Azizi | By : NihilEtNemo Category: Yu-Gi-Oh > Yaoi - Male/Male Views: 2066 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own YuGiOh!, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Mokuba woke up a few hours later, and stretched his arms
over his head. He made a low groaning sound before yawning loudly.
Seto opened his eyes. "Did you sleep well?" he
asked, focused on the boy in his arms.
Mokuba nodded, and snuggled against Seto, "Yes, thank
you." he said happily, and re-wrapped his arms around Seto, "Did you
sleep well too, niisama?" he questioned.
Seto nodded, deciding that Mokuba didn't need to know that
he hadn't slept at all. He ran hand through Mokuba's hair. "We need to get
up now; it's nearly noon." He also didn't need to know that one of the
maids had come in and discovered them, though that had been well-waylaid by
telling her that Mokuba wasn't feeling well. He should probably go to work at
some point today.
Mokuba tightened the hold he had on Seto, "We don't
need to go anywhere..." he insisted, before leaning up and trailed kisses
along Seto's neck, "We can make our own fun.." he said with a slight
giggle at the end of it.
"I have to go to work," Seto said. "And it
would be too abnormal for us to stay in here all day." He gently removed
Mokuba's arms from around him.
Mokuba glared slightly, and re-wrapped his arms around Seto
again, this time holding him as tight as possible, "No! I don't want you
to go to work!" he said, that dangerous look coming back to his eyes.
Seto had tried explaining this to Mokuba before, and he'd
thought the kid got it. "Mokuba, I've told you: I can't just stop my whole
life because you want me to. Nothing has changed in that regard now; if
anything, it's more important that I keep acting normal. I'll be home early
tonight, but I have to go."
Mokuba didn't let him go, "You can be late! I'm not
asking you to stop your whole life, I just want to be the majority of it,"
he said, looking slightly sad now, with that dangerous look in his eyes still,
"You don't really love me...If you did you'd want to spend all your time
with me...But now you're just looking for an excuse to leave!"
Seto did his best not to be swayed. They had had arguments
like this before; usually, they ended with Mokuba pouting in his room and a new
toy of some sort arriving for him, or with Seto staying home and having to work
doubly hard the next day. "I'm already late; it's almost noon, like I
said. And I have a meeting in two hours that I can't skip. I'm not looking for
an excuse to leave, because I really do have to go. I promise to come home
right after the meeting gets over with." he pried Mokuba's hands away.
Mokuba, once again, grabbed onto Seto, but this time he just
grabbed Seto's shirt in his hands and held on tightly, "No no no! You're
staying home with me! I don't care if you have a meeting or not! If you leave
I'll kill myself!!" Saying that had got him what he wanted the last time,
so he figured it would work this time as well.
Seto glared at him, that same glare that made everyone
(except Yuugi) cower and sweat. "That's low," he said quietly. "You
don't mean it, and you can't just threaten something that drastic to get what
you want. People who do that lose all their friends and everyone hates them
because they're manipulative and want attention. And you're not like
that." Okay... so maybe he was a little. But Seto didn't *want* him to be
like that.
Mokuba gasped and tackled Seto back against the bed. He
pinned Seto's arms above his head with his own hands, "Are you trying to
say you hate me!?" Some how, Seto's glare hadn't bothered Mokuba, probably
because he was in a crazy power-hungry mood at the moment. "And how do YOU
know I don't mean it!?"
Seto was stronger and pulled his arms away, gently but
firmly picking Mokuba up and setting him on the bed as he got up himself to get
dressed. "I don't hate you," he said. "I would never hate you. I
was warning you that everyone else would if you kept doing things like that.
You know the story of Peter and the Wolf." Of course he did; Seto didn't
know if he remembered, but he used to love that story. He used to beg Seto to
read it to him over and over, and he'd always done it even after he got so sick
of the thing he wanted to throw the book away.
Mokuba crossed his arms, and glared at his older brother,
"You're a liar! You hate me, it's not fair!" He threw himself down on
the bed, like a child would when they have a temper tantrum.
"You're twelve years old, Mokuba," Seto said
coldly. "That's too old for a temper tantrum." He pulled his shirt on
and pulled his locket outside of it. "You know perfectly well that I don't
hate you. You also know perfectly well that I *can't* skip this meeting. You
know perfectly well that life isn't fair, and you know perfectly well that I'm
not a liar. I know you want me to stay, but I also know you have the capacity for
reason, and you can wait a few hours for me to get back."
Mokuba looked at Seto, and shook his head rapidly, “No! I
can't wait for you to get home...I want to be with you all the time." he
immediately got off the bed and his arms were latched around Seto's waist in
seconds, "I don't want to stay home all alone!" he insisted.
"Then bring a friend over or something; the maid thinks
you're not feeling well, so I can't take you with me." Not that that would
be a good idea anyway. No, 'twas a far better thing he did to leave him here
and get a little bit of space, for a few hours. "And I can't stay here.
Really, Mokuba. Four hours - then I'll be home." He was beginning to lose
his patience with this; why couldn't Mokuba just take him as an authority figure
once in a while?
Mokuba looked up at Seto, his eyes more sad then dangerous
now, "Please niisama! I don't want to have a friend over! It isn't the
same! Just one day, please? Can't you re-schedule the meeting? If you loved me
you'd do it!!"
Seto sighed. "I can't. They're Americans, and you know
how Americans are. Plus, they're leaving the country tomorrow. They won't stay
just for me, and even if they did, it wouldn't be worth it, because they'd
never agree to the deal anyway." He dropped to his knees and squeezed
Mokuba in a brotherly hug. "I do love you, but there are things I have to
do." He stopped short of saying something about priorities... Mokuba would
not have appreciated the implication that he was less important that KaibaCorp.
at all.
Mokuba pulled away from Seto, and crossed his arms over his
chest, "You're a liar! No wonder nobody besides me can stand you!" he
said rather harshly, and climbed back into the bed. He pulled the covers over
himself tightly, "Fine! Go to work, but I'll get you back later!"
"So glad I have your permission," Seto said,
glaring at him again as he grabbed his trenchcoat and left. He wasn't even sure
what he was supposed to have been lying about this time, but he didn't want to
stay and have to find out. What was he going to do tomorrow when he didn't have
a meeting and he had to escape for a bit? Because Mokuba was really wearing him
down... he felt emotionally raw and physically exhausted, and he needed a
little alone time to recharge. Work was always good for that... he hoped that
Mokuba would calm down a little and let him go alone.
Mokuba pulled back the covers, and looked at the door sadly.
He didn't want his brother to be gone, it wasn't fair. And now he had made Seto
mad; which wasn't what he wanted to do. The boy bit his lip slightly, as he
could feel tears coming to his eyes. He really did hate to be alone, and even
more so now. It was like all those psychiatrists always say, once someone has
sex with another person, they become emotionally attached.
Seto sighed as he sat behind his desk for a moment, feeling
a welcome numbing sensation come over him. No more inner turmoil. It felt
great; hopefully Mokuba would continue to let him do this, and not demand he be
allowed to come every day or something... Before he knew it, it was time for
his meeting.
Mokuba frowned as he got out of bed, "This sucks! I'm
so bored!" he yelled at the blank wall. He didn't have much of anything to
do, so, he went about planning. The boy was planning the revenge against Seto
for leaving him so coldly. Yes, his brother would have to pay for just walking
out on him that morning...
Seto pinched the bridge of his nose. This meeting was taking
forever... or maybe it was just him.
Mokuba knew his plan, he reviewed it so he wouldn't forget
it. The boy would simply wait for his brother to come back. And so he sat in
the corner of Seto's room behind the door, waiting for Seto to come home. He
would show his brother how to actually love someone. It seemed Seto needed the
The meeting finally ended, and Seto went back to his office,
letting himself fall into his chair, forgetting about his promise to go
straight home. He just had to type this damned report...
He glared at the clock hanging on the wall opposite him.
Seto should have been home by now, damnit! No meeting can take this long!
Mokuba pulled out his cellphone, the one Seto had said to use only for
emergencies, and he pressed the speed dial for the elder Kaiba's phone.
Seto answered without looking at he phone.
Mokuba frowned, what a greeting. "Niisama! Where are
you!? I know that meeting is over and you said you'd be home! Are you trying to
avoid me again!?" He practically yelled into the phone.
Seto literally winced at the sound of Mokuba's extremely
loud complaints. "I'm sorry, Mokuba, I'm not avoiding you. I forgot. Just
give me half an hour to finish this report, okay?"
Mokuba growled slightly, and his features turned from the normal
happy child-like face to something much darker, "Be home in ten minutes,
or you'll be sorry." he said, his voice lacking the cheerfulness it once
held, and with that he hung up the phone, letting it drop to the floor. He
stared at it, and then his face turned into something else. Fear. Had he really
just said something so cold-hearted to his brother? What was happening to him?
Seto sighed and hung up, turning back to his computer.
Firstly, they lived more than ten minutes from the office, so that wasn't even
possible, and secondly, Mokuba could damn well wait half an hour. He finished
his report, taking his time, and then leisurely went down to the car to get
taken home.
Mokuba stared at the wall, and what seemed like minutes were
hours. He was still waiting. He had forgotten the fear of threatening his
brother after the ten minutes had passed. And he was once again filled with
anger. So he continued his waiting, gripping the rope in his hands tightly.
Seto came into the house and went to his room, expecting
Mokuba to be in his own. He shut he door and removed his coat, dropping it on
the back of his desk chair.
Mokuba stayed silent as he watched his brother shrug off his
coat. He tried to stay silent as he approached his brother, holding the rope
out in front of him. As quickly as he could, he flung the rope up, like one
would when jumping rope, catching Seto in the stomach, and he pulled back
harshly, "You're late." he whispered darkly.
Seto choked a little, stumbled backward, the air forced from
his lungs, his arms trapped at his sides. "Mokuba," he choked, trying
to breathe. "Let me go. There was no way I could have made it on time if
I'd tried."
Mokuba growled slightly, "If you had tried!? So you
didn't even try at all!?" He tied the rope, tightly, "Pathetic! If
you really loved me you would have made sure you were home on time!" He
pushed Seto slightly, knowing that he was much weaker then Seto and couldn't
actually force him to move. He pushed him again, in the direction of the bed.
Signaling he wanted the elder to move there.
Seto actually stumbled a little, and gave in to Mokuba’s
hints. He was still having a hard time breathing because if how tightly the
rope was tied, besides the fact of not liking to be tied at all. He realized,
though, that because of how it was tied, he could still move his arms from the
elbow down, and reached up behind him to untie it.
Mokuba frowned slightly, and managed to muster up enough
strength to push his brother onto the bed, "Now, Niisama....I'll show you
what people do when they really love someone...and maybe then you'll learn how
to love me."
Seto rolled himself over, too smart to keep untying it right
in front of Mokuba's eyes. "Mokuba, what you're going to do, isn't what people
do when they love someone. It's what they do when they're sick, perverted
bastards that want to hurt someone so badly that they can never recover."
He didn't actually say the word 'rape', but it was on his mind. He nimble
fingers worked at the knot behind his back.
Mokuba got onto the bed, and sat beside Seto. He gently
stroked his brother's hair, and looked down at him softly. "I don't want
to hurt you, niisama...I love you so much...But when you refuse me, It
happens...If you were just a little more willing...a little more loving, it
wouldn't hurt you..." He said, and continued to pet his hair.
Seto let out a weary sigh and closed his eyes. Mokuba wasn't
really that much of a threat to him, all things considered, but he was acting
crazy. Hanging out with Pegasus changed him, or something. "Mokuba, see
reason. You know I love you, and there is no way that this is going to make me
prove it in any way any more than I already have. You'll just be hurting both
of us." He finally got the knot undone, and swiftly pulled his arms out,
tossing the rope away as he sat up and pushed Mokuba off the bed.
Mokuba was shocked when he was pushed from the bed, and he
realized Seto had gotten free. "Niisama!" he cried out, and flung
himself at Seto, his arms wrapping around the edler's waist tightly.
"Please don't leave again Niisama...I promise I'll be gentle...please...I
need this...It always seems like your words are lies...but your actions can
never lie..."
"My words are lies? Mokuba, I don't think I've ever
lied to you. I never told you I'd be home in ten minutes, because it wasn't
physically possible. I don't think I'm gong to give you what you want, because
it seems like every time I do, you start acting more and more like a
psychopath. Until you can be yourself again, I won't."
"Niisama! I am myself" Mokuba looked up at him
with pleading eyes, "It isn't that you are lying, but that's how it
feels...You say you love me, but you won't be my confuse me
Niisama...I don't understand any of this." He grabbed his head, shaking it
swiftly, trying to make his thoughts shake straight. He was beginning to even
look more and more like a crazed person.
Seto pulled Mokuba into his lap, disturbed by his actions.
"Because you're acting crazy," he explained, "and it gets worse
every time. I want to be sure that it isn't hurting you any."
He immediately clung to Seto, and showed his first true sign
of sanity, "I'm scared..." he whispered. He was scared of his
feelings, scared of the way he was behaving. Mokuba was just beginning to get
scared of everything. "Please don't go...."
Seto kissed his forehead in a brotherly manner. "I'm
not going anywhere. You can just stay here. It'll be all right."
Mokuba felt the kiss on his forehead, and also knew it
lacked the emotions and feelings he wanted from Seto, "Niisama
please...Why can't you love me...I promise to be good..."
"That has nothing to do with it," Seto said.
"I'm trying. I want to help you - more than anything else. You're just not
yourself; you haven't been since this started. I just want you to make sure
it's actually what you want."
Mokuba nodded rapidly, "Yes! Yes! I want this more then
anything else I have ever asked for!" He said, as he stared up at Seto,
"I don't know what's wrong with me...but I do know I love you..."
Seto sighed a little. "I know you say that - I know you
think so. How can you be so sure, though? Before last night, you'd never even
thought of it." Unless he had...
Mokuba shifted slightly, and stared at the ground now. He
had, on certain occasions, glanced just a little bit longer at Seto. Or maybe
when Mokuba would go to a friends house to sleep over, he'd miss his brother
just a little to much, but until last night, he had never really thought about
it. "I don't know.." he muttered, "I just am feels
Seto wrapped his arms around Mokuba. "All right,"
he said. "But not now."
Mokuba practically melted into the feel of his brother's
arms wrapped around him. He allowed his eyes to slip closed, and he breathed in
the scent of Seto. "Arigatou... niisama..." He shifted slightly, and
placed a gentle kiss on Seto's lips, before snuggling against his chest.
Seto gently but firmly pushed him away. "Come back
tonight - I'll think about it. But You can't try and force me - I lose more
respect for you every time you try it. You won't succeed, and you can't keep
doing it. If you tried to do it with anyone else, you'd get in trouble with the
law. So stop it."
Mokuba looked at Seto, blinking slightly, "Why do I
have to leave?" He asked. The boy sighed slightly and moved away from
Seto, "Alright...I'll try not to do that again..." he said and placed
his hand on the doorknob.
Seto nodded, though he didn't much like the sound of that
'try'. He leaned his head back against the pillow, rubbing his wrists. His
wrists hadn't even been tied, this time, but he still didn't like the feeling.
"You have to go because I say so. Because I'd rather you go to your room
and think about what the word 'rape' means."
"Niisama..." Mokuba shifted slightly, looking at
his brother intensely, "Why are you being so mean to me now..." His
voice was soft, with hints of worry, "Why do you want me to think about
such an awful thing?"
"Because that's what you were trying to do, Mokuba. All
right? I'm not being mean, I'm trying to protect you." He looked at him
for a moment, then sighed slightly. "Just come back later."
Mokuba's eyes went wide, and he stared at Seto for a good
amount of time, before turning and running out of the room quickly, tears
streaming down his cheeks. He hadn't meant to...that was such an awful thing he
had done...How could he have done that to his brother!? The person he was
supposed to love!
Seto knew that Mokuba was crying, but he let him go. It was
probably good for him. Maybe he'd start thinking more about what he was doing,
realize what he was doing. With another sigh, he closed his eyes and dozed off
a little, making up for the sleep he hadn't gotten yesterday.
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