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Reviews for Yami's Mindless Gabble

By : MaruSame
  • From ANON - Pissed off Reader on April 07, 2005
    No this story wasn't the best but this was cruel not funny some people in society are to dumb to know the difference, you apparently are one of them. The periods express thought. The 'afterlife' is in place of Heaven. I'm sure if they had used heaven that you would have got on them about that. And the part about this bondage toys. Its clear to me and to most others that it was simply a typo (yes the exist) this= his *gasp* sentence makes sense now. Normally I don't flame but I don't feel guilty flaming you. Your a poor person who wants to get joy out of hurting someone else because your not good enough. Granted the story wasn't the best but it didn't deserve this. Try writing something yourself before bashing other people next time. It seems you were in such a rush to belittle the story that you didn't get a good hold on what was going on.

    This is fanfiction not reported documents. Go be an anal english teacher somewhere else.
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  • From ANON - RenoTheTurk on April 07, 2005
    Good MST. Fuck the others who bitchin'. Do what the damn hell ya wanna!
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  • From ANON - Susan on April 07, 2005
    Excellent points. Can't wait for the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - Horizont on April 07, 2005
    What do you do if you find a fic you don't like? Right, you don't read it.You obviously found this fic "good" enough to read it completely and to even comment on it. To be honest I didn't like "Yami's diary" myself so I didn't read any further than the summary, but that's beside the point. After you read all this, why not do the author a favor and put all your thoughts into some useful feedback? That person might even consider what you write, but who would accept criticism in form of MST?
    Speaking of which, it's not exactly funny. I've read worse but although the original story does have certain flaws I don't think any story deserves MST, it's just not fair since someone worked on it. You also don't know who the person behind the keyboard is. Not everyone here is a grown-up writer, there are many authors without much experience - if you have thoughts to share, use them to help the author improve his skills.

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  • From ANON - Notorius on April 07, 2005
    Insteda of MSTing someone, how about writing your own? Let's see how good you are.
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  • From ANON - Tal on April 07, 2005
    Well that was a waste of time.

    If you’re going to continue writing these stupid little comments, I seriously hope you do a better job because this isn’t entertaining or amusing.

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  • From ANON - windcharm on April 07, 2005
    kiafitz, I wonder if you've ever heard the phrase "anything worth doing is worth doing WELL." By not doing one's best, even in a fanfiction, it means that this isn't WORTH doing at ALL. Why should we lower our standards just because someone isn't getting paid for it? Does everything have to revolve around the all-mighty monetary unit of your personal location?

    To the MSTer: I've seen funnier Msts, and I've seen less funny ones. It kind of reads a bit more like an editor's work than something actually to laugh at, but that's just my opinion.

    People around here seem to have incredibly thin skins. Ohh, someone out there doesn't think your fanfiction is God's gift to writing. Signal to whine, stamp your feet, cry, and pout that you're not Mommy's unique snowflake anymore and the world is full of MEAN PEOPLE who don't think your precious feelings are something to be treated with kid gloves.

    Welcome to the world. Sucks to be you.
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  • From DuosAngel on April 07, 2005
    this is trash. this whole thing is just trash. who gave you the right to take soemone else's story and insult it this way. you make me sick. oh and just for a bit of insight the multiple periods is to show the person's words or thoughts trailing off. duh! why don't you go get a life. if you don't like something, don't read it and MOVE ON!
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  • From ANON - kiafitz on April 07, 2005
    Please get a grip! Its just a fanfic, not a soon-to-be-published story. Who cares if the spelling is off, or the right things arent used. The story is just for entertainment, and if you cant get that through your head, im sorry. Your just being rude.
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