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Reviews for Yami's Mindless Gabble

By : MaruSame
  • From on April 15, 2005
    Okay, I'm amused. Much love for MSTs. You did a great job with this, too, though I think some of your grammatical corrections may have been a little off.
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  • From ANON - ... on April 13, 2005
    when i said funny....well.... i try to love everyone!!!! please don't hate me peoples!
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  • From ANON - ... on April 13, 2005
    a triple period is called an elipsis (or however you spell it ^^) and it's used to show thought , or mayhap just a short break in between words/ i feel like a dictionary! damn my english teacher^^ (it was still pretty funny though...
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  • From ANON - person on April 11, 2005
    Heh. "Yami's Diary" was such an annoying fic. I'm so glad that someone decided to make a MST of it. Very good.
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  • From ANON - Nightclaw42 on April 11, 2005
    You get what you pay for eh? It seems to me you don't like fanfiction that much and are here just to put people down. Granted the story has soom mistakes that could use correction. However instead of humilating their story, just review. Tell them whats wrongs and give them your thoughts and ideas. You do realize not everyone is an English major and are writing for the sheer enjoyment of it, not to get put on a bestsellers list. Hell, even my stories need work, put I don't need some uppity prat doing a MST of my story to tell me that. A simple review works just as well and you look less like an asshole. Do consider this.
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  • From ANON - PreyForRain on April 09, 2005
    In a MST fic, three or more 'viewers/readers' are required to be present to read the offending fic, in the hope of breaking their spirit, and they in turn, point out the flaws, cliche', ect. of the viewing material in humorous or satiric ways, in their hope to keep sane. You can find some examples of MST at
    If you continue "Yami's Mindless Gabble" Please set it up in the standard MST format. Thank you.
    While your MSTing can benifit from some work, I must admit you're well informed when it comes to Egyptian history and how they lived, and, unlike some people, have a grasp of English vocabulary and grammer. Hopefully all three extend to your own fics that I look forward to reading.
    One last thing; the 'readers' do not have to be the characters from MST3k, they can be any of the characters from Yugioh as well, just as the person atempting to break their souls does not have to be Dr.Forrester. It can be a Yugioh villan, or the author themselves.
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  • From ANON - D-chan on April 09, 2005
    I'll try to be as gentle about this as possible. I haven't even ever read the fic 'Yami's Diary'. And I most certainly have no clue of who you are. The fact that you even mention my name in your notes before your MST has me pissed off. Take it out, this is your only warning. Otherwise I'll have no choice but to report you to Ayla for bringing me into a situation that I have absolutely nothing to deal with.

    This has nothing to do with the MST itself, just the fact that you added my name into the beginning of your notes, without my knowing you, or giving you permission.

    Thank You,
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  • From ANON - Yayatso on April 08, 2005
    I love this story, it is rather mean, but I had read "Yami's Diary" and I had a similair idea to this. I praise this work and I hope you write another chapter based on the next chapter of "Yami's Diary"
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  • From ANON - Oujo on April 08, 2005
    Hum, that was... rude >
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  • From ANON - V-chan on April 08, 2005
    It's 'dimension' in the last sentence of your crap. I don't believe you could even reach the standards of Yami Diary, who are, indeed, not that high themselves. What kind of problem do you have? Making fun of a fic does not make you seem cool, it makes you look like a complete idiot, which I believe you are indeed. Try creating something on your own first before even thinking about critisizing others. This was neither funny, nor needed. It was a complete waste of time.
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  • From ANON - 1234whoever on April 07, 2005
    hahhaa oh man, sad you so show childen post on this site. Love the mst!
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  • From ANON - Xena on April 07, 2005
    I think MSTs are terrible and anyone that posts one without permission of the author should be kicked off this site.

    Sure, some stories are so bad they are asking for it but it is still cruel.

    If I see a bad story I just don't read it. Over the years my standards on fanfic has risen which means between badly written stories and my own personal preferences I don't read much fanfic any more.

    I can't even try to read this story because although Yami/Yugi used to be one of my favorite pairings over time I grew to dislike it and at this point any Yugioh pairing that doesn't involve Bakura (except for Marik/Malik) bores me.

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  • From ANON - BBQ_Bandit on April 07, 2005
    As an addendum, the reviewer "Pissed Off Reader" is obviously an author sock-puppet. Just wanted to point that out.
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  • From ANON - BBQ_Bandit on April 07, 2005
    This needed to be done. Thank you.
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  • From mariskaiba on April 07, 2005
    Right now I'm practically curled up into the fetal position on my chair because I'm shaking so hard with laughter. That was mean...but true. I read "Yami Diary" before this- one thing though, you completely forgot to mention the fact that children can't exactly have orgasms. You have got to make fun of the other chapters- I can't wait to see how the handle the whole beastiality (spelling?) thing.
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