You Are The Master | By : Hideki LaShae Category: Yu-Gi-Oh > Yaoi - Male/Male Views: 2654 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own YuGiOh!, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Disclaimer: All Yu-Gi-Oh! characters and
references belong to their respective owners. The song You Are the Master
belongs to bif-naked and the company that recorded it and was used in this
story with the best of intentions. Story elements © Hideki LaShae. No money was
gained in the writing of this story.
This story is in response to a fanfic
challenge by Tokemi.
Hideki LaShae
My name is
Joseph Wheeler, but my friends all call me Joey. However, my friends aren’t
around at the moment, and I have plans to be alone this Friday night. Did I say
alone? I meant to say, I’m going to see the main woman in my life. I told the
gang I had a date, and they wanted to know all about her. What could I tell
them? She’s just like my little sister, Serenity.
So here I
am, getting ready for my date. I must say… I look hot. Tight black leather
pants, a golden-yellow tank top, an old pair of worn leather boots, a thick
black leather collar with spikes, and one last thing to complete the look. My
leather jacket. I haven’t worn this jacket in awhile. The gang just wouldn’t
quite understand. Heck, I don’t even know if I really understand it myself. I
grab my portable CD player and fix it to the back of my pants so the jacket
will hide it, and I run the headphones up my back before putting them on. I hit
the play button quickly and start to head out, through the window of course so
my old man won’t see me dressed up like this again. He never approved of this
appearance. He knew what I did when I looked like this last, and he did not
want me to ever do that again. Now I have no choice.
I begin to
sing as I hurry away from my house and head deeper into the city. “I am tied up
in the burning sun. Baby you are my only shade. You’re the bowl of water beyond
my reach. I can only move the distance of this chain. I chew on anything you
will give me. Eat anything- even my own words. Scramble- for any morsel you
will throw. You scatter hope like scrapes of food. I guess you are the master.
I am the dog. I am the dog waiting for you to love me.”
I chuckle
to myself as I get near my destination. If only Kaiba knew of my fascination
with this song. It would give him a hundred and one more reasons to treat me
like a mutt! Good thing he wasn’t around when I had chicken pox. He probably
would have called me a Dalmatian! Come to think of it, I sort of wish he was
there when I had chicken pox. I could have made him sick as a dog! What is it
with him and all the dog comments? Dumb rich prick!
I enter the
dark alley. I used to spend a lot of time here, but ever since I met Yugi,
things had started to change. Now I’m back here again… for her. And there she
is, hidden in the shadows, in all her adolescent beauty.
“It’s been
a long time, you stupid mutt!” exclaims a twenty-year old man stepping out of
the darkness behind the girl, “But I knew you’d come back to us for her sake.”
He sets his hand on the back of her head and pulls her into a kiss.
“Get your
face off her!” I scream lunging towards him, “She’s mine!”
“Joey!” she
cries as she pushes herself away from the man. She runs to press herself
against my chest and throws her arms around my neck.
I wrap my
arms around her and cuddle up to her. My hand snakes its way through her long
brown tresses, and I look down into the familiar eyes. “So, Serenity, what are
you doing here?”
kidnapped me!” exclaims Serenity, “He said he wanted you to do something for
him! What is he talking about?”
Let’s just go home,” I say soothingly.
“I don’t
think so, Dog,” says the man.
“Why not?”
I glare at him and snarl. Just like a dog. I am SO glad that Kaiba isn’t
here. I tense as I hear a gun cocking behind me.
“I have you
surrounded,” says the man.
“Let my
sister go. Then you can do whatever you want with me.” I pull Serenity closer
to me.
“I need
your skills. I need the skills of Jou the Dog. You were… great back in the day.
You could have made it all the way. Do you still have all those skills?” asks
the man.
I growl…
just like a dog. “I may have lost my edge, but I haven’t forgotten my skills.
You need the best, then you’ll get the best.”
Let’s go inside where we can get a bit more comfortable,” says the man.
I nod. I
hold Serenity close as we walk further into the alley and enter through a
tattered wooden door. I sit down at the table and pull my little sister into my
lap. I whisper to her, “Everything will be okay, Serenity. I promise.”
“Joey, I’m
scared,” whispers Serenity.
“I know,” I
whisper back and rub her arms gently to soothe her.
“Jou the
Dog. Why’d you ever leave anyway?” asks the man turning on the light so that I
can finally see his face, not like I really needed to see that ugly mug to know
that his name is Domino, actually it’s Stanley Adams but he’s known as Domino
because he wants to rule the criminal underworld of Domino City.
“I left,
Domino, because I found something better.”
glares at me. “What could be better than this life?”
“My friends
and Duel Monsters… not to mention my sister,” I say growling at him again. I
guess Kaiba’s thoughts of me being like a dog are very well founded. Why am I
thinking of Kaiba at a time like this?
Domino glares at me. “Now… Jou the Dog… I need your skills at B and E to bust
into a very special location and retrieve something for me. I know you like to
work alone, but my right hand man, Jackson, will be going with you to make sure
you do as told.”
“What about
Serenity? I’m not leaving her here with you! I’m taking her home before I do
anything for you!” I exclaim rather loudly.
growls. “Keep it down!”
“What about
“You can
take her home, but Jackson will be escorting you as well,” says Domino.
I growl.
“Does Jackson know what we’re looking for and where we’re going?”
“Yes. He
does,” says Domino.
“Then we’ll
be leaving now,” I say, “Come on, Serenity. I’ll take you home now.”
can explain everything to you on the way,” says Domino smirking.
stands shakily, and I’m quick to follow to support her if the need arises.
Three of us
leave the room, and I notice Jackson pocket his gun.
“Don’t say
a thing, Jackson. We can talk after I get Serenity home,” I say, and we start
to walk to my house. I pull the headphones off my ears to rest around my neck
and pull Serenity close to me as I turn the volume of my CD player to max and
restart the CD.
wraps her arms around my waist. She whispers, “Will you be okay with him,
“I’ll be
fine. I’ve done this sort of thing before. I used to be a part of Domino’s
gang. I never wanted you to know. I’ll explain it all to you later. I swear.
But as soon as I get you to my place, you need to call Yugi and have him come
over. He can protect you while I’m gone,” I whisper.
“I guess
you are the master. I am the dog. I am the dog waiting for you to love me. I
guess you are the master. I am the dog. I am the dog waiting for you to love
me,” sings Serenity along with the music.
“And I want
you to lock all the doors and windows,” I whisper.
“I know,
big bro. How serious are these people?” whispers Serenity.
serious. If I refused to do what they wanted, they’d kill you and try to force
me to do it anyway. Then when I still refused, I’d be killed,” I whisper.
allows a single tear to fall from her eyes, but I quickly wipe it away.
“No harm
will come to either of us,” I whisper, “I’m strong enough to take care of
myself. I’ll be okay, and Yugi can protect you. I know he’ll gather the rest of
the gang to help him protect you.”
“I guess
you are the master. I am the dog. I am the dog waiting for you to love me. I
guess you are the master. I am the dog. I am the dog waiting for you to love
me,” sings Serenity along with the music.
“Is that
the only part of the damned song you know?” exclaims Jackson brushing his light
brown hair away from his angry eyes.
“You will
not speak like that to my sister! I can kill you, Jackson, and you know it!” I
silently fumes as he walks alongside us.
I smile to
Serenity. “Don’t worry about Jackson, Serenity. He’s just a giant puppy dog. He
couldn’t hurt you if he wanted to. Go ahead and sing if it makes you feel
“You know
it always makes me feel better, Joey. I love to sing!” exclaims Serenity.
“The chorus
is coming up. Take it away, Serenity!” I exclaim.
“I guess
you are the master. I am the dog. I am the dog waiting for you to love me. I
guess you are the master. I am the dog. I am the dog waiting for you to love
me,” sings Serenity along with the music, “I guess you are the master. I am the
dog. I am the dog waiting for you to love me. I guess you are the master. I am
the dog. I am the dog waiting for you to love me.”
I escort
Serenity to my bedroom window, and I help her climb through. I smile warmly at
her. “Be a good girl now, Serenity.”
nods and closes the window, locking it once she’s done.
I turn with
Jackson and head to a large tree in my back yard.
“What are
you doing now, Jou the Dog?” asks Jackson.
“I need my
tools if I’m going to be picking locks or whatnot,” I say climbing onto the
large branch. I reach my hand into a hollow and pull out a worn wooden box. I
open the box to bring out a shiny leather-bound kit. I pocket my tools, place
the box back into the hollow, and jump down from the tree. I start to lead
Jackson away. “Now, start talking, Jackson. Where are we going and what are we looking
“We are
looking for a new prototype weapon. It’s supposed to be a gaming device, but
with a few wire crosses, I’m sure I can incorporate it into the perfect
weapon,” says Jackson.
“A gaming
device that you plan on turning into a weapon?” I ask. I can’t let you have
that, Domino! I won’t! I’ll do something, but you won’t get that gaming device.
A gaming device… like Kaiba makes?
“Yes. A
gaming device. It’s for that stupid game you like,” says Jackson smirking,
“Duel Monsters. Hmph! What a waste of time!”
Monsters isn’t a waste of time!” I exclaim.
you say, Dog!” exclaims Jackson, “I guess you know where we’re going then!”
“If it’s
new technology pertaining to Duel Monsters, then it has to be a part of Kaiba
Corp!” I say, “Are we headed to their office or their private labs?”
prototype is actually being stored in the office building right now,” says
Jackson, “Which is why it will be really easy for you to go in there so we can
take it!”
“Then let’s
go to Kaiba Corp headquarters,” I say turning down an alleyway that I know to
be a shortcut to the building. How do I know that it’s a shortcut? My secret!
takes a step ahead of me as he sees the tall building loom into view. “Well…
this is your show now, Jou the Dog.”
I nod and
pull my tool kit from my pocket. I take a deep breath. I haven’t done this in a
long time, but I still know what to do. I lead Jackson around to the back of
the building, and I smirk to myself when I see the electronic keypad on a rear
entrance. “Too simple.”
delicately dust the keypad. Three numbers attract the dust – three, four, and
six. Would he be stupid enough to have the keyword be ‘mine’? Let’s see… the
most common passwords are GOD, SEX, and… what was that last one? Hell, let’s
try it once. I type in the six followed by four, six again, and three.
“How do you
know it’s four characters?” hisses Jackson.
The green
light illuminates, and I smirk as I turn the handle. “I know Kaiba!”
“You know
the jerk who runs the corporation?” hisses Jackson in amazement, “How could
that be?”
“We go to
school together. Believe it or not, we’re in the same class,” I whisper as I
enter with Jackson hot on my heels. I thought about breaking into Kaiba Corp a
few times in the past, because I wanted to… well, that would have never
happened, but I have thought about breaking in here before. I just never
thought that I would ever be breaking in at gunpoint, as this case nearly seems
to be. I hope Yugi and the others are sitting with Serenity right now!
“Wow… I
never knew he went to school,” whispers Jackson.
“He does,”
I whisper back, “Now shut up or else the guards might here you.”
opens his mouth to say something, but he shuts it tight when he sees the look
in my eyes.
I start to
walk silently. Normally on a tile floor like this, you could hear me a mile
away, but tonight, I’m quiet… walking on soft pads like a dog without claws.
There’s that dog thing again. Kaiba must really be getting to me! I’m breaking
into his place after all. I stop and pull my headphones onto my ears. I turn
the volume down and press play again. I really do love this single!
taps me on the shoulder and glares at my headphones when I turn around.
“Can you
hear it?” I whisper.
shakes his head.
“Then there’s
no problem,” I whisper and continue on. I hold up my hand to stop Jackson from
progressing any further, and I slip up behind a guard who sits at the front
desk, hitting him on the back of the head once I’m within reach. I shove him
out of the way and sit down quickly. I start to type on the computer console
and find what I’m looking for within a few moments. I may act like an idiot,
but I know my way around a computer. Hacking is a hobby of mine that I try not
to let anyone know about. I shut down the security system and stand up, making
my way back over to Jackson. “Come on… the computer says the prototype is up in
Kaiba’s office.”
what our sources say too,” whispers Jackson.
I lead
Jackson to a small, private elevator that most people wouldn’t even know about
it, but I just got a very good look at the schematics to the building so I know
everything! I enter with Jackson behind me. I pull some picks from my leather
case and slide them into the lock. I listen to the sounds of the tumblers moving
beneath the expertise of my adept fingers, and I smirk as the elevator starts
to move upwards at a rapid speed. This must be an express elevator. One round
trip ticket to Seto Kaiba’s office please! Too bad I won’t get to see Kaiba
there! But with Jackson here, I don’t want Kaiba to be anywhere around.
elevator stops, and I remove my picks from the lock. I step out into the
hallway. I glance at the image in my mind, and I locate the path on the
building’s schematic to get to Kaiba’s office. I pull my headphones off as
Jackson and I approach the office and enter into a small reception area. I see
the crack of light beneath the door of Kaiba’s office. He can’t be in! It’s
almost two in the morning! Please, Kaiba, don’t be in there! Jackson will kill
you if you try to prevent him from getting that device! I glance at Jackson as
I slip my hand behind me to crank up the volume on my CD player. Blasting the
song at full power might help distract Jackson if necessary. Please don’t be in
there, Seto! “We’re almost in.”
“Let’s do
this,” says Jackson smugly.
I reach out
and grab the door handle. Please be locked. Then I know he’s not in there! I
turn the handle. Crap! I let the door swing open and I stroll into the office.
I see him behind his desk, illuminated by the lights above him.
Seto Kaiba,
the millionaire CEO of Kaiba Corp, stands up and glares at me with shocked blue
I’ve never
seen him shocked before. He looks kind of cute. And look at those threads!
Seto wears
a black tank top and slacks. His trench coat hangs on a coat rack behind him,
and his brown hair, which is normally very neat and tidy, has been mussed. He
runs his hand through it unconsciously and grips it tightly before he pulls his
hand away. Whatever he’s working on must have gotten him really riled up for
him to be trying to rip his hair out.
I stare at
Seto in shock and look down at his desk, hoping that he might get the hint and
hide. He doesn’t.
“What are
you doing here, mutt?” asks Seto as Jackson steps in behind me. His eyes widen
as he turns to the other teen behind me.
I glance
back at Jackson and notice the gun in his hand again. I can’t let him hurt
Seto! Plus… I could be close to him! I rush over to the desk and jump onto it,
hurling myself into Seto’s unsuspecting chest. “Admit it, Master! You missed
your poor puppy!”
Seto falls
to the floor with me on top of him. He looks at me with eyes filled with
incomprehension. He doesn’t understand why I called him ‘master’ or myself
‘your poor puppy’.
I lick
Seto’s face, very much like a dog, and I whisper, “I’m sorry about this. Please
stay down. He might try to kill you if you resist.”
“Bad dog!”
exclaims Seto pushing me off him, “Sit!”
I sit down
with my knees upraised and my arms in between them. I bet I look like a dog right
Seto stands
up and glares at me. “What are you doing here, mutt?”
I bite my
lower lip. Then I force myself to stand. “I know I usually don’t bring guests
to our rendezvous, Seto, but that’s no reason to act like you’ve never seen me
here before! I was coming here for our weekly session. You are my
master, and I am your loyal bitch. However… Jackson here decided that he wanted
your new toy… the prototype gaming device that you have here in your office.
It’s in the safe, I’m assuming, so if you’ll just sit back and relax, I’ll give
him what he wants so you can get what you want.”
“I have no
idea what you’re talking about, mutt!” exclaims Seto.
laughs. “Jou the Dog! Jou the Dog is Kaiba’s bitch! This is hilarious! Domino
and the others will never believe this! Not only is Jou the Dog gay, but also
he’s the bitch of the richest person in Japan! This is too good!”
I flash
Seto an apologetic look before I turn and walk towards a portrait of him and
his little brother, Mokuba, on the wall. I pretend not to notice the very
attractive blush creeping to Seto’s cheeks. I pull on the edge of the painting,
and it swings away from the wall. “Ooo… look at this, a combination safe.
What’s the combo, master?”
“Go to
hell!” exclaims Seto.
cocks the gun.
Jackson! That’s my seme you’re about to shoot! He’s my master and if anyone
will be hurting him, it’ll be me who’s biting him!” I shout at Jackson. “I
don’t need the combination! I’m a thief… remember! I can crack a safe like this
in a snap!”
“Then hurry
up and do it! Jou the Dog!” Jackson chuckles again. “A bitch!”
I can’t
believe I’m doing this. I listen to the lock as I turn it. I hear the faint
click as the tumblers fall into place. I grin as I open the safe. I pull out
the item within. It’s a duel disk… an improved duel disk from the looks of it.
It looks expensive. I want one! I hold it up and look at Jackson. “Is this what
Domino wants?”
“Yes, and
no,” says Jackson, “You see, Jou, we knew that Kaiba boy would be here. We need
him out of the picture for our plan to succeed. So… seme or not, your master is
going to die!”
“No!” My
eyes widen as Jackson aims the gun at Seto’s heart. I move with speed that
Jackson never knew I had. I race the bullet and manage to shove Seto out of the
way just as the bullet hits my left shoulder. I whisper to Seto as we both fall
to the floor together. “Seto… please… get out of here. Save yourself. He’s
going to kill me now, but I don’t want him to kill you too. Get out and call
the police. My sister is at my house. Protect her for me. Jackson’s friends
will be going after her.”
her yourself,” hisses Seto quietly, “I’m not letting you die.”
I stand up
and wince at the pain in my shoulder. “This has gone too far, Jackson! Stealing
his damned toy is one thing, but killing him is another! You know the rules!”
“Oh, I
know! Jou the Dog never kills anyone! Jou the Dog never lets anyone die, ever!
Well, then. I have to kill you first!” exclaims Jackson.
I lunge at
Jackson. My eyes widen in pain as another bullet rips through me only this one
just punctured my stomach. If I live through this, I’ll be eating soup for a
week. That is assuming I live. I don’t think I will, but as long as Seto lives,
I don’t care… and Serenity too. Seto better protect her like I asked. I grab
Jackson’s hands. I punch him. I have to get the gun from him quick before I
become too weak from blood loss.
shot rings out and I fall down to the floor gasping for air. Oddly enough, I
don’t feel any new pain. I look around slightly disoriented.
“No one
tries to rob and kill me,” says Seto turning the gun in his hands onto me.
I look at
Jackson and see the blood seeping from his temple. I turn my eyes back to Seto.
My hands move to my stomach wound as I roll onto my back. I accidentally hit
the play button on my CD player, and the music starts. “They had kidnapped
Serenity to force me to help them. I’m sorry, Seto… Please call my house. Tell
Yugi that the gang may be heading their way to enact their revenge. Then you
can call the cops so they can take me to jail… I’ll just lie here and lick my
wounds like the dog I am.”
Seto lowers
his gun and sets it on his desk. He lifts the phone receiver and quickly dials
a number.
My head
rolls to the side. I listen to the music. “You are the master. I am the dog…
waiting for you to love me…”
finally lowers the receiver and moves to my side. He places a cloth on my
stomach wound and holds it tightly as he applies a firm pressure.
“I’m sorry,
Seto.” I look into his blue eyes, and for once, they don’t look cold.
mutt,” says Seto, “The ambulance will be here soon. Save your strength.”
“Yeah… I
know. I’ll need it when the cops arrest me,” I say. “Ow. You know… you could at
least say thank you for me being shot to save you.”
“And you
could tell me why you told that… that… that… you were my bitch, my uke,” says
Seto. He moves one hand onto my shoulder and presses against it to try to stop
the flow of my blood. He leans over me and looks into my eyes.
because… because… because I love you,” I say, “but I must say… out of all the
times when I dreamed of having you hovering over me like this, never once was I
“You love
me? What could there possibly be to love?” asks Seto. His eyes widen, and I
can’t help but smile.
Your strength… determination… the heart you show only to Mokuba… your
intelligence. I’m as smart as you are, you know,” I say grinning up at him, “By
the way… having ‘mine’ be the password for the keypad at the back entrance… bad
idea. And having a personal journal on a computer tied into the Kaiba Corp
network, not smart. You were right though. Having that rain yesterday letting
up right before the sun went down did make for a very beautiful sunset. That
rainbow was a very pretty addition.”
been reading my computer journal?” That look on his face is priceless.
“I’m a very
good hacker. Maybe you should hire me once I get out of jail,” I say.
“I’m not
filing charges against you, Joey.”
“Why not?”
It’s my turn to widen my eyes.
told me that they were blackmailing you with her life. You may have been
helping them, but it wasn’t your choice,” says Seto smiling.
“You have a
nice smile, very beautiful. You should smile more often.”
“What song
are we listening to?”
“You are
the Master,” I say, “It’s my favorite song. Funny huh? You keep calling me a
mutt, and my favorite song is about a dog proclaiming its love for its master.
It’s been my favorite song for a long time… long before you started calling me
a mutt.”
“I’d like
to listen to it later, after you’re out of the hospital,” says Seto.
thing,” I say.
“I never
knew you were gay,” whispers Seto.
“I’m not.
Bisexual. It’s all good.” I close my eyes, and when I open them again, I’m in a
hospital room all bandaged up. I must have passed out in Seto’s office. I look
around my small room and see my friends sitting at the foot of my bed reading a
magazine. I look at my sister, nestled up against Tristan. “Tristan, get the
hell away from my sister!”
jumps and turns their attention to me. “Joey!”
Yugi and
Serenity both move to wrap me in large hugs.
“Ow, ow,
ow! I’m injured here!” I exclaim.
Yugi and
Serenity both blush.
“How are
you feeling?” asks Serenity.
feeling pretty good. Not as bad as I can be considering the fact that I’ve been
shot,” I say, “So… did uh… Kaiba tell you all what happened?”
“He didn’t
say much,” says Téa, “He’s been in here daily to see you though. He said
something about making you pay the cleaning bill for his carpet.”
“Daily?” I
ask, “How long have I been out?”
days,” says Yugi blinking at me with his large purple eyes, “We were really
worried about you. You had lost a good deal of blood, and the operation to
repair your stomach… You really scared us.”
“I’m sorry,
Yugi,” I say, “I didn’t mean to scare any of you, but Jackson had really gone
with me to kill Seto… uh, yeah…”
raises an eyebrow when he hears the word Seto, and Serenity smiles.
Yugi pats
me gently on the hand. He’s the only one I trusted enough with my secret.
“So, why
don’t you tell us what happened, Joey?” asks Téa smiling, “Serenity already
told us everything she knew, but she couldn’t tell us anything that happened
once Jackson and you had left her at your place.”
I take a
deep breath, and I start my story. I conveniently leave out the part where I
confessed my feelings to Seto, and I left out the song too. They don’t need to
know that my favorite song is about a dog and its master. They don’t need to
know that. Once I’m done, they leave me alone to rest, and I fall asleep.
released from the hospital the next morning. It still hurts, but I’ll be okay.
I did get a pretty strong pain killer. Hurray for pain killers!
The entire
gang was there waiting when I checked out. They couldn’t believe the outfit I
was wearing. Seeing me in leather isn’t something they see everyday after all.
Wheeler. There is one last thing before you leave,” says the head nurse holding
up a folded sheet of paper.
I walk over
to her. “Yes?”
“A message
for you,” says the nurse passing me the paper.
you.” I bow to her and tuck the note into my pocket. It must be from Seto.
Telling me to go visit him no doubt. I hope it’s from him. I’ll read it later.
I hurry over to the guys, and we leave the hospital.
“Are you sure
you’re feeling okay, Joey?” asks Tristan, “You’ve been awfully quiet.”
“We could
go to the arcade. That always makes you happy, Joey!” exclaims Yugi.
I stop and
pull the note from my pocket. I open it and look over the words.
Come to my house tonight.
Six pm sharp.
Come hungry.
“Hey, guys…
what time do you have?” I ask tucking the note back into my pocket.
“Um… I have
eleven-thirty,” says Téa looking at the clock on her cell phone.
“Let’s just
hang out at the game shop okay?” I ask, “I have a meeting to go to later.
Something important that I forgot about… Nothing you guys need to worry about
though. So let’s just hang out for a while. I’m a bit too tired to go play at
the arcade.”
“Must be
from the blood loss,” says Tristan.
I set my
hand on Yugi’s shoulder and look into his purple eyes. I smile at him and
glance down at the pocket where I placed the note from Seto.
Yugi nods
in understanding. He pulls me down to whisper into my ear. “Kaiba wants to
speak to you, doesn’t he?”
“Yeah… I
sort of confessed to him that I love him. He didn’t say anything back though,”
I whisper into Yugi’s ear.
“Maybe he
will when you meet him today,” whispers Yugi.
I chuckle
softly. “Ow… don’t make me laugh, Yug!”
“What’s so
funny?” asks Serenity.
“A little
inside joke. I don’t think you guys would get it,” says Yugi smiling, “Let’s
go! Grandpa just got in a new shipment of Duel Monsters cards! He said I could
open up one box of them for individual sale in his binders! You guys can help
me and we can see what kinds of cool new cards are available!”
like a plan!” exclaims Tristan.
We all
hurry to the Kame game shop, grab the box of card packets that we get to open,
and run upstairs to Yugi’s bedroom to listen to music and look over all the
“So… what
time is your appointment, Joey?” asks Yugi winking at me.
o’clock,” I say, “So help me keep track of time. I can’t be late!”
We look
over all the cards, and I keep glancing at the clock every twenty minutes… just
like clockwork! I’m so predictable. Hey, it’s five thirty, already! “Hey, uh…
guys! I gotta go! I have to get to my meeting!”
“Would you
like a ride, Joey?” asks Tristan, “My bike is outside!”
“No… that’s
okay! This is… uh, personal, yeah!” I exclaim scrambling to my feet, “I’ll see
you guys tomorrow at school!”
Sunday!” exclaims Téa.
then!” I exclaim running from Yugi’s bedroom and pulling my shoes on as I hurry
out. I walk as fast as I can to the Kaiba Mansion. It’s a good hike, and if I weren’t
still a little injured, I would have run the entire way. I step up to the gate
and push the button on the side to announce my presence.
The gate
swings open silently.
I glance at
the camera trained on me from the side of the gate before I hurry in and make
the long walk up the driveway. I’m panting slightly by the time I reach the
front door. Maybe I should have accepted Tristan’s ride. I press the button for
the doorbell.
The door
abruptly swings open, and an upset looking Seto Kaiba faces me.
“I’m sorry
I was late,” I say still panting for breath.
Seto looks
at his watch. “I’m willing to forgive one minute. It is a rather long walk up
the driveway after all, and arriving at my door at 6:01 is fairly impressive.”
“So… I
guess you invited me over so you can listen to the whole song, huh?” I ask.
“Yes,” says
Seto, “Come in. You realize that you could have changed. Your jacket has a very
unappealing hole now.” He steps aside so I’ll have room to pass him.
“I was
hanging out with the guys,” I say as I enter the mansion, “but if you don’t
like it, I can take the jacket off.” I pull my leather jacket off quickly
without waiting for Seto's response.
Seto closes
the door wordlessly, but I can’t help the feeling that he’s staring at my back.
I turn to
look at Seto. Okay, he’s definitely staring. You can blink you know. “Um…
“Who gave
you permission to call me Seto?”
sorry,” I say blushing, “Kaiba. Is something wrong?”
blushes a little. “You look… nice.”
I smile and
blush. I pull the CD player from the back of my leather pants.
“That gold
shirt brings out the color of your eyes. I never noticed before. They look like
fresh honey,” says Seto.
I blush
even redder. “Thank you.”
though you didn’t waste the time trying to get the blood off it. Remove it. I
will not be subjugated to looking at your blood during dinner,” says Seto.
I nod. I
understand that. I start to pull my tank top off, and I gasp in pain. Either
the pain killers wore off or moving like this is not a good thing when I still
have a wounded shoulder.
“Mutt can’t
even do that right!” exclaims Seto, “Come, mutt! Let your master undress you!”
I step
closer to Seto and he carefully pulls the tank top over my head. He starts
carrying it away, and I follow him. I blink in shock as he guides me into a
laundry room.
Seto treats
the bloodstain with something in a spray bottle. Then he tosses it into the
washing machine. He adds a few powders and closes the lid. He sets the washer
for a small load and starts it. “Come with me, mutt. We will listen to that
song after dinner.”
“You are
hungry, aren’t you?” Seto raises an eyebrow.
“I haven’t
eaten since early,” I say, “So… yeah… I am kind of starving.”
Seto leads
the way into the dining room, a small dining room with a table only big enough
for four.
Mokuba?” I ask when I notice that only two places have been set.
“He is
having dinner at one of his friend’s houses,” says Seto, “Sit, mutt.”
“Don’t call
me a mutt. Pick another dog name if you must, but not mutt,” I mumble as I sit
Seto looks at me as he serves up some soup into two bowls and sets them down on
the table in front of the two place settings. “You can act like such a silly
dog sometimes, puppy.”
“Puppy? At
least it’s better than mutt! Mutts are completely worthless animals most of the
time,” I say, “Some exceptions…”
“Like you,”
says Seto sitting down, “Thank you for pushing me out of the way and taking
that bullet.”
“It wasn’t
anything. I just couldn’t let you die,” I say lifting my spoon.
Seto starts
to eat, and I quickly follow suit. The only difference is that Seto eats his
soup rather quickly, taking large spoonfuls at a time like I normally would,
and I sip my soup slowly as my stomach complains over the addition of something
into it.
Seto pushes
his bowl away. “Why did you say that?”
“Say what
exactly? I’ve said a lot of things.”
“That you
love me.”
I focus on
my soup for a moment as I take a few more bites. I turn my eyes to the cool
blue eyes of the brunette before me. “I meant every last word, Seto Kaiba. I
said that because it is true, very true. I am in love with you. I don’t know
how I fell in love with you, or why exactly my heart chose you of all people. I
know what I love about you. Many people have those traits though, although not
many of them are as skilled with Duel Monsters as you. I love you, Seto… uh,
sorry, Kaiba. I love you, Kaiba.”
“You may
call me Seto, puppy,” says Seto smiling.
I smile
back at Seto. “Thank you, Seto.”
Seto looks
away. “Finish your soup. We still have a few more courses to eat before we can
get to dessert.”
“Mmm… I
like dessert. What is it?”
“It’s a
surprise,” says Seto blushing.
I try to
eat the soup as quickly as I can, but it still takes me twice as long as it
would normally take. My stomach is having a difficult time.
“Are you
all right?” asks Seto bringing out a small appetizer of stuffed mushrooms.
“Yeah… I
was shot in the stomach though if you remember,” I say, “And I’m just going to
have to take it easy on my food intake. I can still eat the same amount, but it
takes a lot longer this way. You don’t have to wait for me.”
“We have
all night,” says Seto.
I sigh as I
take some of the mushrooms and put them on my appetizer plate.
Seto raises
an eyebrow.
“You don’t
believe that someone like me could actually love you, do you?”
like you?”
beneath you. Someone worthless, a stupid mutt,” I say quietly. I place a
mushroom into my mouth.
“I… don’t
know what to believe. You can tell me how you feel all night long, but I don’t
know if I can believe it,” says Seto, “You’ve confused me. I don’t like to be
sorry.” I place another mushroom into my mouth. “This food is really good.”
“Thank you.
It didn’t take me long to find out what foods you liked best, and I must say
that I am a good cook when I want to be,” says Seto before placing a mushroom
in his own mouth.
“You cooked
“Don’t go
taking back your opinion just because you know I was the chef,” says Seto
glaring at me.
“I wasn’t
going to! You do very good work, Seto! If you didn’t have your own business
already, you could be a famous chef! And I’m not just saying that, so don’t
even accuse me of it!” I shiver slightly. It’s kind of cold in here without a
shirt on, and the bandages around my shoulder and over my stomach do not give
me any warmth. The collar around my neck doesn’t do any good either, except
maybe for making Seto want to put a leash on me.
Seto stands
and walks out of the room.
I sigh as I
continue to eat the mushrooms. I must have made him mad. I don’t notice when
Seto comes back in with a fluffy sweater and pulls it over my head. I gasp.
puppy?” asks Seto looking into my eyes.
startled me. I… wasn’t paying attention. I didn’t see you come back in,” I say
Seto takes
my left arm and gently pushes it through the sleeve. Then he does the same with
my right arm. He smoothes the bottom of the sweater at my waist and places a
chaste kiss on my lips before quickly moving back to his seat.
I don’t
believe it. He just kissed me. Seto just kissed me. I turn bright red.
smiles. He obviously got the reaction he wanted.
“Do you
hate me, Seto?” Why did I ask that? He can’t possibly hate me if he’s kissing
me, unless he’s joking.
“No, Joey.
I don’t hate you.” Seto smirks. “I’m your master after all.”
I look down
at my plate and lift a mushroom to my mouth. “Yes, you are.”
Seto’s eyes
widen as I stick the mushroom into my mouth. “You admit that I am your master?
Fine! Speak!”
“Arf! Arf!”
I look away from him. Why did I bark? I’m such a dolt!
“I’ve never
had a puppy before,” says Seto.
“Could you
tell me about that device Jackson and I were trying to steal? It looked like it
might have been an improved Duel Disk, but I actually thought that the old ones
were sufficient,” I say, “Heck, they were great! A wonderful invention in my
eyes, and not just because you made it, although that did help.”
I could die
happily looking at that smile.
Seto tells
me all about the improved Duel Disks while we eat. After the appetizers comes
Salisbury steak with mashed potatoes followed by a light salad.
After all
that, I feel like I couldn’t eat another bite, but we haven’t had dessert yet.
“Would you like to go listen to the song now?”
Seto nods.
“And then we can start thinking about dessert.”
We walk
into a fair-sized living room and Seto takes the CD player from me. He inserts
the CD in his stereo and turns it on.
I stand
nervously behind him and watch as he sets my CD player on the coffee table.
“Do you
know all the words?”
“By heart!”
I reply.
“Sing it
then, along with the music… if you can,” says Seto.
“I have a
nice singing voice, I thank you very much!” I smile proudly.
Seto smirks
and sits down. “We’ll see about that. You can sit if you want.”
I sit down
as the music starts to sound out of the stereo’s speakers, which I notice are
mounted all around the room. I clear my throat and take a deep breath before I
start to sing, “I am tied up in the burning sun. Baby, you are my only shade.
You’re the bowl of water beyond my reach. I can only move the distance of this
chain. I chew anything you will give me. Eat anything- even my own words.
Scramble- for any morsel you throw. You scatter hope like scraps of food.”
Seto takes
my hand gently. He’s being gentle.
“I guess
you are the master. I am the dog. I am the dog waiting for you to love me. I
guess you are the master. I am the dog. I am the dog waiting for you to love
me,” I sing staring into Seto’s blue eyes, “I am jumping on you for affection.
I would love to lick your face. You scold me- you push me off. I’m your loyal
bitch- a man’s best friend. I lie here and lick my wounds. From my little bed
of wishes. I run to you in my dreams. I pine for you in my life.” I slide
closer to Seto as we sit on the couch.
Seto pulls
me up against him. “You do sing well.”
“I guess
you are the master. I am the dog. I am the dog waiting for you to love me,” I
sing, “I guess you are the master. I am the dog. I am the dog waiting for you
to love me.” I quickly press my lips to Seto’s, and although I would like a
long kiss, I must pull back to continue singing.
smiles, and I almost forget to sing.
“I have no
sense of time at all. Twenty minutes or twenty years, it’s all the same. I am
your muse you are my muse. Broken hearts. Baby please... show me some mercy.
Don’t put me down. I guess you are the master. I am the dog,” I sing. “I am the
dog waiting for you to love me. I guess you are the master. I am the dog. I am
the dog waiting for you to love me. I guess you are the master. I am the dog. I
am the dog waiting for you to love me. I guess you are the master. I am the
dog. I am the dog waiting for you to love me.”
Seto pulls
me into a long kiss as the last notes sound. His tongue brushes against my
lips, and I open my mouth immediately, but he pulls away before I even have the
chance to feel that tongue in my mouth.
I blush
bright crimson. I’m only slightly ashamed of my desire.
“I am the
master. You are the dog,” says Seto, “and I don’t know why. I have no clue at
all, puppy… Joey, but I love you.”
I blink
repeatedly. Did he? “Did you just say…?”
“I love
you, Joey, my puppy!” exclaims Seto, “I love you too!”
“I love
you, Seto!”
Seto pulls
me into a kiss, a long kiss, and this time when I open my mouth for his
questioning tongue, he delves into my mouth.
I moan as
the tongue fights with my own and explores the cavern of my mouth. I could stay
like this forever and never move, but my desire is strong. It’s getting
stronger by the minute. I need… I need… I must have…
Seto pulls
away from me and he gasps.
I inhale
“I hate
doing that! I forgot to breathe!” exclaims Seto with a teasing smile.
“Me too!” I
exclaim breathing deeply, “Air is a good thing, don’t you think?”
highly overrated,” says Seto pulling me into another full-mouth kiss.
This time,
I fight back a little more and force my tongue into his mouth to do a little
exploring and conquering of my own. I am Alice and this is my Wonderland!
“You taste
delicious,” says Seto pulling away and breathing deeply.
“Thank you.
It’s all because of dinner,” I say blushing as I wrap my arms around his neck
and pull myself closer to him.
“Will you
be my puppy?” asks Seto.
“As long as
you want me to be.” I smile.
Seto pulls
me down to lie on the couch with him, and he kisses me again. “I love you,
I cuddle up
to Seto.
“Are you
ready for dessert?”
“I don’t
think I could eat anymore right now,” I whisper.
because I want to stay here and kiss you some more,” whispers Seto seductively,
“Although we have that kind too.”
“Seto… I
want that, but I have a question… Sometimes, if we do become lovers, will you
let me be seme?” I bury my face in his neck. I’m quite sure the answer is no.
“Hmm… Maybe
one out of four times, I would let you be seme, but I get you first.” Seto
moans as I start to kiss his neck. “I’ve wanted to do this for a very long
time, Joey, but I didn’t think that you could ever feel the same way about me.”
exactly how I felt… waiting for you to love me.”
Seto pulls
away from my kisses and starts to kiss my neck. He likes to be in control…
“Master!” I
exclaim as his tongue finds a sensitive spot on my neck.
Seto smiles
into my neck. “I like it when you call me Master.”
“What about
sounds good too.”
“I love
you,” we both say, and we blush.
“Jinx… you
owe me a soda!” I exclaim.
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