Azizi | By : NihilEtNemo Category: Yu-Gi-Oh > Yaoi - Male/Male Views: 2066 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own YuGiOh!, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
was now seeing images, almost like a video...a boy that looked very much like
himself, walking along the streets of a city that looked ancient, but new at
the same time...
Azizi walked down the street,
smiling brightly. It was a new day, and the boy liked to start every day with a
bright smile. His hair was long and black, a little bit more wild-looking
then Mokuba's. His eyes were outlined in thick black
kohl, and he wore the clothes of a peasant. He was orphaned,
with nowhere to go. But yet, he still smiled. He
figured it was better to smile then become saddened by his own misfortunes. The
boy had this wonderful aura of innocence, that made
some people pity him for his unfortunate situation.
He scowled as he waked into the town, surrounded by dirty
people, squalling, thieving children, and unscrupulous merchants trying to sell him junk he'd never want nor need. Damn
them all... why did he have to go to town? He wanted nothing more than
to be locked in his chambers and work on his spells...
If he'd had his own slave, he could have sent them instead. It really wasn't fair, all things considered... maybe he should get himself a
slave while he was here. It would make his life ten times easier. He was
dressed so that no one would recognize him, plainly, with a large hood pulled
over his head to block his fairer-than-average skin from the sun... and that
only meant that no one paid him the respect to which he was accustomed. He
should just sacrifice them all...
Azizi walked down the town road,
smiling to the people he recognized. He watched a rat scamper
across the rode, and wasn't paying attention to where he was walking. He
collided into the man in the hood, and fell back onto the dirt road. He winced
slightly and looked up at him, "Oh...I'm sorry sir...I should have been
more careful..."
Seth kicked the boy to get him out of his way. "Yes,
you should have, you little street rat." He stepped past him. "Why
don't your parents keep you on a leash like the animal you are?"
Azizi whimpered slightly when he was kicked. and he looked up at the
man with a slight fear in his eyes, before sitting up, "M-my parents are
d-dead, sir..." He looked down to the ground and tried his best to force a
smile. He didn't like to let himself frown.
Seth paused and looked at the boy from the corner of his
eye. "You have no other family?"
He didn't look up at the man, and merely shook his head
slightly, "No...I have tried to find my other
relatives, but I really did not know where to I just gave up in the
"Indeed." Seth paused there, considering. His greatest
concern was mostly whether he should try to find someone to buy the child from,
or whether he should just take him with him. "You have no one who takes
care of you?" If so, he'd throw a few coins at them and take him.
Azizi once again shook his head,
and finally looked up at the man, still seated on the road, "No...I take care of myself..." He said, tilting his head
to the side slightly, "You ask a lot of questions..." He commented.
"And you answer them far too willingly for your own
good," Seth said without thinking, mulling over the situation. Finally, he
pulled his hood down and looked at the boy. "I want to take you back to
the palace. I don't want to treat you like a precious object,
I want you to be my slave. You will be fed and clothed
and you will not be worked hard. You will also not run the risk of being used
as a child prostitute by some unscrupulous adult nor being murdered in your
sleep by your peers for your nonexistant
He clutched the fabric on the front of his clothing tightly
in his hands, and gasped slightly. "A
s-slave?" He thought it over in his head. It was so disgraceful to be a
slave...but the benefit of having food and a safe shelter was very appealing.
Yet still, He didn't want to disgrace his parents by willingly becoming a
slave, "N-no...I...I cannot!"
"Have you any idea who I am?" Seth said evenly.
Azizi wasn't fully sure, but the
man had mentioned the word 'palace' and he gulped slightly, "S-someone
v-very important...?" he mumbled quietly.
"Yes, I am someone very important. In fact, I am the
high priest of Setekh. And I can tell you with great assurity
that if you don't accept this and come with me, you will be killed within a
week." ...Okay, technically, telling the future wasn't his department. Aishizu did that... but, if worse
came to worse, he could make his threat come true.
Azizi shivered at this, and he
merely looked at the ground, defeated, waiting for the man to lead the way.
Seth smirked a bit. Actually, having a street rat would be
useful. He hated coming to town, and this boy would be useful; he'd, at the least, be able to speed him through his chore.
Most of the time, he could send him to do it himself. "What’s your name,
"Azizi" The boy muttered
quietly, as he continued to stare at the dirt. He tried so hard to not look sad, but that was unavoidable.
"Cheer up, Azizi," Seth
said as he turned to lead him away. "Your life will improve a thousand
fold now." He began walking and undid one of the golden bands from his wrists,
then handed it to him. It was a smaller one; he should be able to wear it on
his arm. "Take this. It will prove to everyone that you are mine, and they won't bother you.
Azizi's eyes were open just a bit more wide then usual, as he took the golden
band. He admired it, before placing it on his arm as Seth had said. Maybe this
would be a good thing..."Uhm...Th-thank you...High Priest, sir..." He wasn't exactly
sure what to call the man.
"Seth," he said. "Priest Seth."
"Oh...Okay.." He looked up at Seth, and smiled slightly, "How far is your
palace, Priest Seth?" He asked.
He snorted. "My palace? I think not. I live in the
pharaoh's palace."
"Oh...well...That's what I meant..." He said, and
looked away. He should have guessed as much, and he didn't want to seem like he
was an uninformed child in such a noble man's eyes. He had to try and impress this man, and show Seth that he was more then
just a street rat.
Seth just pointed in the general direction of the palace
that loomed over town, though it was invisible from here. "However, that's
not where we're going just yet. I have a task for you." He tossed a bag
heavy with money to him. "Go to the apothecary." He ran off a list of
things he needed. "And don't try to consider running away. I have a spell
on you that will kill you if you try." Not true, but effective.
He gulped and tried to remember all of the things Seth had
requested. He hurried as quickly as he could, and asked for the things he
needed once he reached the apothecary. He had left out one thing that Seth has
asked for. He made his way back down the road, carrying the remainder of the
money, and the items from the apothecary.
Seth was cleaning sand out of his fingernails when Azizi returned. He glanced over everything, then looked away. "You forgot something," he
stated calmly. "Go back and get it." He didn't even tell him what it
Azizi bit his bottom lip and
scanned the items he purchased, "I'm sorry, Priest Seth...I don't remember
what it was..." He mumbled, hoping Seth wouldn't become angry with him...
"Then you'd better figure it out, then, hadn't
you?" he asked.
Azizi gulped slightly,
"Please....can't you just tell me what it is? It
would go much faster that way...”
"I could, but how would you ever learn?"
He blinked slightly, "But Priest Seth! I really really don't remember! I though I had everything...Are you
sure I forgot something?"
Seth sighed as though this were the greatest inconvenience
ever, and glared at him. "Asp skin. I'll be taking it out of you when we
get to the palace. Now go get it."
Azizi let out a small 'eep' noise, and headed back off to the apothecary. He came
back about 20 minutes later, "I got it...Sorry I took so long..."
Seth led the way back toward the palace without a word,
leaving Azizi to carry everything.
Azizi growled slightly, and
muttered something about Seth being lazy under his breath. He fumbled with the
items, and had to stop frequently to rearrange them, so it was easier to carry.
Seth was thinking that he probably should have found a slave
market and gotten a boy who was already trained. Now
he'd have to go to the trouble of breaking him himself...
Azizi continued to follow Seth along
the road and didn't notice when a jar of something slipped from his grasp and
fell to the ground, breaking, and spilling its contents everywhere. 'Oh he's really going to be angry...' he thought to
Seth nearly turned around and beat his new slave just there.
However, that would have made him drop more things, which would just be
inconvenient. Looking at what had spilled, it could be
salvaged. "Pick it up," he ordered instead.
"Uhm..." He gently
placed everything else down on the ground, and began to collect the jars
contents. He held it in his hands once he was finished. He now had to pick up
all the other things again, and he sighed, shoving what was in his hands into
his pockets, before picking up the other items again, "I th-think I got it all..." He stuttered.
"Good enough," Seth told him, and walked away
Azizi smiled slightly, and followed after him again. He hummed lightly as they traveled
down the road. The boy made sure that he held on tight to everything else, not
wanting to drop it.
Ignoring the irritating humming, Seth led him to the palace
and to his own chambers. "You'll stay here with me, instead of with the
other slaves, he said. "Put that down before you
break any more."
Azizi blinked and placed the items
down, "Thank you for letting me stay here, Priest Seth..." He said,
and looked around the room. He was slightly surprised that Seth was appearing
to be kind to him.
“It's so you can serve me whenever I want with the slightest
possible delay." It sounded like a dismissal. After everything had been
set down, he turned back and hit him hard across the face. "Next time,
remember what I tell you." He hit him on the other side. "And don't
break things." Punishment thus delivered, he turned away again and set about
organizing his purchases.
He placed his hands up to his burning cheeks, and he felt
tears sting his eyes. He had never been struck that
hard purposefully, "I'm still a human being!" He shouted at Seth,
"You can't treat a person like this!" he said and wiped his tears
away with the back of his hand. "It was an accident and I apologized for
Seth raised an eyebrow at him. "I can treat you however
I want: you are property. An apology doesn't fix everything,
you should know that. And
kindness doesn't help people learn. Every time you displease me, you will be punished. Please me, and you won't be. There might
even be a reward. However, you have no say in it."
Seto was on his knees
with the scalding water on his back, hands flat on the tiled floor of the
shower, tears rolling from his eyes.
was still on Seto's bed, listening, or rather, watching the other's story
inside of his mind. he could feel tear stinging his own eyes as he continued to
Azizi crossed his arms, and looked
away, "I'm not property...I'm a person..." He muttered, glaring at
the floor.
"You're a slave, and that is property," Seth said
dismissively, turning away from him again. "Leave me be," he ordered,
and got to work.
The boy followed Seth's order's for
a little while, before he walked over to him. Despite how mean Seth was, Azizi was determined that even he had a little bit of good
in him, and he would try to find it, "What is it that you are doing,
Priest Seth...?"
"Ignoring you. Leave me alone."
Azizi gulped slightly, but didn't
do as Seth said this time, and he stayed where he was, watching the high
priest, "Do you like being the High Priest?" he asked, changing the
subject slightly. He wanted to know more about Seth, seeing
as he didn't know much at all. The whole slave thing hadn't yet fully sunk into
him. He didn't know that he wasn’t really supposed to socialize with Seth.
"I told you to leave me be. I am not your friend. I
have neither need nor desire for you to be my friend. If you cause me to ruin
this, I will beat you." He was hunched over the
table, carefully concocting a complicated mixture of the ingredients he'd just
Azizi moved slightly, to try and see still what Seth was doing, "Everybody need to
have friends...and the more you have the happier you'll be." He smiled
slightly at the priest, "I bet you really could use some friends...You can
be nice, you know...
"Of course I can," Seth said. "When I have a
reason to be." The implied insult being that he had no reason to be nice
to Azizi. "Go away." However, he wasn't
beating him just yet, which was a good sign...
"You shouldn't have to have a reason to be nice...You
should be nice to everyone!" He said, still watching the priest, "If
you do nice things for people, instead of mean ones, it will make you happier
too! That's what my mother always used to tell me..." He knew telling
these things to Seth was probably a big waste of time...but Azizi
just couldn't stand to see one person have so much hate in their heart. He
really hoped he could make some of that go away.
"What use, precisely, is being happy?"
"Uhm..."The boy thought
about it, and he tilted his head to the side, "Being happy is a great
thing! Why be angry and mean all the time? Things like that aren't good for a
person! Other people don't like to spend their time with a person who is going
to just be mean to them...Don't you want to have any friends at all?"
"No," Seth answered shortly. "I want people
to leave me alone. Do you know what makes me happy?" He looked at him
briefly from the corner of his eye. "Solitude makes me happy. Silence
makes me happy. Power makes me happy. Other people - especially annoying
children who don't know when to shut up - only irritate me."
"I'm not going to give up on you..." he said, in a
somewhat firm voice, "Nobody ever really wants to be alone...I know that
deep down you aren't that cold...Things like that can't make a person truly
"You don't know me," Seth said simply, going back
to ignoring him.
"But I want to know you..." He said and moved
again, so it would be harder for Seth to ignore him, "I really want to be
your friend...Maybe if you let me be your friend, you would see that having
friends is a good thing..."
Seth merely growled and put a hand on Azizi's
face to shove him away.
Azizi growled ever so slightly as
well, and just went back to where he was, this time however, he grabbed Seth's
arm lightly, "Stop ignoring me like that! This is important!"
"I'm busy!" Seth pushed him away again.
Azizi grabbed onto his arm again,
and stared at him with his eyes narrowed slightly, "Why are you such a
terrible person!?"
Seth looked at him and narrowed his eyes. "Because I
Azizi didn't flinch at Seth's
look. "That isn't even an answer!" He said, sounding slightly
"It’s all you're getting. Leave me alone."
He continued to hold his arm, not easing up at all, "Nu uh! Not until I get a real answer!"
Seth stood up and towered over the boy. "You want to
know why I'm a terrible person? What if I told you
that I wasn't merely a priest, but that I'm Set himself?" (God of violence
and all things bad that nobody wants around... a bad guy ^_^
Azizi gulped and stared up at him,
"Y-you a-aren't r-really him...a-are
you...?" He asked, in a tiny voice.
Seth smirked coldly. "No. If I were, you'd be dead. No
leave me alone!" He at once more to his work.
Azizi growled slightly, "That
was mean! And you still haven't answered!!" He
demanded an answer, as he tugged lightly on Seth's arm.
Seth shoved him away, knocking him to the floor.
He whimpered slightly when he hit the floor. "I know
you can't be all bad...I won't give up on you..." He mumbled, and curled
up into a ball on the floor.
Seth proceeded to ignore him. As far as he was concerned, he
was bad, and he liked it that way just fine.
He fiddled with a loose string on his clothes and he sighed
slightly. "It's nice outside...can I go and play?" He asked, looking
to Seth.
"Yes, fine, get out of here." Seth pointed toward
the door and didn't so much as look up. Maybe he'd get
some work done.
Azizi stood up, and as he did,
something fell out of his pocket, and he remembered that he had shoved one of
Seth's items in his pocket, and so he pulled out what he could, "Here! I
forgot about this!" He ran over to bring it to him, but ended up tripping.
He stopped himself from falling, by grabbing the table Seth was working at, but
accidentally managed to cause what Seth was working on to spill slightly.
Seth froze, watching his hard work scatter across the table
and floor. Then he turned quickly, backhanding him in the same fluid movement
as he stood. "You idiot!" he yelled.
Azizi held his cheek again,
whimpering slightly, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to...It was an
accident! Please don't hurt me anymore..." He shivered slightly, as tears
stung his eyes.
Seth stared down at him, then kicked him once more and
snatched the last thing from his hand. "Go. Get out of here." He
turned around and began to try to salvage the ruined potion.
He yelped when he was kicked, and
scrambled from the room quickly. He had no idea where to go, and so he
merely ran down to the end of the hall, and curled up into a corner.
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