often regard it as wrong for two
males to be in love, but that isn't exactly illegal..." He didn't want to
overload Mokuba, so he said nothing about other, non-legal ramifications such a
discovery would have. He'd lose his job and any respect he actually had. He'd
be scorned and hated and blacklisted, and he'd probably end up dying alone of
suicide in some dismally depressing tiny apartment or something... Not that he
planned on them being found out.
Mokuba bit down on his lower lip again, None of that seemed
fair exactly, and he was quiet for a long time, before finally speaking,
"You agree, don't you...." he said, and placed his fork down gently
on the table, "Y...You think it's wrong too… don't you?" He said,
staring at his plat in front of him.
"I already said that," Seto said blankly.
"But I love you." He only wanted to make Mokuba happy, and if he
could make Mokuba happy by letting this happen, he would do it and pay the
price later.
Mokuba shook his head, and looked up at him, with that same
sad and desperate look he had earlier, "How can you say you love me if you
think us being together is wrong?! You're a liar! You don't really love
Seto shook his head in denial; he never wanted to hear him
saying something like that. "Mokuba, I do. I told you I do, and I wouldn't
lie to you. I don't love you in the same way, though... But I won't try to stop
Mokuba shook his head, "but If you don't care about me
like that, then there isn't anything special or meaningful about it...I thought
I had finally made you truly love me...but you'll always just see me as your
otouto, won't you?" He said, staring back down at the table.
"Yes," Seto said quietly. "Because that's
what you are. And you can never be anything else - anything less."
Mokuba felt a sharp pain in his chest at his brother's
words, "But why can I see you as more then my niisama? But you can't see
me as anything more?" This didn't make sense to him, and he was becoming
confused again, his head hurting.
Seto stared down at his plate. "Because there is
nothing more, Mokuba. Anything else you can be would only be less; my otouto is
the most important thing to me, and not even a lover could be more..."
Mokuba shifted in his chair, and clung to Seto once again,
“But if I was your otouto and your lover, wouldn't that be even better?"
He questioned, holding Seto close, "I need you to love me like I love
you..." he whispered, tears stinging his eyes.
Seto's chest clenched tightly. How could he do this to
Mokuba? How could he refuse a blatant declaration of need from him? Perhaps he
was too obsessed with his brother... but he couldn't. "Then I'll
try," he finally said quietly.
Mokuba pulled back slightly, to look up at him,
"N-niisama...?" he said, his voice shaky, 'W-will you...r-really
try?" He didn't want this to be another lie...he didn't know if he'd be
able to take it if Seto weren't telling the truth this time.
Seto looked down at his brother and took a deep breath to
nod - then shook his head. "No," he said hoarsely. "No, I
can't." He pushed his chair away from the table. "Please, don't make
me..." he said, and fled back to his room, slamming the door shut behind him.
"Niisama no!" Mokuba cried out, and he collapsed
out of his own chair when Seto pulled away so suddenly. He lay on the floor,
shaking slightly as tears escaped him, "P-please..." He whispered to
the empty room, "I need you..." He wrapped his arms around himself as
he cried, trying to fake the warmth he felt when his brother would embrace him.
Seto fell onto his bed and covered his face with his hands.
He had almost agreed... he couldn't love Mokuba like that. He couldn't. It
wasn't right.... he wondered if Mokuba was going to come up after him again.
Try and convince him again. He hoped not... he couldn't stand the bare need in
his eyes... the innocent desperation... He couldn't refuse him, but he couldn't
really give him what he wanted. He couldn't love him that way.
It took some time, but Mokuba managed to control himself
enough to sit up. He had to at least talk to Seto about this...He managed to
stand up, and moved slowly from the dining room, and up the stairs.
"N-niisama..." He called out, his voice hoarse.
Seto covered his eyes again. No... Mokuba was going to make
him feel horrible... He didn't want him to come in here, but he couldn't just
tell him to go away. He settled for not answering at all; the best he could do.
Mokuba coughed slightly, and he walked to his brother's
room. He opened the door slowly and walked in, looking like hell froze over,
"Niisama..." he croaked out again... "Y-you lied to me...."
All of this stress that was building on him, was making him feel physically
sick and weak, and when he tried to take a step forward, he fell to his knees,
"You promised you wouldn't push me away..." he said, looking at him
desperately, “You promised you wouldn't hurt me're killing me,
"I'm sorry, Mokuba...I'm so sorry..." His words
were still muffled by his hands. Mokuba couldn’t know that there were tears
steadily leaking from his eyes. "Please, Mokuba.... I'm so sorry, I don't
want to hurt you, but I *can't*... please don't make me do this..." His
denials were futile; if Mokuba asked him, if he needed it, he would do it...
"I don't want to hurt you niisama...Even if it's
killing me...I don't want to hurt you, because that’s how much I love you...but
I can't bear this pain much longer, hurts so much..." Mokuba
wrapped his arms around himself again, rocking back and forth slightly.
Couldn't Mokuba see how much this was killing him? He
couldn't take this... "Mokuba... Moki... I'm so sorry... This is my
fault..." He forced himself to sit up and sat on the edge of the bed for a
moment, before giving in and kneeling in front of him, wrapping his arms around
him. He pushed his pain away and hugged him tightly. "I'm sorry, Mokuba...
whatever you need, I'll do it..."
Mokuba shook his head, crying once again, "It isn't
your fault niisama...I'm the disgusting one..." He swallowed hard, and
clung to Seto again anyway, "I'm sorry....I'm so sorry....I just don't
want to hurt anymore...please Niisama....make it stop hurting..." He was
referring to the mental pain of being pushed away by the one person he loved
more then life itself.
Seto said nothing and held Mokuba tightly, running one hand
through his long hair. He *wanted* to make it stop hurting; he kissed his
forehead lightly. His only thought was making Mokuba's pain leave him....
Mokuba continued to clutch onto him desperately, "I'm
sorry for being this way...I don't want to be like this.' he cried into Seto's
chest, "I don't want to keep hurting you like I am...You'd be better off if
I weren't alive..."
Seto froze and pushed Mokuba away from him only enough to
look into his eyes. "Don't say that," he said. "Never, never say
that... If you weren't alive..." he let the sentence hang, not wanting
Mokuba to know exactly what he'd do if Mokuba ever died.
Mokuba looked at the floor, "But it's true..." his
voice calm for the first time that entire day, "I wouldn't be able to
cause you anymore pain...and I wouldn't have to feel this pain anymore..."
He looked back up to Seto, his eyes filled with hopelessness and despair,
"I don't want to be in pain anymore..." He moved away from Seto,
which actually caused him to physically cringe, "And If I'm causing you
pain...then it still hurts me..." How did he end up this way? 12 years old
and already so hopeless...
Seto shook his head. "Mokuba, don't - please don't say
things like that. I need you... I couldn't stand it if you..."
Mokuba shook his head, "You don't need me...I'm a
disgusting freak..." he wrapped his arms around himself again, rocking
back and forth slightly, "I'm sorry for being selfish...I'm sorry for all
of this...I don't want you to force yourself to be with me...I want you to be
happy with someone...I want you to really truly love someone...and I hope that
when you do, they really truly love you back..." He closed his eyes as
tears continued to splash onto the already tear-soaked carpet.
Seto was pale, at the thought that Mokuba might kill himself
over this - because of him, because he couldn't just do as he'd asked and love
him... He quickly leaned forward and kissed Mokuba on the lips.
Mokuba's eyes opened wide, and he trembled, practically
clawing at Seto in an attempt to quickly cling to him, silently pleading for the
kiss to not end.
Seto obliged, his relief that Mokuba was still with him
enough to need this overpowering any other instinct to end it. He held him
gently but firmly, not letting him go. He hesitated a moment, then opened his
lips and gently drew his tongue along Mokuba's closed mouth, willing him to
take the invitation.
Mokuba melted into the kiss as he opened his mouth and
touched his tongue to Seto's. He cherished the sweet taste of his brother as he
gently pushed his tongue into the elder's mouth. His eyes slipped closed again,
and he finally managed to get a good grip on Seto, holding him as close has he
possible could.
Seto's relief still overwhelmed him, and he found himself
moaning just a little at the feeling of Mokuba's invading tongue. He
experimentally tilted his head to a more convenient position and encouraged
Mokuba. Maybe if it was always like this, he could do it. He knew he could
never take Mokuba, though, or take control from him in any way. He couldn't. He
had to give Mokuba exactly what he wanted and needed, and no more.
Mokuba only pulled back when the need for air was enough to
kill him, and he gasped, trying to fill his lungs all at once. He opened his
eyes to look at Seto, studying him carefully, "You're sure this time...? I
don't want to hurt you..."
"You'd hurt me more if you didn't," Seto said.
"I mean it." If he didn't, then there was the chance - probability -
of Mokuba getting depressed again... and then following through with his
thoughts... Seto knew he wouldn't live long if Mokuba killed himself. He knew
he couldn't live with himself if he could have prevented it.
Mokuba closed his eyes, and embraced Seto tightly. He closed
his eyes and laid his head down on Seto's chest, "Thank you..." He
said, seemingly calm for the first time that day. Seto truly and honestly was
going to love him, he didn't think it was possible to feel anymore pleased then
he as now.
Seto wasn't frowning or preoccupied, his eyes light and
clear for the first time that day. He felt confident in his decision, for the
first time; there was nothing else he could do to help Mokuba. Nothing at all.
Letting him love him like this might very well be keeping them both alive.
"I do love you, Mokuba," he said.
Mokuba looked up at him, his eyes full of love for the elder
Kaiba, "I'm sorry that I'm your little brother...I know that I'm a
terrible otouto...but I promise I'll be a good lover..." He said, clinging
to him again, "Thank you for giving me this chance…"
"Mokuba," Seto said, "you're the best little
brother I could possibly have had. Not many other people could love me..."
He kissed him again lightly, an experiment to make him feel better.
Mokuba smiled slightly, "That's okay....because I
promise to love you forever and don't have to worry about anyone
else loving you..."
Seto smiled a little; that was at once reassuring and
Mokuba embraced him tightly, his eyes forming a strange look
of protectiveness for his new lover, "I'll never let anyone else have're mine..." he said, holding onto him.
Seto blinked. He wasn't sure how far Mokuba was joking, but
he had a suspicion the answer would be 'not at all'. That definitely crossed
the line into creepy. "All right," he agreed mildly. "I'm
Mokuba smiled, "Good..." He mumbled, not making
any move to let the other go, "Promise me that you'll be with me
forever..." He whispered.
Seto nodded and held onto Mokuba in turn. "I promise, Mokuba.
I'll be with you forever." He may not have meant it how Mokuba wanted, but
he meant it as he needed it. He would be with him forever, no matter what.
Mokuba still had that possessive, bordering on crazy, look
in his eyes. He had finally got what he wanted...every part of Seto belonged to
him, and he wouldn't let that go no matter what.
Seto had just signed himself away to Mokuba for as long as
he wanted him, and he would live by that. Mokuba remained free, though. For
whenever he found someone he could love openly. Until then, Seto was his to do
with as he needed and wanted. Just, anything to keep him happy and safe.
Mokuba pulled back ever so slightly, and kissed Seto gently,
before looking at him. He reached a hand up, and gently caressed Seto's cheek,
"I love you..." he whispered, "I'll never let anyone take you
away from me..."
"Never say never," Seto warned. "You might
reconsider someday. Or get tired of me. So don’t say never."
Mokuba moved his hands to Seto's shoulders, and gripped them
tightly, "I mean it...I will never let anyone take you...You are
mine...forever and ever..."
Seto saw the look in Mokuba's eyes and swallowed once to
make sure he had complete control over himself. He gently reached up and pulled
his small hands away. "I already agreed," he said calmly. "And I
thank you for my concern, but I'm going to be fine. Really. No one else is
trying to take me anyway. And if they do, you'll be the third to know."
Mokuba's eyes flashed dangerously, before he smiled
brightly, "Alright...I want to be the only one in your life." he
said, sounding quite happy once again.
Seto nodded. "You were anyway," he said. "And
you probably always will be."
Probably?" he repeated Seto's words, "Probably
always will? What is that ‘Probably’ supposed to mean!?" he said, losing
the happy tone, the dangerous look in his eyes coming back, "I said I want
to be the only one FOREVER not PROBABLY!"
"All right," Seto said calmly in the face of
Mokuba's anger; he just needed some time to cool down. "You will be."
He knew he was making a promise he might not be able to keep, but anything to
calm Mokuba down. "I think we both need some rest..."
Mokuba smiled again, "Alright" he said happily,
"Let's take a nap, and then later we can go out for dinner, we never
really did get to eat breakfast this morning." He said and stood up from
the floor.
Seto blinked again and dragged himself into the bed behind
him. Mokuba was being awfully pushy; well, Seto would be the first to admit
that he spoiled him, so pushy was sometimes there anyway. But now, he was
*really* pushy, his voice brooking absolutely no disagreement. "Sounds
good,” he said. "But nothing in public..."
Mokuba gave him a look that pretty much said, 'If I want it
to be, it will be'. "And why can't we go somewhere public? Do you think
I'm stupid and will tell people about us, or do something in public?" He
said, eyes flashing again. He climbed into the bed, and wrapped his arms
tightly around Seto.
"I meant, just make sure not to do anything in
public," Seto said. "Not that we can't go out in public." He
wasn’t sure if Mokuba's arms around him were comforting or not, and decided not
to think about it. "That’s all. Just get some rest."
Mokuba eyed him warily, before laying his head down on the
pillow, and cuddling up closer to Seto. He yawned slightly,
"Alright...sleepy time." He aid and stretched a little, before
placing his arms back around Seto.
Seto closed his eyes but didn't really go to sleep. Mokuba
was a strange kid in a lot of ways... this was probably just a game to him.
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