Egyptain Slave | By : Reist Category: Yu-Gi-Oh > Yaoi - Male/Male Views: 5322 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 5 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Yugioh. I do not make any profit of this story. |
Disclaimer: I do not own Yugioh. I do not make any profit of this story.
Warnings: Angst, smex. Pairings: Seth/Yugi, Seth/Atem, future Seth/Atem/Yugi and Kaiba/Atem/Yugi. Chapters: 5/? Summary: Seth brought a slave and this slave was going to turn everyone’s lives upside down. Notes: Hello readers. I thank you all for the wonderful comments I am getting for this story so far. I’m glad everyone is enjoying it. Hope you enjoy this chapter and please tell me what you think. The next day, Yugi followed his master, the one who stole the last of his freedom. He was sore all over and he just wanted to sleep. He would glance up once in a while to see the pharaoh staring idly at objects. Those eyes read such sadness. Seth was very quiet today as well. He would lower his head when he noticed some guards looking over at them. He learned his lesson before never let them see his staring. He wondered how the pharaoh and the high priest could block their deep feelings for each other. Did others know? He doubted it. It pained him to see them like this. All he wished to do was set them free as well. They entered the throne room. He took his place next to his master. Loud whispers sounded once again. “Did you hear that voice last night?” “The entire kingdom could hear the disgusting slave’s voice.” “Seth has finally sealed the deal.” “This boy now and forever belongs to Seth.” Yugi felt his face heat up. Was he that loud yesterday? He heard gasps as someone entered the room. He took a peek but quickly lowered his head. The trader came back. His entire body started to shake. Atem grinned and replied, “The boy belongs to the high priest Seth.” The trader looked at the slave in shock. He taught nothing to the boy, hoping it would scare him dearly. He glanced to the high priest once at the market, seeing the disgust on his face. He was positive that the slave wouldn’t fulfill his duties and he would get him back. The slave’s father wished Yugi to suffer for all time. He spoke, “I wish for proof of their deal.” Atem watched as his personal healer came forward. He glanced to Yugi and ordered, “Go with this man.” Yugi stood up and followed the man out of the court. He was silent as they made it into a room. He shook when he was ordered to undress. The man glared at him when he didn’t do it right away. He undressed and was told to lie down. What was going on? In the throne room, Atem stared in disgust at the trader. He turned his head toward his lover. Those blue eyes showed concern. Once they held concern for only him, but sadly the boy came. He whispered, “He’ll be fine.” Seth answered in a soft voice, “I’m not worried about him.” Atem hid his smile behind his hand as he chuckled, “Sure you are. It is written all over your face.” The healer came back inside and he asked, “And?” “He was taken.” The healer said. He glanced to the trader who looked ready to throw a fit. He shook his head as the man stormed out of the court. He knelt before his king and spoke, “The slave wished to return to Seth’s room. I did not see a problem with it.” “That is fine. Let us carry on.” Atem replied as the court started their daily meetings. A few hours later, Yugi lay in the bed, curled up in a ball. He couldn’t stop the tears from falling. He should have fought back. Now, he was going to be the one who gets punished. He betrayed his master. He heard the door open and curled tighter. Seth heard the loud broken sobs and it pulled at his heart. He shut the doors and asked, “What is wrong, Yugi?” He saw Yugi jump slightly in the bed and more sobs came out of the mouth. He walked to the bed and sat on the edge, staring at the teenager. He started to get worried. Was the boy in pain from last night? Was he too rough? He knew he did get carried away. There has been a few times, his king would yell at him for taking him too roughly. He ran his hand over the spiky hair and asked again, “What is wrong, Yugi?” Yugi flew into his master’s body, sobbing, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I should have fought back.” “Fought back against what?” Seth asked confused. Did one the guards harm the boy while he was away? Yugi chocked out, “He… He touched me… me.” “Who touched you!?” Seth yelled as his arms wrapped around the shaking body. “The man the pharaoh told me to… to… to go… go with.” Yugi sobbed, fear gripping him tightly. Seth looked down at the shaking body. He blinked his eyes a couple of times and as hard as he tried, he couldn’t stop the warm chuckle escaping his lips. Purple eyes looked up at him in fear and confusion. He continued to laugh. He shook his head as he chuckled, “Yugi, he is a healer. He touched you to see that I took you.” Outside the room, the pharaoh leaned against the wall. It was hard to miss the entire conversation or the way Seth laughed. He gave off a grin as he heard Yugi’s fearful conversation. He shook his head and yelled at himself for not explaining it to the boy who the man was and what he would do. He grabbed a hold of the wall as a bundle jumped right at him. He stared down to see brown hair. He mumbled, “Really now, Mana. Haven’t you been taught anything?” “I don’t listen, Atem.” Mana chuckled as she released her childhood friend. She asked, “What are you doing outside Seth’s door? Do you need to talk to him or something?” Atem lied, “Heard the slave crying, so I thought I would listen to see what happened with him.” Mana tilted her head and sighed, “Are you sure that is what you are doing?” Atem started to walk down the hall and replied, “Of course. I would never lie to you.” Mana yelled, “ATEM!” She ran after the pharaoh. All she heard was his deep chuckle. Inside the room, Yugi asked, “Who was that yelling?” Seth sighed annoyed, “Mana, the pharaoh’s childhood friend. Put those two together for a little while and you will see the pharaoh act like a child once again.” A few days later, Yugi ran in the garden, enjoying his time. Seth had to go with the pharaoh about another threat and he wasn’t allowed to come. He ran right into someone and fell to the ground. He knelt down and apologized quickly, “I’m sorry.” The man stared down to see the boy shaking like a leaf. Hetaai sighed, “I’m not going to hit you but shouldn’t you be with your master?” Could he get the boy out of the palace now? He looked around to see the guards looking straight at them. One guard had his eyes narrowed at the boy. He held out his hand and spoke, “Do not worry, Yugi.” Yugi looked up and backed away. He growled out his question, “How do you know my name?” Hetaai replied, “It is hard to miss your name through the palace.” Yugi snorted and stood up. He saw a butterfly on a flower. He sat in front of it, watching it flap its wings. Part of him wish he could be like the butterfly. Sadly, fate bound him to be a slave. Since the first claim, Seth has not asked for anything from him. He was grateful for that since he was still sore from the first night. Also, he was trying to get Seth to go to the pharaoh. Each day, he would steal a glance toward the king to see sadness in his ruby eyes. He heard footsteps and spoke, “I’ll make a fuss if you do not leave me alone.” “I believe that will cause you a punishment.” Hetaai pointed out. “Maybe so, but I will be safe from you.” Yugi snorted, showing no fear toward the man. He had a feeling, this man meant trouble. “Hetaai, I see you still grace my palace.” A deep commanding voice spoke. Yugi quickly bowed his head toward the king. He was glad the pharaoh came around the garden. He wasn’t a fighter and it can be very dangerous for him. Guess the pharaoh knows this man. Still he had a bad feeling about Hetaai. He asked, “Is master done with his duties?” “No. He still has some duties to perform.” Atem answered as his eyes remained on Hetaai. He asked, “What business do you have with this boy, Hetaai?” He noticed Hetaai in court when the trader came back. He could see those eyes narrow at his high priest when it was told that Yugi was claimed by him. Hetaai didn’t bow his head toward the man powerful enough to end his life. He spoke, “You allow slaves in your court.” Atem walked forward, keeping his body in front of Yugi. He replied, “In this court, slaves are treated a lot better than those who live outside these walls.” “This boy was forced to have sex to bind him to these walls.” Hetaai growled. Atem noticed Yugi ready to say something but he held up his hand. The boy shut his mouth quickly. He turned to Hetaai and sighed, “It would have been worse for him to be claimed back to the trader who taught him nothing. He would have suffered outside these walls.” He held his hand in front of Yugi as he ordered, “Rise.” Yugi rose from the ground but kept his head bowed. His hand was taken and pulled toward the pond. Atem glanced back and warned, “Hetaai, for your sake, do not do anything foolish in my palace. This boy belongs to my high priest and only him.” He kept pulling Yugi toward the pond. As he sat down, he patted a seat next to him. The boy knelt beside him and he pushed a tray of fruit toward him. He stated, “Enjoy yourself, Yugi.” “I can’t possibility enjoy your food, pharaoh.” Yugi muttered. Atem leaned back and stared at the bright sky as he remarked, “Do not worry, little one. Enjoy the fruits. I heard you haven’t been eating too much.” Yugi grabbed some fruit. He kept glancing at the king of Egypt. He liked the red juicy fruit the best as he finally spoke, “Pharaoh, don’t you wish you could be with the one you love the most?” “Is that what has been bothering you?” Atem asked as he turned to look at the slave. Yugi lowered his head and he sighed sadly. The boy was never going to be free, just like him. He lifted the chin and replied, “Do not worry about it, little one.” “I am in the way. I shouldn’t be here.” Yugi muttered sadly. Atem gave off a chuckle and those ruby eyes hidden from view. He started to eat more once again. He didn’t have anything else to say. Atem spoke, “He has shared me with many. The girls, the court, the people all have my attention. I think I can make room to share him with one person.” He opened his eyes to look at the boy who didn’t raise his head to look at him. He continued, “Do not worry about us, Yugi. This has gone on for a while and we make it work for us. Your duties are to him.” “It isn’t right!” Yugi yelled as he looked at the king. Atem was taken aback by the tone directed toward him. His eyes glanced around the area to see some guards ready to walk over. He pointed out, “A slave cannot speak so loudly.” Yugi bowed his head lowly, quieting down. He waved his hand to make the guards back up. He sighed, “Yugi, you are still young.” “Forgive my rudeness but you aren’t that much older than me.” Yugi remarked. Atem lifted the chin up and replied, “True, little one, but I rule over the people. I grew up quickly to ensure the safety of my people.” He removed his hand and stated, “Yugi, do not concern yourself over my feelings. You should remain dutiful to your master.” Yugi stared into those eyes that could freeze anyone in their spot. He whispered, “The pharaoh should not have sadness in his eyes or his heart. You have wisdom, born with it and raised with it. Still the one thing you desire, you cannot have.” Atem smiled at him softly and rose. A hand was held out to him and he took it. He rose from the ground and followed Atem to the throne room. As he was ordered to kneel beside the throne, he did so without question. He kept his head bow as he heard people whispering about him being near the pharaoh. Atem stared at his people. They needed him to be strong. People would come and bow to him, ask for his wisdom. One man knelt down, shoving a woman before him. He raised an eyebrow and asked, “What is the meaning of this?” The man spoke, “My great pharaoh, this is my daughter. I give her to you as a gift. I do not have much but she is my prize.” Atem wished to growl lowly. The woman looked scared and was shaking. He felt his heart pull for her. He glanced to the slave to see him peeking up. When purple eyes caught his stare, Yugi bowed his head once more. He replied, “I accept. May good fortune follow you.” He waved the man away and Aria walked over, kneeling before. He looked at the girl before his feet and asked, “What is your name?” The woman looked up as she answered, “Nubait.” “Welcome to my harem Nubait. Follow Aria and she will show you around.” The pharaoh spoke, waving his hand to dismiss them. He listened closely to the court and his people. Seth walked over, raising an eyebrow when he noticed Yugi by the throne. He gave a quick teasing smile at his high priest but went back to listening. In the harem bathing chamber, Saa giggled as she moved around in the water. The other girls were asking what happened with the pharaoh and her last night. She looked over to see a new girl. She asked loudly, “Aria, who is this?” “Her name is Nubait. She was given to the pharaoh as a gift.” Aria explained. Maibe mumbled loudly, “The pharaoh must not be pleased with that.” Nubait asked coldly, “Do you think I’m unworthy?” Saa sighed, “No, we do not. The pharaoh hates when people give him girls as gifts, that’s all.” Nubait watched as Aria undressed. She saw the scars littering her back. She asked, “Did the pharaoh do that?” Aria glanced back and answered, “The pharaoh does not raise his hand against us unless we disobey a direct order from him. This is from my former master that pharaoh saved me from.” She looked around at the others and sighed, “Most of us have horror stories until the pharaoh got us.” She slipped into the hot water and replied, “Join us.” Maibe ignored the new girl and asked, “Saa, how was the pharaoh last night?” Saa sighed, “He said he was fine.” Aria shook her head at them about revealing why he was upset. Nubait entered the water and asked, “Will he take me?” “He usually lets the new girls warm up to him first.” Maibe answered. She swam near the new girl and stated, “It took me almost three months before he bedded me. I was always afraid and he could sense it. Even when I would go to him, he knew and refused to take me until I got over the fear.” Aria stared at the new girl. Usually girls were relieved to hear about him not bedding them right away. This woman was upset about it. The other girls chatted. She would have to talk to their king soon about Nubait. Nubait asked, “Does he have a favorite?”While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. The AFF system includes a rigorous and complex abuse control system in order to prevent improper use of the AFF service, and we hope that its deployment indicates a good-faith effort to eliminate any illegal material on the site in a fair and unbiased manner. This abuse control system is run in accordance with the strict guidelines specified above.
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