Love, Lies and Lipstick | By : lostintheheartland Category: Yu-Gi-Oh > Yaoi - Male/Male Views: 5907 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 2 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh or it's characters. I do not make any profit from this story. I do own my own characters and the work therein. |
Author: Maggiemay with tons of help Muse: Mofaf1 Betas: Mofaf1, Wicabeth, Lorrainellt, Puppys_Seahorse Pairing: Oh Kami don’t ask. Way too convoluted. Seto/Jou primarily. Rating: Definitely Mature. NC-17 Spoilers: End Of Series Disclaimer: I don’t own YGO or make any money from this fic. Warnings: CROSS DRESSING, HET (sort of), OC’s, INCEST (NOT OUR BISHIES), MINOR CHARACTER DEATH (Not OUR BISHIES). Extra special notice: This story is complete and posted in it's entirety on the yahoo group Little Dragon. I am re-posting this story here at the request of a friend. Summary: Seto needs a new Administrative Liason. As a publicity stunt Kaiba Corp holds a kind of The Apprentice meets Joe Millionaire contest. Jou wants that job. With the help of a fairy god ‘Auntie’ with a tarnished halo, he enters the contest. This is that tale. **** Their work done, the tired but triumphant women surveyed their masterpieces. Gian chuckled and complimented “Perfect down to the last detail. Sanu and his staff will be here any time. You all go and get ready now. I’ll wait and guard the food.” The older woman chuckled “Kaiba may come back for more.” “That was a brilliant idea. Thank you for calling him Aunt Gian. Their being here will allow all of us to mingle without serving.” Joie hesitated and rubbed her brow. “I still don’t know where my room is.” Several women laughed and guided her to the stairs. “I’m sure we’ll find you one.” Gian smiled as she watched Joie ushered out by the group of women. The sound of car doors closing in the back drive brought her to the staff entrance. She opened it wide expecting to see Sanu and his staff. Instead four pairs of eyes stared at her in shock, and then the little girl hurtled forward and grabbed her. “Gina! We finally found you. You need to stay in one place. You keep getting lost!” Chou Gina exclaimed. The twin boys, Taro and Jiro stepped into the kitchen warily as if she were a ticking bomb; Naoko straightened to his full height, crossed the threshold, and shut the door deliberately behind him. “Gina Peacock... Kajuki Gian. I never would have guessed you would use that name again. You hated it.” “I know. That’s why I chose it. I didn’t want you to ever find me.” A cold, proud smile crossed the beautiful face. “And I knew you’d look.” “You hid from me...” He breathed in disbelief. “On purpose.” “After what you did to me do you think I’d ever want to see you again?” “I saved your life. I traded my freedom for your life. I had no choice. He would have killed you.” “ he wouldn’t. I know about your family. Yakuza bankers. You weren’t involved in that at all. But I was. Who do you think owns the movie industry? I was a money maker. They made more money on me than they did on any star and my potential was limitless. They would not have harmed a hair on my head. Your father would have been told to go count his coins if he suggested it. You gave up your freedom for me? No, if you had talked to me I would have told you that your father’s threats were empty. Instead you bowed to him.” The sound of another car caught her attention. She brushed past the frozen man and opened the door. “Sanu, about time you got here Darling. Get your workers in here. I have to go dress for a party.” She called happily and gestured the restaurant workers into the kitchen. “Gina...Gian, wait please.” Naoko husked. “I waited for you all that day...and the days that followed. I ceased waiting for you when you married your bastard half-sister rather than admit to loving me.” She turned and left him standing with all the pain she’d ever wanted to see written on his face. It wasn’t as satisfying as she’d imagined, but she couldn’t worry about it then. She had a party to prepare for. ** Joie was sprawled out on the bed sound asleep when Gian found the correct room. Gently she shook her friend. “Joie, Wake up now.” “Mnnnnngnngn” She buried her face deeper in the pillow. “Now Joie. We have a party to attend. Rise and shine.” He shook more roughly. Sometimes Joie was such a guy. “Mrrnmnnsleeep...” Drastic times call for drastic actions. “Oh hey look at that. Kaiba’s swimming in the buff. He has a nice uh...” Joie was up and standing at the window, straining for a glimpse. When she realized she couldn’t even see the pool she growled “Damn. That’s mean.” With a resigned sigh stalked to the bathroom. Playfully she shot over her shoulder “You’re wrong. He doesn’t have a nice uh...he has a fantastic throwing spike heals. You want to kill me?” She yelped as she dodged the projectile. “No I want you to hurry so I may shower too. I’m attending the party with you.” “You are?” Joie poked her head around the corner curiously. The hairpiece and all obvious clothes were gone. “Gian you might want to lay low. Last night the Chou family was asking about you. They may still be around and...” “I saw them downstairs a few minutes ago. Somehow I doubt they will be any more trouble.” Gian was careful to keep her voice casual. Joie blinked at her in shock. “You...are you okay?” “I’m fine. When I saw him before I was shocked and wallowing in my own pain. But I’ve had time to think and I knew that I ran the risk of meeting him again when I came here. I said what I wanted to scream at him on his wedding day, what I’ve wanted to say all along. My inability to say it caused most of my pain. It ate at me like a cancer. I feel ten years younger. Now get in the shower before the hot water is gone.” “Hey you want to know what’s almost as good as Seto’s uh...?” “Not really. I’m not ever going to do him so...” “Hmpf... You’d better not or I’d kick your ass. But this is almost as good. He has unlimited hot water.” Joie chuckled as steam started to billow from the stall. “The hell you say? I may have to marry him for that.” Gian teased, laughing. “Unlimited hot water and a fantastic ... uh...” They both dissolved into giggles. ** Mokuba, Matashi, and Aishira, surrounding a certain balcony bench, all shared looks, and burst into laughter. Seto, just topping the stairs, waited patiently for their hilarity to die. “Anything interesting?” Mokuba almost choked on his laughter. “Nothing much, although they admire our hot water and your uh...” That set the guys off again. The brunet growled feeling left out. Mokuba valiantly tried to reassure him. “Don’t be that way. It’s just that you have a fantastic ...uh...” And he broke down into hysterical whoops again. He’d explain later, once everything was settled. For now he just couldn’t. “Whatever Mokuba. So they arranged for servers. Whose idea was it?” “Do you really have to ask?” Mokuba forced himself to continue his thought “Seto, Kawai-san is...” “Not a real contender. I won’t have her around confusing things. I like and admire her. Physically I respond to her. I won’t risk Jounouchi seeing that and being hurt by it. I’ve wanted him too long. No matter how good she is she will never be worth hurting him.” “Why don’t you talk to him about it? He’d probably understand.” “No Mokuba. His note was explicit. I’m not to call him until I can meet him openly.” “But...” Mokuba saw the unyielding look on his brother’s face. “All right Seto.” Demanding eyes raked over his family and friends. “Go get ready; guests will be here in two hours. I want them out of here by midnight. If there are any overnight guests have them tucked away by then as well. I want to get this over with.” A light of anticipation flickered in the blue depths. “My tests start tomorrow. They won’t last more than three days.” “Seto...” Mokuba worried when his brother got that light in his eyes. “What are you doing? What are your screening events? You haven’t told us.” A smirk crossed the CEO’s lips. “First test will be a duel to test their knowledge of our products. Second test will be a chess match, to test their logic and reasoning skills. Third test will be professionalism. They are all planned.” ********** Joie looked around happily, smiling as she saw the food expertly served to milling, chatting guests, and candidates. The bartenders were professional and well stocked with a menu of eight exotic and eight fruity drinks and fine liquors available. Expertly cut crudités and decorative fruits were arrayed on a long table with a colorful array of dips and sauces. Standing behind them was a brightly colored lacquer panel decorated with golden dragons. Alternating cold and hot hors d’oeuvre trays circulated through the crowd. None of the guests would ever know that the ornate origami dragon that graced each tray had been a hasty add-on. The bar, decorated with matching dragon statue candelabra found in one of the bedrooms, would stop serving alcohol at ten. At Sanu’s suggestion, and with the help of an eager grocery store, trays of fresh fruit, bread, thinly sliced meat and cheese would circulate to soak up the extra alcohol before the guests departed for more late night entertainment. Satisfied and proud she glanced once more to make sure all of the hurried decorations were in place. When she’d come down from dressing she’d checked the room to make sure everything was ready to go. Three vases of flowers had been placed randomly around the room. That is all, not another accent or lighting. Horror had filled her at the lack of atmosphere. Hurriedly she’d rushed to the kitchen and with the aid of her aunt’s friends, aunt and several of the friend’s she made during the day, she’d put together a dragon theme that seemed both elegant and appropriate. They’d placed the last piece as the bell rang. She only hoped Kaiba thought it passed. Thinking of Kaiba, she automatically located him in the room. He’d been more visible tonight than the previous night, mingling and chatting like the perfect host. He greeted his guests by name, made introductions where needed and stayed in constant motion. Joie chose to circulate in a pattern that should have intersected with his several times, but strangely it hadn’t. Mentally she shrugged it off and continued to mingle. A soft call of her name brought her gaze to the cluster of ladies she’d cooked with. Toshi-san beckoned her over. A tall, dark, and handsome man wearing a suit that shrieked of the runways of Paris smiled at her charmingly. “Ah and you are the savior of Kaiba Seto. The ladies have been telling me of your dramatic efforts. You are a remarkable woman, Mademoiselle. I am Quennell Harcourt of Harcourt Banking Enterprises.” He introduced himself with a charming accent, then took her hand and bowed low, murmuring softly in French. “You are remarkable in your plebian ignorance and arrogance in believing your efforts are worthy of notice.” Joie blinked and her eyes widened as blood flooded her cheeks. She couldn’t have heard that right. This stuck-up man couldn’t have said what it sounded like. The man mistook her response. He had no way of knowing that her father was the disowned son of a Swedish banker and that for the first fifteen years of life poverty and ignorance was all that Jounouchi Katsuya had known. That had changed when his grandfather had come into his and Shizuka’s life. The publicity of saving the world had endeared his grandchildren to him, and while Jounouchi had lived in poverty for most of the year, during the summer he and his sister had traveled to Sweden and been tutored properly on everything from proper etiquette and manners to French, German, Italian and English. He had spent several summers learning to be fluent. Jounouchi only spoke low class when he spoke Japanese and that was through habit and laziness rather than through inability. “Ah forgive me, you don’t speak French? It is an enchanting language, perhaps I can offer to teach you some words as I have offered the other charming ladies.” He smiled and switched to French again “Although I doubt your empty head could grasp it. But perhaps you are a good fuck.” Across the room Seto smiled politely at his guest as the older man droned on about his desire to meet two of the most reclusive and dynamic people in all of Japan. Mishi Akino and Mishi Azami. Twin sisters who, at the age of twelve, inherited their father’s banking empire after their brother’s mysterious disappearance when they were toddlers. For years they’d appeared in public only as figureheads and then, a few years ago, at the age of sixteen, they had taken over the reigns. Since their taking control their holdings had grown and expanded, yet they remained mysterious and aloof, appearing in public very rarely. Seto had met them once. They had been beautiful, reserved, and polite. His impression was that they existed only for each other and had no need of anyone or anything else. “Henke-san, they are very reclusive. I have met them once, and then only briefly. I don’t know if a meeting can be arranged.” “I understand their elusiveness. After the disappearance of their brother they are probably very careful. I simply wanted to make the connection. I met their brother several times. He was a charming young man and I grieved when I heard he’d vanished.” Seto nodded and bowed. “I am sorry Henke-san.” He didn’t know what made him glance up at that exact instant, but as if drawn by a magnet his head whipped around just in time to see Kawai Joie smile at one of the bankers his Swedish guests had brought. The smile wasn’t charming or sweet. It was deadly and raised the hackles on the back of his neck. Abandoning his still talking guest he almost ran across the room. There was something familiar about that look and a warning tingle told him all hell was about to break loose. Joie continued to smile as her rage grew. The asshole was dripping sweetness in Japanese and speculating on how tight her pussy was in French. Joie let him babble a on, digging his grave deeper. She didn’t see Seto rushing towards her, nor did she see that the banker he had been speaking to follow in confusion. Her attention was focused on the man in front of her. When he hesitated as if expecting a response, and just as Seto stepped behind him Joie said coldly in flawless French. “Thank you for the lesson in gutter French. My pussy is of no concern to you, and if you have any questions about the kind of lay I am I suggest you use your hand and your imagination. You will never know. I further suggest you leave now before I show you how the Japanese police treat perverted woman-abusers. I believe they will find your treatment of us of ‘interest.’ Who knows, perhaps you will get a cell mate who will find you of interest too.” The brunet CEO gasped at the crude words and hard voice but his reaction was nothing compared to the Frenchman. The swarthy cheeks burned an ugly red and the dark eyes widened and bulged. “ speak French” Joie ignored Seto and focused on the asshole with feet. She unleashed her talents. “Of course I speak French. Italian is much more beautiful. German has wonderful connotations that cannot be found in any other language. English is difficult but expressive.” She changed languages to match the statement then switched back to Japanese. “But no matter what language, you are still an insulting, perverted pig. Your manners are no better than a rooting swine in its pen. You come here and insult all of us while pretending to flatter. If I were a man I’d make you beg on your knees for forgiveness from all of us.” Shock covered the faces of everyone listening. The women gasped in dismay and moved closer to Joie as if for protection. Seto clenched his fists and stepped forward. This man had insulted people under his protection. He would see to it that an apology was offered - from bended knees. The banker who’d trailed Kaiba across the room stared at Joie for a moment then turned to the guest he’d brought along as a favor to an old friend. “Up to your old games Quinnel?” He asked smoothly. “I will of course report this to your father. He will be most disappointed.” The older banker turned to Joie and bowed “Please forgive me for bringing him. He has a...history ...of abusing women staff. His father had thought to educate him by showing him the honor of various cultures. The plan has failed. He will fly home tonight in disgrace.” The man turned and gave a small wave of his hand. Two large blond Swarzenegger clones materialized and gripped the Frenchman’s arms. “See him to the airport and put him on his father’s jet. I will call Peverell Harcourt after the party.” A negligent wave of his hand dismissed the incident and the older man turned and smiled at Joie. “My dear girl I know you from somewhere but I simply can’t place your name.” Joie, eyes still flaming with temper, looked at the older man. “My name is Kawai Joie.” “Kawai...Kawai...” He tapped his cheek thoughtfully. Then recognition dawned. “Adrien’s grandchildren. I met them possibly three years ago. Thought it was a boy and a girl but my memory can be playing up. You have grown up beautifully. Are you going to returning to Sweden this summer to work for your grandfather?” Joie forced herself to calm down and think. It hadn’t occurred to her that she’d meet a friend of her grandfather, someone who’d met Jounouchi Katsuya but she could handle it. She just had to think. Forcing a smile she bowed. “It is a pleasant surprise to see you. I haven’t been back to visit in almost a year. I will be settling here though. I want to be close to my sister and aunt.” “Aunt?” The older man looked confused, and then he nodded “On your mother’s side of course.” “Of course.” She smiled charmingly. “Please allow me to introduce you to my friends...” She deflected his interest smoothly as she turned to the group of candidates. Just then the Chou twins joined their group. Shocked recognition flashed through Henke-san’s eyes for a moment before he turned to the charming ladies. Seto watched as Kawai-san introduced the candidates to her old family friend. Reeling from the surprises and remnants of anger he nodded shortly to the group and stalked away. He needed to clear his mind. Kawai Joie was everything he’d ever wanted in an Executive Liaison. Elegant, sophisticated, competent, intelligent, loyal, multi-lingual, well connected, and almost fucking perfect. He couldn’t have asked for a better choice. He’d hire her in a heartbeat if not for one small problem. She looked like his lover and his body couldn’t seem to tell the difference between the two. Furious at his lack of control he left the party, making for the rose garden. He needed space and distance. As he breathed in the cool, perfumed air he tried to logically list the reasons not to hire her. He couldn’t find even one. The only reason he had was his illogical attraction. Even now he could clearly picture her. Bright golden hair and eyes, delicate, feminine features, long, graceful neck and surprisingly strong shoulders, tiny waist, strong, slim legs. She was beautiful, the feminine version of his lover, and his ideal partner. Even the clothes she wore, demure and classic but sexy enough to make his hands itch to touch, were perfect. Just the thought of the white satin blouse with it’s off the shoulder neckline trimmed in creamy white alpaca made his hands clench. He’d wanted to touch that softer-than-silk fur, and then travel further to see if the smooth golden skin was softer still. He’d never do it because it was a betrayal of Jounouchi, but he’d wanted to. She had to go. He wouldn’t risk Jounouchi no matter what. A soft step on the path behind him warned him that his privacy had been invaded. He wasn’t surprised when Kawai-san’s voice said softly “Kaiba-sama, some your guests are preparing to leave.” He kept his back to her. He didn’t want to see her in the moonlight, didn’t want to see the way the moonlight would grace her skin with pearlescent luminosity or turn her hair to silver. He could picture it easily because he’d already seen it on Jounouchi the night they’d spent together. “Thank you.” Instead of taking the hint to leave she said softly “About earlier, Kaiba-san I couldn’t let him...” “I understand. You don’t need to explain further.” “I...I am sorry Kaiba-sama, for ruining your party.” She stepped closer, stopping just out of arms reach. “No need to apologize Kawai-san.” With a sigh he steeled himself and turned to face her. His mental image was dead on. He needed to be inside with the crowd. Alone in a moonlit garden was too tempting. “Let’s return.” With a sigh she turned, giving him a glimpse of the shoulders and back framed in moon-glowing alpaca. The sigh turned to a gasp as her medium heel caught on the edge of the path and she started to fall. Strong hands steadied her, stopping her fall. For a second she stared up at the shocked man, as she watched the shock changed for a brief instant to desire and she felt a subtle caress across her back. Unconsciously she leaned closer and arched into the touch even as she whimpered, “Kaiba-sama we can’t...” With a harsh curse he released her as if burned and strode away as if the demons of hell were chasing him. Slowly, picking her way carefully, Joie returned to the house. She only hoped the confusion and regret she was feeling didn’t show on her face. Seto was playing the perfect host, escorting them to the door, thanking them for and checking to make sure they had rides. When the last guest had left the CEO glanced around the room and announced, “We will clean up then have a brief meeting.” The kitchen had already been cleaned and that left restoring the room of the party. With all of them working it was set to rights in just a few minutes. Sanu, guiding his crew, saw to the last of the cleanup, then bowed first to Kaiba, then to Gian. “We will go now my old friend. Call me when you get back to town and we will discuss the book offer.” With another bow, he signaled for his workers to leave. “Thank you Sanu. I’ll call you next week. Thank you again. I owe you a large favor.” The older man smiled and kissed her delicate cheek. “No. I will never repay you for my failures. See you next week.” Gian smiled and watched until the taillights of Sanu’s van disappeared. She was acutely aware of her ex-lover’s hard stare. It wasn’t new. Naoko had been staring at her all night and had attempted to speak to her several times. She’d met his attempts with blank eyes and flat denial. Mokuba waved them all into the meeting room they’d used that morning. “Okay let me say this first. That party was great. Nobody knew that it wasn’t professionally catered until we told them. Our guests were very impressed with the food and presentation. I have to admit that I loved the food myself. Because of that I will say that I gave you all high ratings. If it were my decision you would all advance. However, Matashi-san must weigh in for the decorations, which were creative and appropriate.” Matashi-san nodded slightly. “I can say that I give high scores to the kitchen team as well. Not only did they turn out a four-star spread of food, but when they saw the poor job the decorations team did they pitched in and created an atmosphere that would be hard to beat even by the best catering company. I agree that the top score goes to the ten women in the kitchen.” “Then it is agreed. The five ladies who did the original décor please accept our gratitude and congratulations for making it this far. You are welcome to spend the night or leave. Your checks will be mailed to you.” Seto shook his head. “Wait. Kawai Joie, you will leave as well.” Everyone stared at him in shock. Then Joie stood slowly and challenged “Why?” “You were rude to a guest. Also you used crude language inappropriate for the position you would hold. You will leave tonight.” Seto was implacable. Kawai Joie would leave. She was too much of a temptation. The women, who’d worked with her all day, fellow candidates, surged to their feet with exclamations of shock and denial. Matsu-san’s voice rang out. “That is not fair. That man was abusing us. Kawai-san was protecting us, as you should have. are unfair. She made this party a success. You should be hiring her on the spot and dismissing us all, not her. You...” The women were nodding, even the five who’d been dismissed. Mokuba could see a disaster in the making. “Seto, may we speak to you for a moment?” He didn’t wait for his brother’s agreement, simply dragged him from the room. They were closely followed by Aishira and Matashi. Mokuba attacked immediately “What the hell are you trying to do? This is a media disaster in the making. Every one of those women is ready to revolt. Several are probably composing letters to the press right now. And they are right Seto! You know it. She is perfect. Fucking perfect.” Seto met his brother’s gaze for a moment before turning away and bowing his head. “I know. And that’s the problem. She’s perfect...and she makes Jounouchi does. Not as strong, not as deep, but it could grow. I won’t allow it. She must go. I won’t hurt any of us like that.” He closed his eyes and confessed softly. “I touched her tonight...and she wanted me to do more...she said “We can’t...” not “No...” and I’m not sure...” He broke off and walked to the door. “Do what you will. But she will not be my Executive Liaison. I will eliminate her.” They entered the tense meeting room. Seto sketched a slight bow to the women. “My apologies Kawai-san. I misunderstood the situation. You will advance to the next screening process.” He glanced at the five women who’d been dismissed. “Thank you all and goodbye.” When they’d filed out, Seto turned to the remaining ten candidates. “Congratulations to making it to the final ten. I will be conducting the final screenings. The first will be a Duel Monster contest. Each of you will duel me. To be fair I have asked Pegasus, retired champion and creator of the game to judge the duels. Of the ten of you five will advance. The next test will be a chess match and three will advance. It will be judged by Kaiba Mokuba. And the final test will be announced to the three remaining candidates. The duels will be at Kaibaland Domino tomorrow. Be there at nine in the morning. The first duel starts at nine-forty.” With a cold nod he turned and left them sitting in stunned silence. Joie stood and bowed stiffly to the group. “Thank you all.” A small break in her façade, a single tear, rolled down her cheek. She ignored it. “Goodnight.” She turned and walked slowly, gracefully from the room. ********** Gian was waiting anxiously in their room. “Well? How did it go?” “He tried to get rid of me. Everyone stood up for me and forced him to recant but he...he was determined.” Gian’s voice was compassionate. “And do you know why?” “Yes. I...I tripped and he caught me. He...he stroked my back, barely a touch, but I could feel...he wanted more...and I...I leaned into him. I didn’t say no.” Tears began to roll down her cheeks. “He told me to quit because I reminded him of his lover. That he didn’t want any kind of confusion or pain for...for...for ME damn it. And he doesn’t understand why...or what...fuck I should end this now. Just go downstairs, tell him the truth, and beg him for forgiveness.” “Joie...Jounouchi. You have come this far. He is confused but it’s probably because you and he haven’t had time to be together. Tomorrow after your duel, or before, meet him as yourself. Reassure him that you love him and trust him. Maybe talk about chemistry, attraction..., and choice. Don’t throw away your goals for him. You will regret it.” Joie kicked off her shoes and crossed to the shower. “What goals? He was always the goal. Always...and I’m hurting him.” Tears still falling he turned on the shower full blast, closed the door, stripped off his mask, and released his tears in the unlimited hot water. Gian listened to the muffled sobs for a few minutes then went in search of his sisters-in-arms. Matashi and Aishira were standing in the hall speaking to Mokuba. They saw her immediately and turned with a smile. “Is there something we can do for you?” “I was wondering if I might speak to my friends Peaches and Sakura for a few moments.” She nodded politely to Mokuba. “I know they are here somewhere but I can’t find them and I have an issue to discuss.” Matashi and Aishira shared a glance and turned to look at Mokuba. The ebony-haired teen nodded. “We were just coming up to see you and Jou.” Gian caught his breath. “ know?” “Yes. I’ve known since the first day. I’ve been supporting his efforts because I wanted my brother to be happy, but now, because of their night together and his response to ‘Joie’ my brother is miserable. We need this to end. I...” Mokuba broke off and tugged at his long hair. “I’m not sure what to do.” “What time is Joie’s match with your brother tomorrow?” “Second after lunch. Seto has them timed for twenty minutes each with a ten minute break between and an hour lunch. If a candidate lasts for twenty minutes of active play, not stalling, they are automatically moved up.” “Where will he be having lunch? Can you arrange for it to be private? Secluded?” “He will have lunch in the office at Kaibaland. And yes I can make sure it’s private.” Mokuba frowned. “What do you have planned?” “A lot of the insecurity your brother is feeling is because of his lack of contact with Jounouchi. He’s feeling deprived and neglected. Men who feel neglected are very tempted. I think Jounouchi needs to meet and reassure him. To be frank I think they need to affirm what’s important, and like most young men they won’t realize it until they are relaxed and sure of their...positions.” “Okay.” Mokuba nodded then flushed bright red “ mean...okay ...I will make sure the entire floor is empty. That...yeah, it’s going to be explosive.” “Very probably.” Gian smiled sweetly “But I’ll bet your brother won’t even notice Joie afterward.” She turned to go, then hesitated and said over her shoulder “Oh, you might want to extend the lunch to two hours. They won’t make the hour.” ** Mokuba rolled over and automatically reached for his alarm. After two bashes he realized it wasn’t the alarm that woke him. Seto was standing at the foot of his bed watching him with heavily shadowed eyes. “Oh fuck, Seto, what’s wrong? ““I need you to do me a favor.” “A favor? It’s” He squinted at the clock. “Five-fifty-six in the morning. I had another four minutes to sleep.” “I had planned to test their ability to keep things strictly profession by inviting them on a weekend cruise. I can’t do that. I don’t ...I won’t put myself in that position with her.” He didn’t need to name her. They both knew who he was referring to. “So what can I do for you?” “I want you to find a test, something for the final three which tests honesty, integrity, and professionalism. But I don’t want it to involve me getting close to any of them.” “I...uh...sure but...” He spoke to a closing door. *** When Gian got back to their room the blonde was curled up tight under the blankets. It was obvious that she wanted to be left alone. With a soft sigh she got ready for bed and spent the night staring at the ceiling. The next morning Joie was still curled tightly in a cocoon of blankets. A quick glance at the clock told Gian they needed to get moving if they were going to get to Kaibaland on time. He’d let Joie sleep in as long as she could. Softy she called “Joie.” She was surprised when the blanket obscured blonde answered, “I know. I just...all right I’m getting up now.” The covers were thrown back defiantly. Jounouchi Katsuya, complete with ratty jeans and sneakers stood up. “I...I’m walkin’ outta here as me. I ain’t pretendin’ no more. I’m gonna go downstairs and talk ta Seto an’ we’re gettin’ it all straightened out.” Gian sighed. She’d been expecting this. “All right Jou. I still think it’s a mistake to give up your goal when it is so close, but you know your heart best. Help me pack and then we’ll go downstairs.” There wasn’t much to pack and Jou carried the bags down to the car. He was surprised to see that theirs was the last in the lot. Frowning he went back inside. The kitchen was empty and the sound of muted voices came from the hall. Mokuba was talking on the phone while Gian stood politely some distance away. Mokuba saw him and interrupted his caller. “Hey Yugi, I gotta go. Love you and see you there.” With a click he shut the phone. Jou greeted casually. “Oh, hey Mokuba. I’m looking for your brother, can you tell me wh...” The teen was shaking his head. “He left over an hour ago. He arrived at Kaibaland about five minutes ago.” When the blonde looked crestfallen Mokuba consoled, “You can go to the park and have lunch with him. Lunch will last about two hours because of an upgrade to the VR computer’s operating system. I mis-clicked twelve PM instead of twelve AM. It takes about an hour and a half to complete and another half hour for diagnostics before we go live again.” “Oh.” Jou didn’t question why Mokuba simply accepted his sudden appearance. His focus was talking to Seto. “Okay Mokuba, I’ll head over. Thanks.” “No problem. I hafta get going.” Mokuba smiled and waved as he hurried to the front door. “I hafta meet Yugi and get to the jewelers before Yugi loses his nerve.” Jou gaped after him for a moment then shrugged and nodded to Gian. They needed to get on the road too. **While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. The AFF system includes a rigorous and complex abuse control system in order to prevent improper use of the AFF service, and we hope that its deployment indicates a good-faith effort to eliminate any illegal material on the site in a fair and unbiased manner. This abuse control system is run in accordance with the strict guidelines specified above.
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